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* @package bfNetwork
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Blue Flame Digital Solutions Ltd. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 3 or later
* @see
* @see
* @author Phil Taylor / Blue Flame Digital Solutions Limited.
* bfNetwork is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* bfNetwork is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this package. If not, see
* If you have any questions regarding this code, please contact
use Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper;
use Joomla\CMS\Table\Table;
use Akeeba\AdminTools\Admin\Model\AdminPassword;
use Joomla\CMS\Uri\Uri;
require 'bfEncrypt.php';
* If we have got here then we have already passed through decrypting
* the encrypted header and so we are sure we are now secure and no one
* else cannot run the code below.
* I'M NOT PROUD OF THIS FILE - it has grown a lot over the years and there are a lot of workarounds so that we can be
* fully compatible from Joomla 1.5.0 to the latest Joomla version, and on all the crazy configurations of webservers.
final class bfTools
* We pass the command to run as a simple integer in our encrypted
* request this is mainly to speed up the decryption process, plus its a
* single digit(or 2) rather than a huge string to remember :-).
private $_methods = array(
1 => 'getCoreHashFailedFileList',
2 => 'downloadfile',
3 => 'restorefile',
4 => 'getSuspectContentFileList',
5 => 'deleteFile',
6 => 'checkFTPLayer',
7 => 'disableFTPLayer',
8 => 'checkNewDBCredentials',
9 => 'testDbCredentials',
10 => 'getFolderPermissions',
11 => 'setFolderPermissions',
12 => 'getHiddenFolders',
13 => 'deleteFolder',
14 => 'getInstallationFolders',
15 => 'getRecentlyModified',
16 => 'getFilePermissions',
17 => 'setFilePermissions',
18 => 'getErrorLogs',
19 => 'getEncrypted',
20 => 'getUser',
21 => 'setUser',
22 => 'setDbPrefix',
23 => 'setDbCredentials',
24 => 'getBakTables',
25 => 'deleteBakTables',
26 => 'getHtaccessFiles',
27 => 'setHtaccess',
28 => 'getUpdatesCount',
29 => 'getUpdatesDetail',
30 => 'getDotfiles',
31 => 'getArchivefiles',
32 => 'getLargefiles',
33 => 'fixDbSchema',
34 => 'getDbSchemaVersion',
35 => 'checkGoogleFile',
36 => 'toggleOnline',
37 => 'getOfflineStatus',
38 => 'getRobotsFile',
39 => 'saveRobotsFile',
40 => 'getTmpfiles',
41 => 'clearTmpFiles',
42 => 'getFlufffiles',
43 => 'clearFlufffiles',
44 => 'getRenamedToHide',
45 => 'getPhpinwrongplace',
46 => 'doExtensionUpgrade',
47 => 'toggleCache',
48 => 'getCacheStatus',
49 => 'checkAkeebaOutputDirectory',
50 => 'eolsecuritystatus',
51 => 'applyeolpatch',
52 => 'getMailerFileList',
53 => 'getUploaderFileList',
54 => 'getNonCoreFileList',
55 => 'saveFile',
56 => 'getZerobyteFiles',
57 => 'deleteZerobyteFiles',
58 => 'getMissingCoreFiles',
59 => 'restoreAllMissingFiles',
60 => 'getJoomlaLogTmpConfig',
61 => 'getActivityLog',
62 => 'getBFPluginStatus',
63 => 'getMD5PasswordUsers',
64 => 'getSessionGCStatus',
65 => 'setSessionGCStatus',
66 => 'get2FAPlugins',
67 => 'enable2FAPlugins',
68 => 'setLogTmpPaths',
69 => 'removeLiveSite',
70 => 'getConfiguredLiveSite',
71 => 'getSEFConfig',
72 => 'setSEFConfig',
73 => 'getAdminFilterFixed',
74 => 'setAdminFilterFixed',
75 => 'getPlaintextpasswords',
76 => 'setPlaintextpasswords',
77 => 'getUploadsettingsfixed',
78 => 'setUploadsettingsfixed',
79 => 'getMailtofrienddisabled',
80 => 'setMailtofrienddisabled',
81 => 'getDebugMode',
82 => 'setDebugMode',
83 => 'getErrorReporting',
84 => 'setErrorReporting',
85 => 'getTemplatePositionDisplay',
86 => 'setTemplatePositionDisplay',
87 => 'getCookieSettings',
88 => 'setCookieSettings',
89 => 'getSQLFiles',
90 => 'getCaptchaConfig',
91 => 'setCaptchaConfig',
92 => 'doExtensionInstallFromUrl',
93 => 'getSuperAdmins',
94 => 'getGroups',
95 => 'getUseractionlogenabled',
96 => 'setUseractionlogenabled',
97 => 'getPrivacyConsentPluginEnabled',
98 => 'setPrivacyConsentPluginEnabled',
99 => 'getUseractionlogiplogenabled',
100 => 'setUseractionlogiplogenabled',
101 => 'getSystemLogRotationEnabled',
102 => 'setSystemLogRotationEnabled',
103 => 'getPurge30Days',
104 => 'setPurge30Days',
105 => 'getGzip',
106 => 'setGzip',
107 => 'getSessionlifetime',
108 => 'setSessionlifetime',
109 => 'getPHPinifiles',
110 => 'getModifiedfilessincelastaudit',
111 => 'setAdminHtaccess',
112 => 'getAdminHtaccess',
113 => 'getUserRegistration',
114 => 'setUserRegistration',
115 => 'getPostInstallMessages',
116 => 'getUserFilterFixed',
117 => 'setUserFilterFixed',
118 => 'getHasrootuser',
119 => 'setHasrootuser',
120 => 'getDebuglanguage',
121 => 'setDebuglanguage',
122 => 'setPostInstallMessages',
123 => 'getSkipped',
124 => 'getSendcopytosubmitter',
125 => 'setSendcopytosubmitter',
999 => 'getDebugLog',
998 => 'setRealtimeActivate',
private $fluffFiles = array(
* Pointer to the Joomla Database Object.
* @var JDatabaseMysql
private $_db;
* Incoming decrypted vars from the request.
* @var stdClass
private $_dataObj;
* @param stdClass $dataObj
public function __construct($dataObj)
// init Joomla
require 'bfInitJoomla.php';
// Set the request vars
$this->_dataObj = $dataObj;
// set the db object
$this->_db = JFactory::getDBO();
* I'm the controller - I run methods based on the request integer.
public function run()
if (property_exists($this->_dataObj, 'c')) {
$c = (int) $this->_dataObj->c;
if (array_key_exists($c, $this->_methods)) {
bfLog::log('Calling methd '.$this->_methods[$c]);
// call the right method
$this->{$this->_methods[$c]} ();
} else {
// Die if an unknown function
bfEncrypt::reply('error', 'No Such method #err1 - '.$c);
} else {
// Die if an unknown function
bfEncrypt::reply('error', 'No Such method #err2');
public function getDebugLog()
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array('data' => bfLog::getLog()));
public function setSendcopytosubmitter()
// saving params to database
$component = ComponentHelper::getComponent('com_contact');
$params = $component->getParams();
$params->set('show_email_copy', 'true' == $this->_dataObj->s ? 0 : 1);
$table = Table::getInstance('extension');
$table->bind(array('params' => $params->toString()));
bfEncrypt::reply('success', $this->getSendcopytosubmitter());
public function getSendcopytosubmitter()
$params = ComponentHelper::getComponent('com_contact')->getParams();
return (int) $params->get('show_email_copy', 0);
public function setPostInstallMessages()
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->set($db->quoteName('enabled').' = 0');
bfEncrypt::reply('success', $this->getPostInstallMessages());
* Get the post install messages from a Joomla 3+ site.
