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heipei / docker-compose.yml
Created June 18, 2016 08:00
Docker Compose for nsqd, nsqlookupd and nsqadmin, all linked
image: nsqio/nsq
- "4160:4160"
- "4161:4161"
command: /nsqlookupd
image: nsqio/nsq
Glyxbaer / gist:4564489
Last active April 9, 2017 17:24
Why Minteye was meant to be cracked

#Why Minteye was meant to be cracked ##inventing CAPTCHAs without skill

Some days ago I read a post by Samuirai about him cracking the minteye CAPTCHA (cracking minteye captcha without skill) with the google speech2text api and two days later it was covered on Hack a day. For me, it was a really straightforward approach to crack such a CAPTCHA and it was something nobody really noticed or pointed out before. It also shows how little the developers have thought about the real usefulness and security behind their idea.