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froward diff works
module AA
using Profile
using StatProfilerHTML
using BenchmarkTools
using LineSearches
import Random
import Statistics
import Optim
# For deterministic result
const MCPATHS = 10
# depreciation rate
# We couldn't find the values used in Rupert's paper.
const dg = Ref(0.075)
const db = Ref(0.15) # dg < db
@assert (dg[] <= 1) "dg cannot exceed 1"
@assert (db[] <= 1) "db cannot exceed 1"
const initial_x = 0.5
# Cost dynamics parameters for green energy
const rho_cg = 0.19 # Rupert paper p5
# Solar parameter in Rupert appendix p58.
const omega_hat = 0.303
const sigma_omega = 0.047
const sigma_eta = 0.093
# Initial cost for green energy
const cg_initial = 70 / 3.6 # $/GJ, original unit is 70 $/MWh
# Cost of operating existing green energy
# 0.44393708777270424
const alpha_g = Ref(14 / 8760 / 0.0036) # $/GJ
# Rupert appendix eq 32 p38
const sigma_u = sigma_eta / sqrt(1 + rho_cg ^ 2)
# Cost dynamics parameters for brown energy
# psi is $ of carbon tax per tons of CO2
const psi = 24.39 # $/tons
# coal
const kappa = 0.035
const phi_cb = 0.95
const sigma_cb = 0.090
const cb_initial = 2.18 # $/GJ
const chi = 0.1024 # tons/GJ
const alpha_b = Ref(1.61) # $/GJ
const beta = Ref(1.0)
const mu = 0.5
# The weight of variance of r in the utlity formula
const lambda_utility = Ref(0.1)
# Discount rate
# We use the value from Giglio, Stefano, Matteo Maggiori, and Johannes
# Stroebel. "Very long-run discount rates." The Quarterly Journal of Economics
# 130, no. 1 (2015): 1-53.
# Alternatively, we may use the number taken from the plots of page 17 of
# Rupert short paper, which has 3 versions: 0.01, 0.05, 0.09.
const rho = 0.026
const Tstart = 2020
const DeltaT = 30
const Ts = collect(2021:(2020 + DeltaT))
const full_Ts = [2020; Ts]
const full_length = length(full_Ts)
const Energy_total_initial = 420.252047319395 * 1e9 # GJ
const brown_energy_fraction = Ref(0.75)
function do_optimize(fn, xs0, DeltaT, g!)
tic = time()
lower = [0.0 for i in 1:DeltaT]
upper = [1.0 for i in 1:DeltaT]
inner_optimizer = Optim.LBFGS # 5 min
# inner_optimizer = Optim.ConjugateGradient # 2 min 47 s
# inner_optimizer = Optim.GradientDescent # 2 min
#result =Optim.optimize(fn, lower, upper, xs0, Optim.Fminbox(inner_optimizer(linesearch = LineSearches.HagerZhang(linesearchmax = 20))), Optim.Options(g_tol = 1e-5, f_tol = 2.2e-9); autodiff = :forward)
result = Optim.optimize(fn, g!, xs0, Optim.Newton())
#result = Optim.optimize(fn, g!, xs0, Optim.Newton())
println("elapsed: ", time() - tic)
return result
function calculate_cost_g(cg, x::T, delta_E, Eg, alpha_g) where T
return cg * x * delta_E + alpha_g * (Eg ^ beta[])
function rholinkpsigmoid(ρ::T) where T <: Real
return 1.0/(1.0 + exp(-ρ * 1.0))
function rholinkpsigmoid!(ρ::Vector{T}) where T <: Real
@inbounds for i=1:length(ρ)
ρ[i] = rholinkpsigmoid(ρ[i])
function calculate_cost_b(cb, tax, x::T, delta_E, Eb, alpha_b) where T
delta_Eb = (one(T) - x) * delta_E
tax_term = tax * (delta_Eb + Eb)
return (
cb * delta_Eb +
alpha_b * (Eb ^ beta[]) +
function evolve_cg(omega_hat, sigma_omega, sigma_u, cg_initial)