public function getPostInstallMessages()
// bail early if we cannot
if (!file_exists(JPATH_LIBRARIES.'/fof/include.php')) {
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array());
// fire up RAD/fof
require_once JPATH_LIBRARIES.'/fof/include.php';
$model = FOFModel::getTmpInstance('Messages', 'PostinstallModel');
$items = $model->getItemList();
// load language layer to translate strings
$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
// ensure we only show valid messages
$messages = array();
// translate and compile the messages
foreach ($items as $item) {
$lang->load($item->language_extension, JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, 'en-GB', true);
$messages[] = array(
'title' => JText::_($item->title_key),
'desc' => JText::_($item->description_key),
bfEncrypt::reply('success', $messages);
* 113
* Get User Registration Enable/Disable status.
public function getUserRegistration()
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array('enabled' => (int) JComponentHelper::getParams('com_users')->get('allowUserRegistration')));
* 114
* Enable User Registration.
public function setUserRegistration()
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT params FROM `#__extensions` WHERE `name` = 'com_users'");
$params = \json_decode($this->_db->LoadResult());
if ('true' == $this->_dataObj->s) {// true means, set to the OK value
// enabled
$params->allowUserRegistration = 0;
} else {
// disabled
$params->allowUserRegistration = 1;
$this->_db->setQuery("UPDATE `#__extensions` set params = '".\json_encode($params)."' WHERE `name` = 'com_users'");
return $this->getUserRegistration();
* 111
* Enable /administrator/.htaccess restriction on apache.
public function setAdminHtaccess()
require 'lib/AdminTools/Model/AdminPassword/AdminPassword.php';
$p = new AdminPassword();
$p->username = $this->_dataObj->u;
$p->password = $this->_dataObj->p;
if (!$p->protect()) {
bfEncrypt::reply('error', 'Could not enable administrator .htaccess for some unknown reason :-( ');
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'enabled' => 1,
'username' => $this->_dataObj->u,
'password' => $this->_dataObj->p,
* 112
* Enable /administrator/.htaccess restriction on apache.
public function getAdminHtaccess()
require 'lib/AdminTools/Model/AdminPassword/AdminPassword.php';
$obj = new AdminPassword();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'enabled' => $obj->isLocked(),
* Get the value of $gzip from /configuration.php.
public function getGzip()
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'enabled' => JFactory::getApplication()->getCfg('gzip', '0'),
* set the value of $gzip in /configuration.php.
public function setGzip()
if ('true' == $this->_dataObj->s) {// true means, set to the OK value
return $this->_setConfigParam('gzip', 1, 'int');
} else {
return $this->_setConfigParam('gzip', 0, 'int');
* Get the config for session time.
public function getSessionlifetime()
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'lifetime' => JFactory::getApplication()->getCfg('lifetime', 0),
* set the session time to a sensibel recommend default.
public function setSessionlifetime()
$this->_setConfigParam('lifetime', 15, 'int');
* Get the number of days to delete logs after from the System - User Actions Log.
* @return int
public function setPurge30Days()
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT params FROM `#__extensions` WHERE `name` = 'PLG_SYSTEM_ACTIONLOGS'");
$params = \json_decode($this->_db->LoadResult());
// enabled
$params->logDeletePeriod = 30;
$this->_db->setQuery("UPDATE `#__extensions` set params = '".\json_encode($params)."' WHERE `name` = 'PLG_SYSTEM_ACTIONLOGS'");
return $this->getPurge30Days();
* 109
* Gets php.ini and .user.ini files.
private function getPHPinifiles()
// make sure we only retrieve a small dataset
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$sort = $this->_dataObj->s;
if (!$sort) {
$sort = 'filewithpath';
if (!in_array($sort, array('filewithpath', 'filemtime'))) {
exit('Invalid Sort');
if ('filemtime' == $sort) {
$sort = 'filemtime DESC';
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
// Set the query
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT id, iscorefile, filewithpath, filemtime, fileperms, `size`, iscorefile from bf_files
WHERE filewithpath LIKE "%php.ini%" OR filewithpath LIKE "%.user.ini%"
ORDER BY '.$sort.'
LIMIT '.(int) $limitstart.', '.$limit);
// Get an object list of files
$files = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
// see how many files there are in total without a limit
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT count(*) from bf_files WHERE filewithpath LIKE "%php.ini%" OR filewithpath LIKE "%.user.ini%"');
$count = $this->_db->loadResult();
// Only show files that still exist on the hard drive
$existingFiles = array();
foreach ($files as $k => $file) {
if (file_exists(JPATH_BASE.$file->filewithpath)) {
$existingFiles[] = $file;
} else {
$this->_db->setQuery(sprintf('DELETE FROM bf_files WHERE filewithpath = "%s"',
// return an encrypted reply
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $existingFiles,
'total' => $count,
* Get the number of days to delete logs after from the System - User Actions Log.
* @return int
public function getPurge30Days()
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.9.0', '<')) {
return false;
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT params FROM `#__extensions` WHERE `name` = 'PLG_SYSTEM_ACTIONLOGS'");
$params = $this->_db->LoadResult();
if ('{}' == $params) {
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'days' => null,
$params = json_decode($params);
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'days' => $params->logDeletePeriod,
* Joomla 3.9.0+ enable system log rotation.
* @return mixed
public function setSystemLogRotationEnabled()
$this->_db->setQuery("UPDATE `#__extensions` set enabled = 1 WHERE `name` = 'plg_system_logrotation'");
return $this->getSystemLogRotationEnabled();
* Joomla 3.9.0+ check for system log rotation.
* @return mixed
public function getSystemLogRotationEnabled()
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM `#__extensions` WHERE `name` = 'plg_system_logrotation' and enabled = 1");
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'enabled' => $this->_db->LoadResult(),
* Joomla 3.9.0+ enable IP logging in user action logging.
* @return mixed
public function setUseractionlogiplogenabled()
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT params FROM `#__extensions` WHERE `name` = 'com_actionlogs'");
$params = json_decode($this->_db->LoadResult());
// enabled
$params->ip_logging = 1;
$this->_db->setQuery("UPDATE `#__extensions` set params = '".json_encode($params)."' WHERE `name` = 'com_actionlogs'");
return $this->getUseractionlogiplogenabled();
* Joomla 3.9.0+ Check for plg_privacy_actionlogs enabled.
* @return mixed
public function getUseractionlogiplogenabled()
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT params FROM `#__extensions` WHERE `name` = 'com_actionlogs'");
$params = json_decode($this->_db->LoadResult());
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'enabled' => $params->ip_logging,
* Joomla 3.9.0+ Check for plg_privacy_actionlogs enabled.
* @return mixed
public function setUseractionlogenabled()
$this->_db->setQuery("UPDATE `#__extensions` set enabled = 1 WHERE `name` = 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA'");
$this->_db->setQuery("UPDATE `#__extensions` set enabled = 1 WHERE `name` = 'PLG_SYSTEM_ACTIONLOGS'");
return $this->getUseractionlogenabled();
* Joomla 3.9.0+ Check for plg_privacy_actionlogs enabled.
