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Last active December 14, 2015 03:49
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  • Save PhiLhoSoft/5024136 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save PhiLhoSoft/5024136 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AutoHotkey script to draw letters, digits and some punctuation characters with the mouse.Designed to draw on BigCanvas, but tested on Windows Paint and should work on any similar program.
// by Philippe Lhoste <PhiLho(a)>
// File/Project history:
1.00.000 -- Today (PL) -- Lastest version (updated regularly!).
0.01.000 -- 2013/02/12 (PL) -- Creation.
/* Copyright notice: For details, see the following file:
This program is distributed under the zlib/libpng license.
Copyright (c) 2013 Philippe Lhoste / PhiLhoSoft
Automated writer writes texts with the mouse, on a target window.
Designed for BigCanvas:
Tested with Paint, can work on all similar programs.
#SingleInstance Force
SendMode Input
StringCaseSense On
SetTitleMatchMode RegEx
;Speed controls how fast the script runs. 1 is the fastest, 100 is the slowest. Default is 2.
speed = 2
; Scale controls how big the drawing will be
scale = 3
; Offsets
offsetX = 0
offsetY = 0
command = X
prevX = 0
prevY = 0
; Better keep digits at fixed width
_0 = v -16:h 8:v 16:h -8:m 4,-7:v -2:m 8,9
_1 = h 8:m -4,0:v -16:l -4,4:m 12,12
_2 = m 8,0:h -8:l 8,-10:v -6:h -8:v 4:m 12,12
_3 = h 8:v -8:h -4:m 4,0:v -8:h -8:m 12,16
_4 = m 6,0:v -16:l -6,12:h 8:m 4,4
_5 = m 8,-16:h -8:v 8:h 6:l 2,2:v 4:l -2,2:h -6:m 12,0
_6 = m 8,-16:l -8,8:v 8:h 8:v -8:h -8:m 12,8
_7 = l 8,-16:h -8:m 12,16
_8 = h 8:v -6:l -8,-4:v -6:h 8:v 6:l -8,4:v 6:m 12,0
_9 = l 8,-8:v -8:h -8:v 8:h 8:m 4,8
_a = m 0,-8:h 8:v 8:h -8:v -4:h 8:m 4,4
_b = m 0,-16:v 16:h 8:v -8:h -8:m 12,8
_c = v -8:h 8:m -8,8:h 8:m 4,0
_d = m 8,-16:v 16:h -8:v -8:h 8:m 4,8
_e = m 8,0:h -8:v -8:h 8:v 4:h -8:m 12,4
_f = m 2,0:v -16:h 4:m -8,8:h 8:m 4,8
_g = m 0,12:h 8:v -20:h -8:v 8:h 8:m 4,0
_h = v -16:m 0,8:h 8:v 8:m 4,0
_i = v -8:m 0,-2:v -2:m 4,12
_j = m -4,12:h 4:v -20:m 0,-2:v -2:m 4,12
_k = v -16:m 8,16:l -8,-4:l 8,-4:m 4,8
_l = v -16:m 4,16
_m = v -8:h 4:v 4:m 0,-4:h 4:v 8:m 4,0
_n = v -8:h 8:v 8:m 4,0
_o = v -8:h 8:v 8:h -8:m 12,0
_p = m 0,12:v -20:h 8:v 8:h -8:m 12,0
_q = m 8,12:v -20:h -8:v 8:h 8:m 4,0
_r = v -8:h 8:m 4,8
_s = h 8:v -4:h -8:v -4:h 8:m 4,8
_t = m 2,-16:v 16:h 4:m -8,-8:h 8:m 4,8
_u = m 0,-8:v 8:h 8:v -8:m 4,8
_v = m 0,-8:l 4,8:l 4,-8:m 4,8
_w = m 0,-8:v 8:h 4:v -4:m 0,4:h 4:v -8:m 4,8
_x = l 8,-8:m -8,0:l 8,8:m 4,0
_y = m 0,-8:l 4,4:m 4,-4:l -8,12:m 12,-4
_z = m 0,-8:h 8:l -8,8:h 8:m 4,0
; Need to suffix variable names with $ because AHK variable names are case-insensitive!
_A$ = v -16:h 8:v 16:m -8,-8:h 8:m 4,8
;~ _B$ = v -16:h 6:l 2,2:v 4:l -2,2:h -6:m 6,0:l 2,2:v 4:l -2,2:h -6:m 12,0
_B$ = v -16:h 6:v 8:h -6:m 6,0:h 2:v 8:h -8:m 12,0
_C$ = m 8,0:h -8:v -16:h 8:m 4,16
;~ _D$ = v -16:h 6:l 2,2:v 12:l -2,2:h -6:m 12,0
_D$ = v -16:h 4:l 4,8:v 8:h -8:m 12,0
_E$ = v -16:h 8:m -8,8:h 8:m -8,8:h 8:m 4,0
_F$ = v -16:h 8:m -8,8:h 8:m 4,8
_G$ = m 8,-16:h -8:v 16:h 8:v -8:h -4:m 8,8
_H$ = v -16:m 0,8:h 8:m 0,-8:v 16:m 4,0
_I$ = h 4:m -2,0:v -16:m -2,0:h 4:m 4,16
_J$ = m 0,-2:v 2:h 8:v -16:m -2,0:h 4:m 4,16
_K$ = v -16:m 0,8:l 8,-8:m -8,8:l 8,8:m 4,0
_L$ = m 0,-16:v 16:h 8:m 4,0
_M$ = v -16:l 4,8:l 4,-8:v 16:m 4,0
_N$ = v -16:l 8,16:v -16:m 4,16
_O$ = v -16:h 8:v 16:h -8:m 12,0
_P$ = v -16:h 8:v 8:h -8:m 12,8
_Q$ = v -16:h 8:v 16:h -8:m 6,-4:l 4,8:m 2,-4
_R$ = v -16:h 8:v 8:h -8:l 8,8:m 4,0
_S$ = h 8:v -8:h -8:v -8:h 8:m 4,16
_T$ = m 4,0:v -16:m -4,0:h 8:m 4,16
_U$ = m 0,-16:v 16:h 8:v -16:m 4,16
_V$ = m 0,-16:l 8,16:l 8,-16:m 4,16
_W$ = m 0,-16:v 16:l 4,-8:l 4,8:v -16:m 4,16
_X$ = l 8,-16:m -8,0:l 8,16:m 4,0
_Y$ = m 4,0:v -8:l -4,-8:m 8,0:l -4,8:m 8,8
_Z$ = m 0,-16:h 8:l -8,16:h 8:m 4,0
; Conversion of punctuation to valid identifier names. Limited to common signs only...
