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Phil-Factor / afterMigrate__ApplyTableDescriptions.sql
Created February 15, 2023 14:23
afterMigrate__ApplyTableDescriptions.sql - version that reports what it did
PRINT 'Adding the descriptions for all tables and columns';
/*The script to make this JSON document is published here.
Flyway will produce this as a routine if you want, using
<#This scriptblock executes SQL that produces a report in XML or JSON from the database
$SQLCmdAlias = "$($env:ProgramFiles)\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\130\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe"
$ExecuteTableSmellReport = {
Param ($param1) # $ExecuteTableSmellReport - parameter is a hashtable
$problems = @()
@('server', 'database', 'version', 'project') | foreach{
if ($param1.$_ -eq $null)
{ write-error "no value for '$($_)'" }
Phil-Factor / CloningAllTheDatabasesOnAServer.ps1
Last active February 20, 2024 16:12
This routine uses SQL Clone to create a whole group of databases on a number of SQL Servers or instances. This routine will create images only if they don't already exist. However, this routine will always drop existing clones and recreate a new one, from its current image, even if one of those clones has a day's work unsaved on one it.
<# first we fill in the data object that contains all the data we need, such as the list of databases we want copied and the list of servers we want to copy them to. #>
$Data = @{
'ServerURL' = 'http://MyCloneServer:14145'; #the HTTP address of the Clone Server
'ImageDirectoryURL' = '\\TheFileServer\Directory'; #the URL of the image directory
"Original" = @{
#We will clone from this database. This is the original, maybe a build stocked with data
'Server' = 'MyBuildServer'; #The SQL Server instance
'instance' = '\'
'username' = 'PhilFactor'; #leave blank if windows authentication
Phil-Factor / GenerateSQLMergeScripts.ps1
Created November 21, 2019 16:29
This is a PowerShell script that generates a gigantic merge script for all the tables of a (small) database.
import-Module sqlserver
<# a list of connection strings
for each of the target databaseinstances on which you'd like to run the code
$ServerAndDatabaseList =
<# list of connection strings for each of the SQLservers that you need to execute code on #>
@{ #provide a connection string for the instance
'ServerConnectionString' = 'Server=MyServer;User Id=PhilFactor;Persist Security Info=False';
#and a list of databases. Make target the same as source if the database you use it on has the same name
DROP PROCEDURE IF exists #SaveMergeStatementFromTable
CREATE PROCEDURE #SaveMergeStatementFromTable
Summary: >
This creates a merge statement, creating a table source from a multi-row
VALUES statement, and merging it with the table whose name you provide.
This MERGE statement can then be executed. Beware
that this is only really practicable for small tables, because the
VALUES statement degrades with scale.
Phil-Factor / CloneForUnitTesting.ps1
Created April 12, 2019 11:05
PowerShell script for repeatedly cloning a database for unit testing
$database = 'MyDatabase' #the name of the database we are cloning e,g, AdventureWorks
$Data = @{
"Database" = '$database';
#where we have SQL Compare installed. Yours could be a different version
"Original" = @{
#We will clone from this database. This is the original, maybe a build stocked with data
'Server' = 'MyUsefulServer'; #The SQL Server instance
'Instance' = ''; #The SQL Server instance
'Database' = "$($Database)"; #The name of the database
'username' = 'PhilFactor'; #leave blank if windows authentication