* @return mixed
public function getUseractionlogenabled()
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM `#__extensions` WHERE (`name` = 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA' or `name` = 'PLG_SYSTEM_ACTIONLOGS') and enabled = 1");
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'enabled' => 2 == $this->_db->LoadResult() ? 1 : 0,
* Joomla 3.9.0+ Check for plg_system_privacyconsent enabled.
* @return mixed
public function setPrivacyConsentPluginEnabled()
$this->_db->setQuery("UPDATE `#__extensions` set enabled = 1 WHERE `name` = 'plg_system_privacyconsent'");
return $this->getUseractionlogenabled();
* Joomla 3.9.0+ Check for plg_system_privacyconsent enabled.
* @return mixed
public function getPrivacyConsentPluginEnabled()
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM `#__extensions` WHERE `name` = 'plg_system_privacyconsent' and enabled = 1");
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'enabled' => $this->_db->LoadResult(),
* Check several EOL files for security patches.
public function eolsecuritystatus()
$data = array();
* Joomla 1,5 & 2.5 Series
* [20151201] - Core - Remote Code Execution Vulnerability.
* @see
* @secure md5 debug.php Joomla 2.5.x 54a2f22406d8ee4b281d1a4543cb072b
* @secure md5 session.php Joomla 2.5.x e9ac6f13100536eefa9241191c85c4b0
* @secure md5 session.php Joomla 1.5.x 63651a22d38b69f66959199955c5490c
$file = JPATH_BASE.'/libraries/joomla/session/session.php';
$file2 = JPATH_BASE.'/plugins/system/debug/debug.php';
if (file_exists($file)) {
$data['CVE20158562']['session'] = md5_file($file);
} else {
$data['CVE20158562']['session'] = 'NON_EXIST';
if (file_exists($file2)) {
$data['CVE20158562']['debug'] = md5_file($file2);
} else {
$data['CVE20158562']['debug'] = 'NON_EXIST';
* Joomla 1,
* @see
* @secure md5 media.php 3de2ea3338d49956b5dabf3a3fa1200d
$file = JPATH_BASE.'/administrator/components/com_media/helpers/media.php';
if (file_exists($file)) {
$data['fileupload_15']['media'] = md5_file($file);
} else {
$data['fileupload_15']['media'] = 'NON_EXIST';
* Joomla
* @see
* @secure md5 file.php 0eabdf91e2c7a26493eeb3dbe7a3fb39
$file = JPATH_BASE.'/libraries/joomla/filesystem/file.php';
if (file_exists($file)) {
$data['fileupload_15']['file'] = md5_file($file);
} else {
$data['fileupload_15']['file'] = 'NON_EXIST';
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'data' => $data,
public function applyeolpatch()
$i = 0;
$filesToPatch = array();
if (preg_match('/^1\.5/', JVERSION)) {
$filesToPatch[] = array(
'source' => '',
'destination' => JPATH_BASE.'/libraries/joomla/filesystem/file.php',
$filesToPatch[] = array(
'source' => '',
'destination' => JPATH_BASE.'/administrator/components/com_media/helpers/media.php',
$filesToPatch[] = array(
'source' => '',
'destination' => JPATH_BASE.'/libraries/joomla/session/session.php',
} elseif (preg_match('/^2\.5/', JVERSION)) {
$filesToPatch[] = array(
'source' => '',
'destination' => JPATH_BASE.'/libraries/joomla/session/session.php',
$filesToPatch[] = array(
'source' => '',
'destination' => JPATH_BASE.'/plugins/system/debug/debug.php',
foreach ($filesToPatch as $fileToPatch) {
$source = base64_decode(file_get_contents($fileToPatch['source']));
if (!is_writable($fileToPatch['destination'])) {
bfEncrypt::reply('error', array(
'msg' => 'File NOT patched as it is unwritable: '.$fileToPatch['destination'],
if (!$source) {
bfEncrypt::reply('error', array(
'msg' => 'File NOT patched as no source for it: '.$fileToPatch['destination'],
if (file_put_contents($fileToPatch['destination'], $source)) {
} else {
bfEncrypt::reply('error', array(
'msg' => 'File NOT patched - no idea why :-( we coult not write to the file ',
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'msg' => $i.' File(s) patched!',
* Load Flash Upload Settings from params from com_media without using a helper. and then remove swf and application/x-shockwave-flash.
public function setUploadsettingsfixed()
$this->_db->setQuery("select params from #__extensions where element = 'com_media'");
$params = json_decode($this->_db->LoadResult());
$items = explode(',', $params->upload_extensions);
if ('true' == $this->_dataObj->s) {// true means, set to the OK value
foreach ($items as $k => $item) {
if ('swf' == strtolower(trim($item))) {
} else {
$items[] = 'swf';
$params->upload_extensions = implode(',', $items);
$items = explode(',', $params->upload_mime);
if ('true' == $this->_dataObj->s) {// true means, set to the OK value
foreach ($items as $k => $item) {
if ('application/x-shockwave-flash' == strtolower(trim($item))) {
} else {
$items[] = 'application/x-shockwave-flash';
$params->upload_mime = implode(',', $items);
$sql = sprintf("UPDATE #__extensions set `params` = '%s' WHERE `element` = 'com_media'", json_encode($params));
* Load Flash Upload Settings from params from com_media without using a helper.
public function getUploadsettingsfixed()
$this->_db->setQuery("select params from #__extensions where element = 'com_media'");
$params = json_decode($this->_db->LoadResult());
if (
!preg_match('/swf/ism', $params->upload_extensions)
!preg_match('/application\/x-shockwave-flash/ism', $params->upload_mime)
) {
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array('uploadsettingsfixed' => 1));
} else {
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array('uploadsettingsfixed' => 0));
* Method to delete a named file when we know its id.
private function deleteFile()
// Get the filewithpath based on the id
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT filewithpath from bf_files WHERE id = '.(int) $this->_dataObj->file_id);
$filewithpath = $this->_db->loadResult();
// check that the file we got form the database matches to the path we think it should be
if ($this->_dataObj->filewithpath != $filewithpath) {
bfEncrypt::reply('failure', array(
'msg' => 'File Not matching: '.$this->_dataObj->filewithpath.' !== '.$filewithpath,
// If the file doesnt exist then remove from cache and reply
if (!file_exists(JPATH_BASE.$filewithpath)) {
$this->_db->setQuery('DELETE FROM bf_files WHERE id = '.(int) $this->_dataObj->file_id);
bfEncrypt::reply('failure', array(
'msg' => 'File doesn\'t exist: '.$filewithpath,
// Attempt to force deletion
if (!is_writable(JPATH_BASE.$filewithpath)) {
@chmod(JPATH_BASE.$filewithpath, 0777);
// delete the file, making sure we prefix with a path
if (@unlink(JPATH_BASE.$filewithpath)) {
$this->_db->setQuery('DELETE FROM bf_files WHERE id = '.(int) $this->_dataObj->file_id);
// File deleted - say yes
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'msg' => 'File deleted: '.$filewithpath,
} else {
// File deleted - say no
bfEncrypt::reply('failure', array(
'msg' => 'File Not Deleted: '.$filewithpath,
* I delete a folder.
private function deleteFolder()
// Require more complex methods for dealing with files
require 'bfFilesystem.php';
// init our return msg
$msg = array();
// hidden or normal - needed for ALL deletes
$type = $this->_dataObj->type;
// switch on type
if ('hidden' == $type) {
// get the folders cache id
$folder_id = $this->_dataObj->fid;
// init
$msgToReturn = array();
$msgToReturn['deleted_files'] = 0;
$msgToReturn['deleted_folders'] = 0;
$msgToReturn['left'] = 0;
// Do we want to delete all hidden folders?
if ('ALL' == $folder_id) { // All meaning all hidden folders, not ALL folders in our db!!