# Rupert appendix p38
# We generate the cost evolution for every monte carlo
# path, and then we append them into the list
# c_greens_all.
c_greens_all = Array{Float64,1}[]
for n in 1:MCPATHS
omega_cg = omega_hat + randn() * sigma_omega
ut_greens = randn(length(Ts)) * sigma_u
c_greens = [cg_initial]
for j in 1:length(Ts)
ut = ut_greens[j]
cg = c_greens[end]
# Wright's law
if j == 1
ut_minus1 = 0
ut_minus1 = ut_greens[j - 1]
cg_next = cg * exp(-omega_cg + ut + rho_cg * ut_minus1)
push!(c_greens, cg_next)
push!(c_greens_all, c_greens)
return c_greens_all
function evolve_cb(sigma_cb, cb_initial, kappa, phi_cb)
c_browns_all = Array{Float64,1}[]
for n in 1:MCPATHS
epsilon_cb = randn(length(Ts)) * sigma_cb
c_browns = [cb_initial]
for j in 1:length(Ts)
cb = c_browns[end]
# AR(1)
# Equation 25 of Rupert appendix
m_cb = kappa / (1 - phi_cb)
cb_next = cb * exp((1 - phi_cb) * (m_cb - log(cb)) + epsilon_cb[j])
push!(c_browns, cb_next)
push!(c_browns_all, c_browns)
return c_browns_all
function calculate_taxes(tax_initial::Float64)
tax = tax_initial
taxes = [tax]
for t in Ts
tax += 10.0 * chi
push!(taxes, tax)
return taxes
abstract type AbstractFirm end
mutable struct Firm{T <: Real} <: AbstractFirm
function init!(firm::Firm)
firm.Energy_total = Energy_total_initial
# Rupert appendix p29
# Note, the actual value could be taken from Rupert appendix p17,
# table 5.
# Initialize first element of all the time series at t = 2020
# GJ/yr, useful energy at t0
firm.Eg = (1 - brown_energy_fraction[]) * firm.Energy_total
# Time series of green energy
firm.E_greens[1] = firm.Eg
# Rupert appendix p29
# GJ/yr, useful energy at t0
firm.Eb = brown_energy_fraction[] * firm.Energy_total
# Time series of brown energy
firm.E_browns[1] = firm.Eb
# Total depreciation of energy
firm.delta_E = dg[] * firm.Eg + db[] * firm.Eb
firm.price = 0.0
# alpha_g and alpha_b are set as attributes of a Firm because they may
# vary across firms in the multifirm situation.
firm.alpha_g = alpha_g[]
firm.alpha_b = alpha_b[]
function allocate_firm(;t::Type=Float64)
return Firm(
Array{t,1}(undef, full_length),
Array{t,1}(undef, full_length),
Array{t,1}(undef, full_length),
Array{t,1}(undef, full_length),
function calculate_production_cost(firm::AbstractFirm, cg, cb, x::T, tax) where T
production_cost = (
calculate_cost_g(cg, x, firm.delta_E, firm.Eg, firm.alpha_g) +
calculate_cost_b(cb, tax, x, firm.delta_E, firm.Eb, firm.alpha_b)
return production_cost
function step1!(firm::AbstractFirm, x, j)
# Update Eg, Eb, and delta_E
@assert isapprox(firm.Energy_total, firm.Eg + firm.Eb)
# Doyne equation 18
firm.Eg = firm.Eg * (1 - dg[]) + x * firm.delta_E
# Doyne equation 19
firm.Eb = firm.Eb * (1 - db[]) + (1 - x) * firm.delta_E
# Update delta_E
# Note: Eg and Eb update use the value of delta_E
# before this update. The order of update is important!
firm.delta_E = dg[] * firm.Eg + db[] * firm.Eb
firm.E_greens[j] = firm.Eg
firm.E_browns[j] = firm.Eb
function step2!(firm::AbstractFirm, t, x::T, tax, cg, cb, production_cost, j) where T
# For calculating numerator and denominator
# Discounted profit associated with year t + tau
# t - Tstart is tau
supply = firm.Eg + firm.Eb
discount = exp(-rho * (t - Tstart))
numerator = discount * (
firm.price * supply - production_cost
# numerator = max(numerator, 0)
firm.numerators[j] = numerator
denominator = discount * (cg * x + (cb + tax) * (1 - x)) * firm.delta_E
firm.denominators[j] = denominator
function generate_objective_fn(c_greens_all, c_browns_all, firm)
