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Last active May 27, 2017 13:35
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[["0", "台北"], ["3", "台北二輪"], ["18", "基隆"], ["16", "桃園"], ["1", "中壢"], ["20", "新竹"], ["15", "苗栗"], ["2", "台中"], ["22", "彰化"], ["19", "雲林"], ["13", "南投"], ["21", "嘉義"], ["10", "台南"], ["17", "高雄"], ["11", "宜蘭"], ["12", "花蓮"], ["9", "台東"], ["14", "屏東"], ["24", "金門"], ["23", "澎湖"]]
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
HOST = ''
def get_area_list():
res = requests.get('')
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, "html.parser")
return [(opt['value'], opt.get_text()) for opt in soup.find(id='area').find_all('option')][1:]
def theater_list_parser(area_id):
data = {'area':area_id}
res ='', data=data)
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, "html.parser")
for g in soup.find_all(class_='group'):
for theater in g.find('tbody').find_all('tr'):
td = theater.find_all('td')
name = td[0].get_text()
url = td[0].find('a')['href'].split('*')[1]
t_id = url.split('=')[1]
address = td[1].contents[0]
tel = td[1].contents[1].get_text()
yield {
'id' : t_id,
'name' : name,
'area_id' : area_id,
'address' : address,
'url' : url,
'tel' : tel
def get_theaters():
for area in get_area_list():
for theater in theater_list_parser(area[0]):
yield theater
def theater_time():
url = ""
res = requests.get(url)
bs = BeautifulSoup(res.content, "html.parser")
movie_div_list = bs.find_all("div", class_=re.compile("row|row_last"))
result = []
for div in movie_div_list:
movie = {}
movie["title_tw"] = div.find("h4").text
movie["mvtype"] = []
for img in div.find("span", class_="mvtype").find_all("img"):
movie["mvtype"].append('icon_(.*).gif', img["src"]).group(1))
movie["time"] = []
for span in div.find_all("span", class_="tmt"):
return result
[{"area_id": "0", "name": "信義威秀影城", "id": "45", "address": "台北市信義區松壽路18號", "url": "", "tel": "02-87805566"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "喜滿客京華影城", "id": "46", "address": "台北市八德路四段138號B1(京華城購物中心地下一樓)", "url": "", "tel": "02-37622001"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "國賓影城(微風廣場)", "id": "47", "address": "台北市松山區復興南路一段39號10樓", "url": "", "tel": "02-87721234"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "總督影城", "id": "49", "address": "台北市松山區長安東路二段219號3樓", "url": "", "tel": "02-27415991"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "哈拉數位影城", "id": "50", "address": "台北市內湖區康寧路三段72號6樓", "url": "", "tel": "02-26322693"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "大千電影院", "id": "51", "address": "台北市松山區南京東路三段133號", "url": "", "tel": "02-87706565"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "梅花數位影城", "id": "126", "address": "台北市和平東路3段63號2F", "url": "", "tel": "02-27326968"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "新民生戲院", "id": "144", "address": "台北市松山區民生東路五段190號3樓", "url": "", "tel": "02-27653373"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "誠品電影院", "id": "168", "address": "台北市信義區菸廠路80號B2", "url": "", "tel": "02-66365888"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "喜樂時代影城", "id": "186", "address": "台北市南港區忠孝東路7段299號11、12、13、14樓", "url": "", "tel": "02-27888185"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "台北新光影城", "id": "35", "address": "台北市萬華區西寧南路36號4樓(西門町獅子林商業大樓)", "url": "", "tel": "02-23146668"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "in89豪華數位影城", "id": "36", "address": "台北市萬華區武昌街二段89號", "url": "", "tel": "02-23315077"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "國賓大戲院(西門)", "id": "37", "address": "台北市萬華區成都路88號", "url": "", "tel": "02-23611222"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "樂聲影城", "id": "38", "address": "台北市萬華區武昌街二段85號", "url": "", "tel": "02-23118628"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "日新威秀影城", "id": "39", "address": "台北市萬華區武昌街二段87號2樓", "url": "", "tel": "02-23315256"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "真善美劇院", "id": "41", "address": "台北市萬華區漢中街116號7樓", "url": "", "tel": "02-23312270"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "喜滿客絕色影城", "id": "42", "address": "台北市萬華區漢中街52號10、11樓", "url": "", "tel": "02-23811339"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "今日秀泰影城", "id": "112", "address": 