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Created September 25, 2018 21:25
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace linq_ORM_entities
public static class CustomExtentions
public static void ToConsole<T>(this IEnumerable<T> s)
foreach (var item in s)
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
EmpDeptEntities ED = new EmpDeptEntities();
//Query 1 - All Employee
var Q1 = ED.EMP.Select(x => new { x.ENAME, x.DEPT.DNAME });
//Determine the average income for every department names (income = salary + commission)!
var Q2 = from d in ED.DEPT
join w in ED.EMP
on d.DEPTNO equals w.DEPTNO into dw
from e in dw.DefaultIfEmpty()
group e by e.DEPT.DNAME into g
select new
AVG = g.Average(x => x.SAL + (x.COMM??0)) ?? 0
// Determine the biggest department!
var Q3 = Q2.OrderByDescending(x => x.AVG).FirstOrDefault();
Console.WriteLine($"Biggest : {Q3}");
/*Increase the salary for the people in the job with the smallest sum salary.
* The job with the smallest sum should have the same sum as the job with the second to smallest sum;
* distribute the extra salary evenly amongst the workers! */
var Q4 = from w in ED.EMP
group w by w.JOB into g
select new
Sum = g.Sum(x => x.SAL + (x.COMM ?? 0))
var smallest = Q4.OrderBy(x => x.Sum).FirstOrDefault();
var secondsmallest = Q4.OrderBy(x => x.Sum).Skip(1).FirstOrDefault();
var salInc = secondsmallest.Sum - smallest.Sum;
Console.WriteLine($"Sal to increase: {salInc}");
var Q4NumOfPeopleWithSmallestSalJob = ED.EMP.Where(x => x.JOB == smallest.Key).Count();
Console.WriteLine($"Need = {salInc/Q4NumOfPeopleWithSmallestSalJob}");
var Q4PoorPeople = ED.EMP.Where(x => x.JOB == smallest.Key).Select(x=>x);
foreach (var item in Q4PoorPeople)
item.SAL = item.SAL + (salInc / Q4NumOfPeopleWithSmallestSalJob);
// Delete the workers who were hired in the 30 days after the hire date of the president!
var boss = ED.EMP.Single(x => x.ENAME == "KING");
var Q5 = from worker in ED.EMP
where worker.HIREDATE > boss.HIREDATE &&
worker.HIREDATE < DbFunctions.AddDays(boss.HIREDATE, 30)
select worker;
foreach (var item in Q5)
ED.EMP.Remove(ED.EMP.Single(x => x.EMPNO == item.EMPNO));
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