PunctList = ,.;: -+*/=?!()@&'"`%_
PunctToLetter = cdsC_DPMSeIEoOaAqQpu
; Comma
_@c = m 0,-2:v 4:m 4,-2
; Dot
_@d = v -2:m 4,2
; Semi-colon
_@s = m 0,-8:v 2:m 0,4:v 4:m 4,-2
; Colon
_@C$ = v -2:m 0,-4:v -2:m 4,8
; Space
_@_ = m 6,0
; Dash
_@D$ = m 0,-6:h 6:m 4,6
; Plus
_@P$ = m 4,-2:v -8:m -4,4:h 8:m 4,6
; Multiply
_@M$ = m 0,-6:h 8:m -8,4:l 8,-8:m -8,0:l 8,8:m 4,2
; Slash
_@S$ = l 8,-16:m 4,16
; Equals
_@e = m 0,-4:h 8:m -8,-4:h 8:m 4,8
; Question mark / Interrogation point
_@I$ = m 4,0:v -2:m 0,-2:v -4:h 4:v -8:h -8:v 4:m 12,12
; Exclamation mark
_@E$ = v -2:m 0,-2:v -12:m 4,16
; Commercial at (arobase)
_@a = m 16,4:h -16:v -20:h 16:v 16:h -12:v -8:h 8:v 8:m 8,0
; Ampersand
_@A$ = m 12,0:l -12,-12:v -4:h 8:v 4:l -8,8:v 4:h 4:l 8,-8:m 4,8
; Single Quote
_@q = m 0,-14:v 4:m 4,10
; Double Quote
_@Q$ = m 0,-14:v 4:m 4,-4:v 4:m 4,10
; Percent
_@p = l 8,-12:m -8,0:h 2:v 2:h -2:v -2:m 8,12:h -2:v -2:h 2:v 2:m 4,0
; Underscore
_@u = h 8:m 4,0
; Shift+Win+W = fast exit if things go wrong...
+#w:: ExitApp
; Shift+Win+R = reload the script (after changes)
+#R:: Reload
InputBox text, Enter text to type
If ErrorLevel
Return ; Cancelled
WinActivate Paint
;~ WinActivate Bigcanvas.*Firefox
Loop Parse, text
;~ MsgBox %A_LoopField%
; Memorize current position, reference point for the absolute moves
MouseGetPos startX, startY
pos := InStr(PunctList, A_LoopField)
If (pos > 0)
subst := SubStr(PunctToLetter, pos, 1)
sign = @%subst%
If subst is upper
; Uppercase symbol
sign .= "$"
;~ msgbox Subst: %pos% %subst% %sign%
sign := A_LoopField
If sign is upper
; Uppercase symbol
sign .= "$"
instrVar = _%sign%
instructions := %instrVar%
;~ msgbox %A_LoopField% | %pos% | %subst% | %instrVar% | %instructions%
Loop Parse, instructions, :
Global prevX, prevY, startX, startY
command := getCommand(order)
x := getX(order)
y := getY(order)
;~ msgbox %order% => %command% %x% %y%
If (command == "M")
x -= startX
y -= startY
moveTo(x, y)
Else If (command == "m")
moveTo(x, y)
Else If (command == "L")
x -= startX
y -= startY
lineTo(x, y)
Else If (command == "l")
lineTo(x, y)
Else If (command == "H")
x -= startX
lineTo(x, y)
Else If (command == "h")
lineTo(x, prevY)
Else If (command == "V")
y -= startY
lineTo(x, y)
Else If (command == "v")
lineTo(prevX, x) ; Only one parameter so the y value is in the 'x' variable
prevX = x
prevY = y
Return SubStr(order, 1, 1)
Global scale, offsetX
RegExMatch(order, ". ([+-]?[\d.]+)", x)
Return x1 * scale + offsetX
Global scale, offsetY
RegExMatch(order, ". [+-]?[\d.]+,([+-]?[\d.]+)", y)
Return y1 * scale + offsetY
moveTo(x, y)
Global speed
MouseMove x, y, speed, R
lineTo(x, y)
Global speed, prevX, prevY
MouseClickDrag L, prevX, prevY, x, y, speed, R
moveToAbs(x, y)
Global speed
MouseMove x, y, speed
lineToAbs(x, y)
Global speed, prevX, prevY
MouseClickDrag L, prevX, prevY, x, y, speed
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