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Created September 20, 2018 22:17
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public static class ConsoleExtension
public static void ToConsole<T>(this IEnumerable<T> s, string header)
Console.WriteLine($"*********BEGIN {header}**************");
foreach (T item in s)
Console.WriteLine($"*********END {header}**************");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.InputEncoding = Encoding.Unicode;
Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.Unicode;
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("");
var AllPeople = doc.Descendants("person").Select(person => person.Element("name")?.Value);
AllPeople.ToConsole("ALL PEOPLE NAME");
//Q1 - Determine the number of workers who work in the AII department!
var q1 = doc.Descendants("person").Where(person => person.Element("dept")?.Value == "Alkalmazott Informatikai Intézet").Count();
Console.WriteLine($"QUERY 1\nNumber of worker in 'All Department': {q1}");
//Q2 - Display those who live in the third floor in a “paginated” list, we should press ENTER after every 15 elements
int current = 0, pagesize = 15;
while (current < q1)
var q2 = doc.Descendants("person").Where(person => person.Element("room").Value.StartsWith("BA.3")).Select(person =>
q2.ToConsole("QUERY 2");
current += pagesize;
//Q3 - Who have the shortest or the longest names?
var q3 = from person in doc.Descendants("person")
let minNameLength = doc.Descendants("person").Min(x => x.Element("name")?.Value.Length)
let maxNameLength = doc.Descendants("person").Max(x => x.Element("name")?.Value.Length)
where person.Element("name")?.Value.Length == minNameLength ||
person.Element("name")?.Value.Length == maxNameLength
select new { Name = person.Element("name")?.Value, Length = person.Element("name")?.Value.Length };
q3.ToConsole("QUERY 3");
// Q4 - Determine the number of workers for every department!
var q4 = from person in doc.Descendants("person")
group person by person.Element("dept")?.Value into g
select new { Dept = g.Key, NumberOfWorker = g.Count() };
q4.ToConsole("QUERY 4");
// Q5 - Determine the biggest department!
var q5 = q4.OrderByDescending(person => person.NumberOfWorker).FirstOrDefault();
Console.WriteLine($"QUERY 5 \n{q5}");
//Q6 - List the workers for the biggest department!
var q6 = doc.Descendants("person").Where(person => person.Element("dept")?.Value == q5.Dept).Select(person => person.Element("name")?.Value);
q6.ToConsole("QUERY 6");
//Q7 - List the people who work in the third biggest department ordered by their room number in descending order!
var thirdBiggestDept = q4.OrderByDescending(person => person.NumberOfWorker).Skip(2).FirstOrDefault();
var q7 = doc.Descendants("person").Where(person => person.Element("dept")?.Value == thirdBiggestDept.Dept).Select(person => new { Name = person.Element("name")?.Value, Room = person.Element("room")?.Value }).OrderByDescending(person => person.Room);
q7.ToConsole("QUERY 7");
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