$this->_dataObj->ls = 0;
$this->_dataObj->limit = 999999999;
// get all the hidden folders
$folders = $this->getHiddenFolders(true);
bfLog::log('Deleting this many folders : '.count($folders));
// foreach hidden folder, delete that hidden folder recursivly
foreach ($folders as $folder) {
// delete recursive
bfLog::log('Deleting folder: '.JPATH_BASE.$folder->folderwithpath);
$msg = Bf_Filesystem::deleteRecursive(JPATH_BASE.$folder->folderwithpath, true, $msg);
$this->_db->setQuery('DELETE FROM bf_folders WHERE folderwithpath LIKE "'.$folder->folderwithpath.'%"');
$this->_db->setQuery('DELETE FROM bf_files WHERE filewithpath LIKE "'.$folder->folderwithpath.'%"');
// oh dear we failed
if ('failure' == $msg['result']) {
$msgToReturn = array();
$msgToReturn['deleted_files'] = count(@$msg['deleted_files']);
$msgToReturn['deleted_folders'] = count(@$msg['deleted_folders']);
$msgToReturn['left'] = $this->getHiddenFolders(true);
// send back the error message
bfEncrypt::reply('failure', array(
'msg' => 'Problem!: '.json_encode($msgToReturn),
} else {
// select the folder to delete
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT folderwithpath FROM bf_folders WHERE id = '.(int) $folder_id);
$folderwithpath = $this->_db->loadResult();
// if the folder is not there
if (!$folderwithpath) {
bfEncrypt::reply('failure', array(
'msg' => 'Folder Not Found #msg2#: '.$folderwithpath,
$msg = Bf_Filesystem::deleteRecursive(JPATH_BASE.$folderwithpath, true, $msg);
// if we deleted some folders
if (count($msg['deleted_folders'])) {
foreach ($msg['deleted_folders'] as $folder) {
$fwp = str_replace('//', '/', str_replace(JPATH_BASE, '', $folder));
$sql = "DELETE FROM bf_folders where folderwithpath = '".$fwp."'";
// if we deleted some files
if (count($msg['deleted_files'])) {
foreach ($msg['deleted_files'] as $file) {
$fwp = str_replace('//', '/', str_replace(JPATH_BASE, '', $file));
$sql = "DELETE FROM bf_files where filewithpath = '".$fwp."'";
// reply back with our warning or success message
$msgToReturn = array();
$msgToReturn['deleted_files'] = count($msg['deleted_files']);
$msgToReturn['deleted_folders'] = count($msg['deleted_folders']);
$msgToReturn['left'] = count($this->getHiddenFolders(true));
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'msg' => json_encode($msgToReturn),
if ($type = 'deleteinstallation') {
$folders = $this->getFolders(JPATH_BASE);
foreach ($folders as $folder) {
if (preg_match('/installation|installation.old|docs\/installation|install|installation.bak|installation.old|installation.backup|installation.delete/i', $folder)) {
$installationFolders[] = $folder;
foreach ($installationFolders as $folderwithpath) {
bfLog::log('Deleting folder: '.$folderwithpath);
$msg = Bf_Filesystem::deleteRecursive(JPATH_BASE.$folderwithpath, true, $msg);
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'msg' => 'ok',
* @param bool $internal
* @return array|mixed
private function getHiddenFolders($internal = false)
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
if (!$limitstart) {
$limitstart = 0;
if (!$limit) {
$limit = '9999999999999999';
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM bf_folders WHERE folderwithpath LIKE "%/.%" LIMIT '.(int) $limitstart.', '.$limit);
$folders = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
if (true === $internal) {
return $folders;
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT count(*) FROM bf_folders WHERE folderwithpath LIKE "%/.%"');
$count = $this->_db->loadResult();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $folders,
'total' => $count,
* Function taken from Akeeba filesystem.php.
* Akeeba Engine
* The modular PHP5 site backup engine
* @copyright Copyright (c)2009 Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
* @license GNU GPL version 3 or, at your option, any later version
* @version Id: scanner.php 158 2010-06-10 08:46:49Z nikosdion
private function getFolders($folder)
// Initialize variables
$arr = array();
$false = false;
$folder = trim($folder);
if (!is_dir($folder) && !is_dir($folder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) || is_link($folder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) || is_link($folder) || !$folder) {
return $false;
if (@file_exists($folder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'.myjoomla.ignore.folder')) {
return array();
$handle = @opendir($folder);
if (false === $handle) {
$handle = @opendir($folder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
// If directory is not accessible, just return FALSE
if (false === $handle) {
return $false;
while ((false !== ($file = @readdir($handle)))) {
if (('.' != $file) && ('..' != $file) && (null != trim($file))) {
$ds = ('' == $folder) || (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == $folder) || (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == @substr($folder, -1)) || (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == @substr($folder, -1)) ? '' : DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$dir = trim($folder.$ds.$file);
$isDir = @is_dir($dir);
if ($isDir) {
$arr[] = $this->cleanupFileFolderName(str_replace(JPATH_BASE, '', $folder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file));
return $arr;
* Clean up a string, a path name.
* @param string $str
* @return string
private function cleanupFileFolderName($str)
$str = str_replace('////', '/', $str);
$str = str_replace('///', '/', $str);
$str = str_replace('//', '/', $str);
$str = str_replace('\\/', '/', $str);
$str = str_replace('\\t', '/t', $str);
$str = str_replace("\/", '/', $str);
return addslashes($str);
* I get the number of core files that failed the hash checking.
private function getCoreHashFailedFileList()
// set up the limit and limit start for the SQL
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT id, filewithpath, filemtime, fileperms FROM bf_files WHERE hashfailed = 1 LIMIT '.$limitstart.', '.$limit);
// Get the files from the cache
$files = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
// get the count as well, for pagination
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT count(*) from bf_files WHERE hashfailed = 1');
$count = $this->_db->loadResult();
// send back the totals
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $files,
'total' => $count,
* I get list of database tables that begin with bak_.
private function deleteBakTables()
$tables = $this->getBakTables(true);
// for all the bak tables
foreach ($tables as $table) {
// compose the sql query
$this->_db->setQuery('DROP TABLE '.$table[0]);
// delete the bak_tables
$count = count($tables);
// send back the totals
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'tables' => $tables,
'total' => $count,
* I get list of database tables that begin with bak_.
private function getBakTables($internal = false)
// Get the database name
$config = JFactory::getApplication();
$dbname = $config->getCfg('db', '');
// compose the sql query
$this->_db->setQuery("SHOW TABLES WHERE `Tables_in_{$dbname}` like 'bak_%'");
// Get the bak_tables
$tables = $this->_db->loadRowList();
// return array if we are internally calling this method
if (true === $internal) {
return $tables;
// count them
$count = count($tables);
// send back the totals
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'tables' => $tables,
'total' => $count,
private function getDebuglanguage()
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array('debug_lang'=>JFactory::getApplication()->getCfg('debug_lang', '')));
private function setDebuglanguage()
$this->_setConfigParam('debug_lang', ('true' == $this->_dataObj->s ? 0 : 1), 'int', true);
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array('debug_lang'=>''));
* get $root_user from the configuration.php.