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"url": "", "tel": "02-22268088"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "板橋大遠百威秀影城", "id": "128", "address": "新北市板橋區新站路28號10樓", "url": "", "tel": "02-77386608"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "板橋秀泰影城", "id": "154", "address": "新北市板橋區縣民大道2段3號", "url": "", "tel": "02-22720639"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "府中15", "id": "159", "address": "新北市板橋區府中路15號B1", "url": "", "tel": "(02)2511-7786"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "國賓影城(林口昕境廣場)", "id": "180", "address": "新北市林口區文化三路一段402巷2號4F(昕境廣場)", "url": "", "tel": "02-26080011"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "國賓影城(新莊晶冠廣場)", "id": "185", "address": "新北市新莊區五工路66號3F", "url": "", "tel": "(02)8521-6517"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "林口MITSUI OUTLET PARK威秀影城", "id": "193", "address": "新北市林口區文化三路一段356號3樓", "url": "", "tel": "02-26068099"}, {"area_id": "0", "name": "林口MITSUI OUTLET PARK威秀影城(Mappa影廳)", "id": "194", "address": "新北市林口區文化三路一段356號3樓", "url": "", "tel": "02-26068099"}, {"area_id": "3", "name": "景美佳佳戲院", "id": "17", "address": "台北市文山區羅斯福路6段403號4樓", "url": "", "tel": 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"address": "桃園縣中壢市日新路97號3樓之1", "url": "", "tel": "03-4562414"}, {"area_id": "1", "name": "SBC星橋國際影城", "id": "2", "address": "桃園縣中壢市中園路二段509號6樓", "url": "", "tel": "03-4680080"}, {"area_id": "1", "name": "威尼斯影城", "id": "3", "address": "桃園縣中壢市九和一街48號3樓", "url": "", "tel": "03-2805018"}, {"area_id": "20", "name": "新竹大遠百威秀影城", "id": "102", "address": "新竹市東區西大路323號8樓", "url": "", "tel": "03-5452345"}, {"area_id": "20", "name": "國際影城國際館", "id": "103", "address": "新竹市文昌街39號", "url": "", "tel": "03-5222134"}, {"area_id": "20", "name": "新復珍戲院", "id": "104", "address": "新竹市北門街6號1樓", "url": "", "tel": "035-248285"}, {"area_id": "20", "name": "國際影城中興館", "id": "106", "address": "新竹市東區林森路32號7樓", "url": "", "tel": "03-5237077"}, {"area_id": "20", "name": "新竹巨城威秀影城", "id": "145", "address": "新竹市東區民權路176號4樓之3", "url": "", "tel": "03-5346999"}, {"area_id": "20", "name": "新竹大遠百威秀影城(Gold Class頂級影廳)", "id": "171", "address": "新竹市西大路323號8樓", "url": "", "tel": "(03)5452345"}, {"area_id": "15", "name": "苗栗戲院", "id": "79", "address": "苗栗縣苗栗市至公路29號", "url": "", "tel": "037-320029"}, {"area_id": "15", "name": "國興戲院", "id": "80", "address": "苗栗縣苗栗市勝利里國際一巷3號", "url": "", "tel": "037-320363"}, {"area_id": "15", "name": "東聲戲院", "id": "81", "address": "苗栗縣頭份鎮中華路1091號3樓", "url": "", "tel": "037-664735"}, {"area_id": "15", "name": "頭份尚順威秀影城", "id": "181", "address": "苗栗縣頭份鎮中央路105號7樓", "url": "", "tel": "037-686866"}, {"area_id": "2", "name": "Tiger City威秀影城", "id": "4", "address": "台中市西屯區河南路三段120號4樓", "url": "", "tel": "04-36065566"}, {"area_id": "2", "name": "台中新時代凱擘影城", "id": "5", "address": "台中市東區復興路四段186號4樓", "url": "", "tel": "04-36080900"}, {"area_id": "2", "name": "日新大戲院", "id": "6", "address": "台中市中華路一段58號", "url": "", "tel": "04-22243355"}, {"area_id": "2", "name": "親親數位影城", "id": "7", "address": "台中市北區北屯路14號", "url": "", "tel": "04-22319111"}, {"area_id": "2", "name": "豐源國際影城", "id": "8", "address": "台中縣豐原市中正路137號", "url": "", "tel": "04-25260036"}, {"area_id": "2", "name": "萬代福戲院", "id": "10", "address": "台中市中區公園路38號", "url": "", "tel": "04-22210356"}, {"area_id": "2", "name": "全球影城", "id": "11", "address": "台中市西區中華路一段1號之1", "url": "", "tel": "04-22242588"}, {"area_id": "2", "name": "台中新光影城", "id": "12", "address": "台中市西屯區中港路二段111號13樓", "url": "", "tel": "04-22589911"}, {"area_id": "2", "name": "時代數位3D影城", "id": "117", "address": "台中市清水區光復街65號3樓", "url": "", "tel": "04-26222206"}, {"area_id": "2", "name": "Tiger City威秀影城(Gold Class頂級影廳)", "id": "121", "address": "台中市西屯區河南路三段120-1號4-6樓及1號3樓", "url": "", "tel": "04-3606-5566"}, {"area_id": "2", "name": "台中大遠百威秀影城", "id": "129", "address": "台中市台中港路二段105號13樓", "url": "", "tel": "04-22588511"}, {"area_id": "2", "name": "華威台中影城", "id": "169", "address": "台中市西區臺灣大道二段459號17樓", "url": "", "tel": "04-23103768"}, {"area_id": "2", "name": "台中站前秀泰影城(Love廳)", "id": "197", "address": "台中市東區南京路76號", "url": "", "tel": "04-22117988"}, {"area_id": "2", "name": "台中站前秀泰影城", "id": "198", "address": "台中市東區南京路76號", "url": "", "tel": 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