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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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  • Save PhiLhoSoft/b46716dc2aa5d7b248ab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save PhiLhoSoft/b46716dc2aa5d7b248ab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Convert (some kind of) GeoJson file to a (specific kind of) Json file, in SVG path format, using Node.js platform
// Convert a limited / specific subset of GeoJson (the samples I had to convert...) to a specific Json format (for HighMaps),
// using the SVG path format.
// Made to run on the Node.js platform.
// Should accept more encodings, using a conversion library.
var fs = require('fs');
var arguments = process.argv;
//~ var inputFileName = __dirname + '/config.json';
var inputFileName = arguments[2], outputFileName, encoding;
if (inputFileName === undefined)
console.log('Usage: ' + arguments[0] + ' ' + arguments[1] + ' filePath.geo[.]json [encoding]');
encoding = arguments[3] || 'utf8'; // 'ascii' or 'utf8'
if (inputFileName.indexOf('.geo') > 0)
outputFileName = inputFileName.replace(/\.geo\.?json/, '.json');
outputFileName = inputFileName + '.converted.json';
function convertCoordinateListToPath(coordinateList)
path = 'M';
for (var j = 0; j < coordinateList.length; j++)
var x = +coordinateList[j][0];
var y = +coordinateList[j][1];
path += ' ' + x + "," + -y;
return path + ' Z';
fs.readFile(inputFileName, encoding, function (err, fileContent)
if (err)
console.log('Error: ' + err);
var geojson, name, type, path, transformed;
geojson = JSON.parse(fileContent);
transformed = { name: inputFileName.replace(/^.*[\\/]/, ''), paths: [] }
for (var i = 0; i < geojson.features.length; i++)
name = geojson.features[i].properties.NAVN;
if (name === undefined)
name = 'REGION-' + (i + 1);
type = geojson.features[i].geometry.type;
if (type === 'Polygon')
path = convertCoordinateListToPath(geojson.features[i].geometry.coordinates[0]);
else if (type === 'MultiPolygon')
path = '';
for (var j = 0; j < geojson.features[i].geometry.coordinates.length; j++)
path += ' ' + convertCoordinateListToPath(geojson.features[i].geometry.coordinates[j][0]);
console.log('Unknown geometry type: ' + type);
transformed.paths[i] = { id: name, path: path };
//~ console.dir(geojson);
fs.writeFile(outputFileName, JSON.stringify(transformed, null, '\t'), function (err)
if (err)
console.log('JSON saved to "' + outputFileName + '"');
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