private function getHasrootuser()
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array('root_user'=>JFactory::getApplication()->getCfg('root_user', '')));
* remove $root_user from the configuration.php.
private function setHasrootuser()
$this->_setConfigParam('root_user', '', 'string', true);
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array('root_user'=>''));
* get the value of the $live_site var from configuration.php.
private function getConfiguredLiveSite()
// send back the totals
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'live_site' => JFactory::getApplication()->getCfg('live_site', ''),
* Get a list of folders with 777 permissions.
private function getFolderPermissions()
// set up the limit and the limitstart SQL
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT `id`, `folderwithpath`, `folderinfo` from bf_folders WHERE folderinfo IN ("777", "351", "311") LIMIT '.$limitstart.', '.$limit);
// get the files
$files = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
// get the count for pagination
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT count(*) from bf_folders WHERE `folderinfo` IN ("777", "351", "311")');
$count = $this->_db->loadResult();
// send back the totals
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $files,
'total' => $count,
* Get a list of files with 777 permissions.
private function getFilePermissions()
// set up the limit and the limitstart SQL
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT id, filewithpath, fileperms from bf_files WHERE fileperms = "0777" OR fileperms = "777" LIMIT '.(int) $limitstart.', '.$limit);
// get the files
$files = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
// get the count for pagination
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT count(*) from bf_files WHERE fileperms = "0777" OR fileperms = "777"');
$count = $this->_db->loadResult();
// send back the totals
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $files,
'total' => $count,
* Set the permissions on files that have 777 perms to be 644.
private function setFilePermissions()
$fixed = 0;
$errors = 0;
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT id, filewithpath from bf_files WHERE fileperms = "0777" OR fileperms = "777"');
$files = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (@chmod(JPATH_BASE.$file->filewithpath, 0644)) {
$this->_db->setQuery('UPDATE bf_files SET fileperms = "0644" WHERE id = "'.(int) $file->id.'"');
} else {
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT count(*) FROM bf_folders WHERE folderinfo LIKE "%777%"');
$folders_777 = $this->_db->LoadResult();
$res = new stdClass();
$res->errors = $errors;
$res->fixed = $fixed;
$res->leftover = $folders_777;
bfEncrypt::reply('success', $res);
* Return the list of files that have been flagged as containing mail commands or text.
private function getUploaderFileList()
// make sure we only retrieve a small dataset
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$sort = $this->_dataObj->s;
if (!$sort) {
$sort = 'filewithpath';
if (!in_array($sort, array('filewithpath', 'filemtime'))) {
exit('Invalid Sort');
if ('filemtime' == $sort) {
$sort = 'filemtime DESC';
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
// Set the query
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT id, iscorefile, filewithpath, filemtime, fileperms, `size`, iscorefile from bf_files
WHERE uploader = 1
ORDER BY '.$sort.'
LIMIT '.(int) $limitstart.', '.$limit);
// Get an object list of files
$files = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
// see how many files there are in total without a limit
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT count(*) from bf_files WHERE uploader = 1');
$count = $this->_db->loadResult();
// Only show files that still exist on the hard drive
$existingFiles = array();
foreach ($files as $k => $file) {
if (file_exists(JPATH_BASE.$file->filewithpath)) {
$existingFiles[] = $file;
} else {
$this->_db->setQuery(sprintf('DELETE FROM bf_files WHERE filewithpath = "%s"',
// return an encrypted reply
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $existingFiles,
'total' => $count,
* Return the list of files that have been flagged as containing mail commands or text.
private function getMailerFileList()
// make sure we only retrieve a small dataset
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$sort = $this->_dataObj->s;
if (!$sort) {
$sort = 'filewithpath';
if (!in_array($sort, array('filewithpath', 'filemtime'))) {
exit('Invalid Sort');
if ('filemtime' == $sort) {
$sort = 'filemtime DESC';
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
// Set the query
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT id, iscorefile, filewithpath, filemtime, fileperms, `size`, iscorefile from bf_files
WHERE mailer = 1
ORDER BY '.$sort.'
LIMIT '.(int) $limitstart.', '.$limit);
// Get an object list of files
$files = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
// see how many files there are in total without a limit
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT count(*) from bf_files WHERE mailer = 1');
$count = $this->_db->loadResult();
// Only show files that still exist on the hard drive
$existingFiles = array();
foreach ($files as $k => $file) {
if (file_exists(JPATH_BASE.$file->filewithpath)) {
$existingFiles[] = $file;
} else {
$this->_db->setQuery(sprintf('DELETE FROM bf_files WHERE filewithpath = "%s"',
// return an encrypted reply
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $existingFiles,
'total' => $count,
* Return the list of files that have been flagged as containing patterns that match our suspect patterns
* These maybe false positives for suspect content, but might be examples of bad code standards like using
* ../../../ or eval() method.
private function getSuspectContentFileList()
// make sure we only retrieve a small dataset
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$sort = $this->_dataObj->s;
if (!$sort) {
$sort = 'filewithpath';
if (!in_array($sort, array('filewithpath', 'filemtime'))) {
exit('Invalid Sort');
if ('filemtime' == $sort) {
$sort = 'filemtime DESC';
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
// Set the query
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT id, iscorefile, filewithpath, filemtime, fileperms, `size`, iscorefile, hacked, currenthash from bf_files
WHERE suspectcontent = 1 OR hacked = 1
ORDER BY '.$sort.'
LIMIT '.(int) $limitstart.', '.$limit);
// Get an object list of files
$files = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
// see how many files there are in total without a limit
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT count(*) from bf_files WHERE suspectcontent = 1 OR hacked = 1');
$count = $this->_db->loadResult();
// Only show files that still exist on the hard drive
$existingFiles = array();
foreach ($files as $k => $file) {
if (file_exists(JPATH_BASE.$file->filewithpath)) {
$existingFiles[] = $file;
} else {
$this->_db->setQuery(sprintf('DELETE FROM bf_files WHERE filewithpath = "%s"',
// return an encrypted reply
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $existingFiles,
'total' => $count,
* Get SQL files found.
private function getSQLFiles()
// make sure we only retrieve a small dataset
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$sort = $this->_dataObj->s;
if (!$sort) {
$sort = 'filewithpath';
if (!in_array($sort, array('filewithpath', 'filemtime'))) {
exit('Invalid Sort');
if ('filemtime' == $sort) {
$sort = 'filemtime DESC';
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
// Set the query
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM bf_files WHERE
(filewithpath LIKE \'%.sql\' or filewithpath LIKE \'%sql/site.%\')
(iscorefile = 0 or iscorefile is null)
ORDER BY '.$sort.'