# c_greens_all is a list of time series list of cost of
# green energy and likewise c_browns_all is brown energy.
# They have the length of MCPATHS
taxes = calculate_taxes(0.0)
# By default, `measures` is a list of returns of the company.
function _obj_fn(xs::Vector{T}) where T
measures = Vector{T}(undef, MCPATHS)
@assert length(xs) == length(Ts)
for n in 1:MCPATHS
c_greens = c_greens_all[n]
c_browns = c_browns_all[n]
t = Tstart
x = initial_x
tax = taxes[1]
cg = c_greens[1]
cb = c_browns[1]
production_cost = calculate_production_cost(firm, cg, cb, x, tax)
firm.price = (1 + mu) * production_cost / firm.Energy_total
step2!(firm, t, x, tax, cg, cb, production_cost, 1)
for (j, t) in enumerate(Ts)
# Order of update is important. step1() must
# happen first, because it must use the value
# of x before the update. And the subsequent
# steps require the updated Eg, Eb, and
# delta_E
step1!(firm, x, j + 1)
x = xs[j]
tax = taxes[j + 1]
cg = c_greens[j + 1]
cb = c_browns[j + 1]
production_cost = calculate_production_cost(firm, cg, cb, x, tax)
step2!(firm, t, x, tax, cg, cb, production_cost, j + 1)
measure = sum(firm.numerators) / sum(firm.denominators)
measures[n] = measure
U = Statistics.mean(measures) - lambda_utility[] * Statistics.var(measures)
# Reverse the sign because we only have `minimize` function
out = -U
return out
return _obj_fn
const c_greens_all = evolve_cg(omega_hat, sigma_omega, sigma_u, cg_initial)
const c_browns_all = evolve_cb(sigma_cb, cb_initial, kappa, phi_cb)
const xs0 = [min(1, initial_x) for i in 1:DeltaT]
if abspath(PROGRAM_FILE) == @__FILE__
# The let...end needs to be commented out, otherwise, @btime can't detect
# `fn`.
# We preallocate the firm struct once for all to reduce allocations.
firm = allocate_firm()
fn = generate_objective_fn(c_greens_all, c_browns_all, firm)
#@profilehtml fn(xs0)
#@profile fn(xs0)
#Profile.print(format=:flat, sortedby=:count)
@btime result = do_optimize(fn, xs0, DeltaT)
#result = do_optimize(fn, xs0, DeltaT)
firm = AA.allocate_firm()
fn = AA.generate_objective_fn(c_greens_all, c_browns_all, firm)
#function with sigmoid
fns(x) = fn(AA.rholinkpsigmoid!(x))
using ForwardDiff
#back transformation
function rholinkpsigmoidr(ρ::T) where T <: Real
return - log(1.0/ρ - 1.0) / 1.0
#transform initial values
xs0s = rholinkpsigmoidr.(AA.xs0)
chunk = ForwardDiff.Chunk{1}()
gcfg = ForwardDiff.GradientConfig(fn, xs0s, chunk)
firmgrad = AA.allocate_firm(t=eltype(gcfg.duals))
fng = AA.generate_objective_fn(c_greens_all, c_browns_all, firmgrad)
gradf(g, x) = ForwardDiff.gradient!(g, fng, x, gcfg, Val{false}())
#gradient with sigmoid
gradfs(g, x) = ForwardDiff.gradient!(g, f -> fng(AA.rholinkpsigmoid!(f)), x, gcfg, Val{false}())
result = AA.do_optimize(fns, xs0s, DeltaT, gradfs)
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