LIMIT '.(int) $limitstart.', '.$limit);
// Get an object list of files
$files = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
// see how many files there are in total without a limit
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT count(*) FROM bf_files WHERE
(filewithpath LIKE \'%.sql\' or filewithpath LIKE \'%sql/site.%\')
(iscorefile = 0 or iscorefile is null)
$count = $this->_db->loadResult();
// Only show files that still exist on the hard drive
$existingFiles = array();
foreach ($files as $k => $file) {
if (file_exists(JPATH_BASE.$file->filewithpath)) {
$existingFiles[] = $file;
} else {
$this->_db->setQuery(sprintf('DELETE FROM bf_files WHERE filewithpath = "%s"',
// return an encrypted reply
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $existingFiles,
'total' => $count,
* Return the list of files that have been flagged as containing patterns that match our suspect patterns
* These maybe false positives for suspect content, but might be examples of bad code standards like using
* ../../../ or eval() method.
private function getNonCoreFileList()
// make sure we only retrieve a small dataset
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$sort = $this->_dataObj->s;
if (!$sort) {
$sort = 'filewithpath';
if (!in_array($sort, array('filewithpath', 'filemtime'))) {
exit('Invalid Sort');
if ('filemtime' == $sort) {
$sort = 'filemtime DESC';
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
// Set the query
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT id, iscorefile, filewithpath, filemtime, fileperms, `size`, iscorefile from bf_files
WHERE iscorefile IS NULL
ORDER BY '.$sort.'
LIMIT '.(int) $limitstart.', '.$limit);
// Get an object list of files
$files = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
// see how many files there are in total without a limit
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT count(*) from bf_files WHERE iscorefile IS NULL');
$count = $this->_db->loadResult();
// Only show files that still exist on the hard drive
$existingFiles = array();
foreach ($files as $k => $file) {
if (file_exists(JPATH_BASE.$file->filewithpath)) {
$existingFiles[] = $file;
} else {
$this->_db->setQuery(sprintf('DELETE FROM bf_files WHERE filewithpath = "%s"',
// return an encrypted reply
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $existingFiles,
'total' => $count,
* @param bool $internal
* @return array|mixed
private function getInstallationFolders($internal = false)
$folders = $this->getFolders(JPATH_BASE);
foreach ($folders as $folder) {
if (preg_match('/installation|installation.old|docs\/installation|install|installation.bak|installation.old|installation.backup|installation.delete/i', $folder)) {
$installationFolders[] = $folder;
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $installationFolders,
'total' => count($installationFolders),
* @param bool $internal
* @return array|mixed
private function getRecentlyModified($internal = false)
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
if (!$limitstart) {
$limitstart = 0;
if (!$limit) {
$limit = '9999999999999999';
$sql = "SELECT * FROM bf_files WHERE filemtime > '".strtotime('-3 days', time())."' ORDER BY filemtime DESC LIMIT ".(int) $limitstart.', '.$limit;
$files = $this->_db->LoadObjectList();
if (true === $internal) {
return $files;
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM bf_files WHERE filemtime > '".strtotime('-3 days', time())."'");
$count = $this->_db->loadResult();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $files,
'total' => $count,
* @param bool $internal
* @return array|mixed
private function getHtaccessFiles($internal = false)
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
if (!$limitstart) {
$limitstart = 0;
if (!$limit) {
$limit = '9999999999999999';
$sql = "SELECT * FROM bf_files WHERE filewithpath LIKE '%/.htaccess' ORDER BY filewithpath DESC LIMIT ".(int) $limitstart.', '.$limit;
$files = $this->_db->LoadObjectList();
if (true === $internal) {
return $files;
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM bf_files WHERE filewithpath LIKE '%/.htaccess'");
$count = $this->_db->loadResult();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $files,
'total' => $count,
* @param bool $internal
* @return array|mixed
private function getLargefiles($internal = false)
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
$order = $this->_dataObj->orderby;
if (!in_array($order, array('filewithpath', 'filemtime', 'size'))) {
$order = 'filewithpath';
if (!$limitstart) {
$limitstart = 0;
if (!$limit) {
$limit = '9999999999999999';
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM bf_files WHERE SIZE > 2097152 ORDER BY '.$order.' DESC LIMIT '.(int) $limitstart.', '.$limit;
$files = $this->_db->LoadObjectList();
if (true === $internal) {
return $files;
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bf_files WHERE SIZE > 2097152');
$count = (int) $this->_db->loadResult();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $files,
'total' => $count,
* @param bool $internal
* @return array|mixed
private function getArchivefiles($internal = false)
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
if (!$limitstart) {
$limitstart = 0;
if (!$limit) {
$limit = '9999999999999999';
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM bf_files WHERE
filewithpath LIKE ""
OR filewithpath LIKE "%.tar"
OR filewithpath LIKE "%.tar.gz"
OR filewithpath LIKE "%.bz2"
OR filewithpath LIKE "%.gzip"
OR filewithpath LIKE "%.bzip2" ORDER BY filemtime DESC LIMIT '.(int) $limitstart.', '.$limit;
$files = $this->_db->LoadObjectList();
if (true === $internal) {
return $files;
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT count(*) FROM bf_files WHERE
filewithpath LIKE ""
OR filewithpath LIKE "%.tar"
OR filewithpath LIKE "%.tar.gz"
OR filewithpath LIKE "%.bz2"
OR filewithpath LIKE "%.gzip"
OR filewithpath LIKE "%.bzip2"');
$count = (int) $this->_db->loadResult();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $files,
'total' => $count,
* @param bool $internal
* @return array|mixed
private function getPhpinwrongplace($internal = false)
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
if (!$limitstart) {
$limitstart = 0;
if (!$limit) {
$limit = '9999999999999999';
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM bf_files AS b WHERE filewithpath REGEXP "^/images/.*\.php$" ORDER BY filemtime DESC LIMIT '.(int) $limitstart.', '.$limit;
$files = $this->_db->LoadObjectList();
if (true === $internal) {
return $files;
$count = (int) count($files);
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $files,
'total' => $count,
* @param bool $internal
* @return array|mixed
private function getTmpfiles($internal = false)
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
if (!$limitstart) {
$limitstart = 0;
if (!$limit) {
$limit = '9999999999999999';
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM bf_files WHERE
filewithpath LIKE "/tmp%"
filewithpath != "/tmp/index.html"
ORDER BY filemtime DESC LIMIT '.(int) $limitstart.', '.$limit;
$files = $this->_db->LoadObjectList();
if (true === $internal) {
return $files;
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT count(*) FROM bf_files WHERE
filewithpath LIKE "/tmp%"
filewithpath != "/tmp/index.html"
ORDER BY filemtime');
$count = (int) $this->_db->loadResult();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $files,
'total' => $count,
private function clearFluffFiles()
require 'bfFilesystem.php';
foreach ($this->fluffFiles as $file) {
// ensure we are based correctly
$fileWithPath = JPATH_BASE.$file;
// Remove File.
* @param bool $internal
* @return array|mixed
private function getFlufffiles($internal = false)
$files = array();
$files['present'] = array();
$files['notpresent'] = array();
foreach ($this->fluffFiles as $file) {
// ensure we are based correctly
$fileWithPath = JPATH_BASE.$file;
// determine if the file is present or not
if (@file_exists($fileWithPath)) { //@ to avoid any nasty warnings
$files['present'][] = $file;
} else {
$files['notpresent'][] = $file;
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'total' => count($files['present']),
'files' => $files,
* @param bool $internal
* @return array|mixed
private function getRenamedToHide($internal = false)
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
if (!$limitstart) {
$limitstart = 0;
if (!$limit) {
$limit = '9999999999999999';
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM bf_files WHERE
filewithpath LIKE "%.backup%"
filewithpath LIKE "%.bak%"
filewithpath LIKE "%.old%"
ORDER BY filemtime DESC LIMIT '.(int) $limitstart.', '.$limit;
$files = $this->_db->LoadObjectList();
if (true === $internal) {
return $files;
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT count(*) FROM bf_files WHERE
filewithpath LIKE "%.backup%"
filewithpath LIKE "%.bak%"
filewithpath LIKE "%.old%"');
$count = $this->_db->loadResult();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $files,
'total' => $count,
private function clearTmpFiles()
require 'bfFilesystem.php';
$filesAndFolders = Bf_Filesystem::readDirectory(JPATH_ROOT.'/tmp', '.', true);
foreach ($filesAndFolders as $pointer) {
$pointer = JPATH_ROOT.'/tmp/'.$pointer;
if (is_dir($pointer)) {
bfLog::log('Deleting '.$pointer);
Bf_Filesystem::deleteRecursive($pointer, true);
} else {
bfLog::log('Deleting '.$pointer);
file_put_contents(JPATH_ROOT.'/tmp/index.html', '<html><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></body></html> ');
$sql = 'DELETE FROM bf_files WHERE
filewithpath LIKE "/tmp%"
filewithpath != "/tmp/index.html"';
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'res' => true,
* @param bool $internal
* @return array|mixed
private function getDotfiles($internal = false)
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
if (!$limitstart) {
$limitstart = 0;
if (!$limit) {
$limit = '9999999999999999';
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM bf_files WHERE filewithpath LIKE "%/.%" ORDER BY filemtime DESC LIMIT '.(int) $limitstart.', '.$limit;
$files = $this->_db->LoadObjectList();
if (true === $internal) {
return $files;
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT count(*) FROM bf_files WHERE filewithpath LIKE "%/.%"');
$count = $this->_db->loadResult();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $files,
'total' => $count,
* Find files which have zero bytes (no content) as they just litter the webspace
* and run up inode counts. Joomla doesnt rely on zero byte files, we have seen "other hack cleanup companies"
* litter the webspace with zero byte files and so this tool deletes those too.
* @param bool $internal
* @return mixed
private function getZerobyteFiles($internal = false)
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
if (!$limitstart) {
$limitstart = 0;
if (!$limit) {
$limit = '9999999999999999';
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM bf_files WHERE size = 0 ORDER BY filemtime DESC LIMIT '.(int) $limitstart.', '.$limit;
$files = $this->_db->LoadObjectList();
if (true === $internal) {
return $files;
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT count(*) FROM bf_files WHERE size = 0');
$count = $this->_db->loadResult();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $files,
'total' => $count,
* Restore core files from a trusted source.
* This source ( is checked hourly for integrity, if you are concerned about MITM Attacks, well, if your server
* is compromised enough for a MITM Attack then you have bigger issues, plus this is how Joomla updates happen
* anyway so no additional security issues are created with this code!
private function restoreAllMissingFiles()
$url = '';
$restored = 0;
$notRestored = 0;
// Crappy Servers Alert!
$files = $this->getMissingCoreFiles(true);
foreach ($files as $file) {
$downloadUrl = sprintf($url, JVERSION, $file->filewithpath);
$restoreToFile = JPATH_BASE.$file->filewithpath;
// check folder and path to folder exists
$folder = dirname($restoreToFile);
if (!file_exists($folder)) {
@mkdir($folder, 0755, true);
$content = file_get_contents($downloadUrl);
if ($content && file_exists($folder) && file_put_contents($restoreToFile, $content)) {
// Set correct permissions @ for crappy servers
@chmod($restoreToFile, 0644);
// Update the cache database tables so we dont have to run a new audit right away
$sql = "INSERT INTO `bf_files`
(`id`, `filewithpath`, `fileperms`, `filemtime`, `toggler`, `currenthash`, `lasthash`, `iscorefile`, `hashfailed`, `hashchanged`, `hacked`, `suspectcontent`, `falsepositive`, `mailer`, `uploader`, `encrypted`, `queued`, `size`)
(NULL, '%s', '0644', '%s', NULL, '%s', '%s', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, %s)";
$sql = sprintf($sql, $file->filewithpath, time(), md5_file($restoreToFile), md5_file($restoreToFile), filesize($restoreToFile));
} else {
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'total' => count($files),
'restored' => $restored,
'notrestored' => $notRestored,
private function getMissingCoreFiles($internal = false)
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
if (!$limitstart) {
$limitstart = 0;
if (!$limit) {
$limit = '9999999999999999';
$sql = " FROM `bf_core_hashes`
WHERE filewithpath NOT IN (
SELECT filewithpath from bf_files
AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '/installation/%'
AND filewithpath != '/robots.txt.dist'
AND filewithpath != '/administrator/manifests/packages/pkg_weblinks.xml'
AND filewithpath != '/'
AND filewithpath != '/robots.txt.dist'
AND filewithpath != '/web.config.txt'
AND filewithpath != '/joomla.xml'
AND filewithpath != '/build.xml'
AND filewithpath != '/LICENSE.txt'
AND filewithpath != '/README.txt'
AND filewithpath != '/htaccess.txt'
AND filewithpath != '/LICENSES.php'
AND filewithpath != '/configuration.php-dist'
AND filewithpath != '/CHANGELOG.php'
AND filewithpath != '/COPYRIGHT.php'
AND filewithpath != '/CREDITS.php'
AND filewithpath != '/INSTALL.php'
AND filewithpath != '/LICENSE.php'
AND filewithpath != '/'
AND filewithpath != '/phpunit.xml.dist'
AND filewithpath != '/.drone.yml'
AND filewithpath != '/'
AND filewithpath != '/.travis.yml'
AND filewithpath != '/travisci-phpunit.xml'
AND filewithpath != '/images/banners/osmbanner1.png'
AND filewithpath != '/images/banners/osmbanner2.png'
AND filewithpath != '/images/banners/shop-ad-books.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/banners/shop-ad.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/banners/white.png'
AND filewithpath != '/images/headers/blue-flower.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/headers/maple.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/headers/raindrops.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/headers/walden-pond.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/headers/windows.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/joomla_black.gif'
AND filewithpath != '/images/joomla_black.png'
AND filewithpath != '/images/joomla_green.gif'
AND filewithpath != '/images/joomla_logo_black.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/powered_by.png'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/fruitshop/apple.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/fruitshop/bananas_2.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/fruitshop/fruits.gif'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/fruitshop/tamarind.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/parks/animals/180px_koala_ag1.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/parks/animals/180px_wobbegong.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/parks/animals/200px_phyllopteryx_taeniolatus1.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/parks/animals/220px_spottedquoll_2005_seanmcclean.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/parks/animals/789px_spottedquoll_2005_seanmcclean.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/parks/animals/800px_koala_ag1.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/parks/animals/800px_phyllopteryx_taeniolatus1.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/parks/animals/800px_wobbegong.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/parks/banner_cradle.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/parks/landscape/120px_pinnacles_western_australia.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/parks/landscape/120px_rainforest_bluemountainsnsw.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/parks/landscape/180px_ormiston_pound.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/parks/landscape/250px_cradle_mountain_seen_from_barn_bluff.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/parks/landscape/727px_rainforest_bluemountainsnsw.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/parks/landscape/800px_cradle_mountain_seen_from_barn_bluff.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/parks/landscape/800px_ormiston_pound.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/parks/landscape/800px_pinnacles_western_australia.jpg'
AND filewithpath != '/images/sampledata/parks/parks.gif' ORDER BY filewithpath DESC ";
$limitIt = 'LIMIT '.(int) $limitstart.', '.$limit;
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT * '.$sql.$limitIt);
$files = $this->_db->LoadObjectList();
foreach ($files as $k => $file) {
if (file_exists(JPATH_BASE.$file->filewithpath)) {
if (true === $internal) {
return $files;
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT count(*) '.$sql.$limitIt);
$count = $this->_db->loadResult();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $files,
'total' => $count,
* Tool57
* Delete files which have zero bytes (no content) as they just litter the webspace
* and run up inode counts. Joomla doesnt rely on zero byte files, we have seen "other hack cleanup companies"
* litter the webspace with zero byte files and so this tool deletes those too.
private function deleteZerobyteFiles()
$sql = 'SELECT filewithpath FROM bf_files WHERE size = 0';
$files = $this->_db->LoadObjectList();
$filesDeleted = array();
$count = 0;
foreach ($files as $file) {
$fullFilePath = JPATH_BASE.$file->filewithpath;
if (@unlink($fullFilePath)) {
$filesDeleted[] = $file->filewithpath;
$sql = sprintf('DELETE FROM bf_files WHERE filewithpath = " % s"', $file->filewithpath);
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $filesDeleted,
'total' => $count,
* @param bool $internal
* @return array|mixed
private function getEncrypted($internal = false)
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
if (!$limitstart) {
$limitstart = 0;
if (!$limit) {
$limit = '9999999999999999';
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM bf_files WHERE encrypted = 1 ORDER BY filemtime DESC LIMIT '.(int) $limitstart.', '.$limit;
$files = $this->_db->LoadObjectList();
if (true === $internal) {
return $files;
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT count(*) FROM bf_files WHERE encrypted = 1');
$count = $this->_db->loadResult();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $files,
'total' => $count,
* @param bool $internal
* @return array|mixed
private function getSkipped($internal = false)
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
if (!$limitstart) {
$limitstart = 0;
if (!$limit) {
$limit = '9999999999999999';
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM bf_files WHERE skipped = 1 ORDER BY filemtime DESC LIMIT '.(int) $limitstart.', '.$limit;
$files = $this->_db->LoadObjectList();
if (true === $internal) {
return $files;
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT count(*) FROM bf_files WHERE skipped = 1');
$count = $this->_db->loadResult();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $files,
'total' => $count,
* @param bool $internal
* @return JUser|mixed|object
private function getUser($internal = false)
switch ($this->_dataObj->searchfield) {
case 'username':
$sql = "SELECT * FROM #__users WHERE username = '%s'";
$sql = sprintf($sql, $this->_dataObj->searchvalue);
$row = $this->_db->loadObject();
case 'id':
$row = new JUser();
$row->load((int) $this->_dataObj->searchvalue);
if ($row->id) {
// NEVER let the users password leave the remote site
$row->password = '**REMOVED**';
if (true === $internal) {
return $row;
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'user' => $row,
* remove £live_site from the configuration.php.
* @throws exception Exception
private function removeLiveSite()
// Require more complex methods for dealing with files
require 'bfFilesystem.php';
try {
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
$config->set('live_site', '');
} else {
$config->setValue('config.live_site', '');
$newConfig = $config->toString('PHP', array(
'class' => 'JConfig',
'closingtag' => false,
// On some occasions, Joomla! 1.6 ignores the configuration and
// produces "class c". Let's fix this!
$newConfig = str_replace('class c {', 'class JConfig {', $newConfig);
$newConfig = str_replace('namespace c;', '', $newConfig);
// Try to write out the configuration.php
$filename = JPATH_ROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'configuration.php';
$result = Bf_Filesystem::_write($filename, $newConfig);
if (false !== $result) {
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array());
} else {
bfEncrypt::reply(bfReply::ERROR, array(
'msg' => 'Could Not Save Config',
} catch (Exception $e) {
bfEncrypt::reply(bfReply::ERROR, array(
'msg' => $e->getMessage(),
* set the log_path and tmp_path to sane defaults.
* @throws exception Exception
private function setLogTmpPaths()
// Require more complex methods for dealing with files
require 'bfFilesystem.php';
try {
// sane and recommended defaults
$logpath = JPATH_ROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'administrator/logs';
// force creation and set sane permissions
@chmod($logpath, 0755);
@chmod($tmpath, 0755);
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
$config->set('log_path', $logpath);
$config->set('tmp_path', $tmpath);
} else {
$config->setValue('config.log_path', $logpath);
$config->setValue('config.tmp_path', $tmpath);
$newConfig = $config->toString('PHP', array(
'class' => 'JConfig',
'closingtag' => false,
// On some occasions, Joomla! 1.6 ignores the configuration and
// produces "class c". Let's fix this!
$newConfig = str_replace('class c {', 'class JConfig {', $newConfig);
$newConfig = str_replace('namespace c;', '', $newConfig);
// Try to write out the configuration.php
$filename = JPATH_ROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'configuration.php';
$result = Bf_Filesystem::_write($filename, $newConfig);
if (false !== $result) {
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'log_path' => $logpath,
'tmp_path' => $tmpath,
'config_file' => $filename,
} else {
bfEncrypt::reply(bfReply::ERROR, array(
'msg' => 'Could Not Save Config',
} catch (Exception $e) {
bfEncrypt::reply(bfReply::ERROR, array(
'msg' => $e->getMessage(),
* Enable SEF and SEF Rewrite.
private function setSEFConfig()
// Require more complex methods for dealing with files
require 'bfFilesystem.php';
try {
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
// Our sane defaults
if ('true' == $this->_dataObj->s) {// true means, set to the OK value
$sef = 1;
$sef_rewrite = 1;
$sef_suffix = 0;
} else {
$sef = 0;
$sef_rewrite = 0;
$sef_suffix = 0;
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
$config->set('sef', $sef);
$config->set('sef_rewrite', $sef_rewrite);
$config->set('sef_suffix', $sef_suffix);
} else {
$config->setValue('config.sef', $sef);
$config->setValue('config.sef_rewrite', $sef_rewrite);
$config->setValue('config.sef_suffix', $sef_suffix);
$newConfig = $config->toString('PHP', array(
'class' => 'JConfig',
'closingtag' => false,
// On some occasions, Joomla! 1.6 ignores the configuration and
// produces "class c". Let's fix this!
$newConfig = str_replace('class c {', 'class JConfig {', $newConfig);
$newConfig = str_replace('namespace c;', '', $newConfig);
// Try to write out the configuration.php
$filename = JPATH_ROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'configuration.php';
$result = Bf_Filesystem::_write($filename, $newConfig);
if (false !== $result) {
bfEncrypt::reply('success', $this->getSEFConfig());
} else {
bfEncrypt::reply(bfReply::ERROR, array(
'msg' => 'Could Not Save Config',
} catch (Exception $e) {
bfEncrypt::reply(bfReply::ERROR, array(
'msg' => $e->getMessage(),
* Get the settings for the SEF from Joomla Global Config.
* public $sef = '1';
* public $sef_rewrite = '0';
* public $sef_suffix = '0';
private function getSEFConfig()
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
$data = array(
'sef' => $config->get('sef'),
'sef_rewrite' => $config->get('sef_rewrite'),
'sef_suffix' => $config->get('sef_suffix'),
} else {
$data = array(
'sef' => $config->getValue('config.sef'),
'sef_rewrite' => $config->getValue('config.sef_rewrite'),
'sef_suffix' => $config->getValue('config.sef_suffix'),
bfEncrypt::reply('success', $data);
* Set Cookie Settings right.
private function setCookieSettings()
// Require more complex methods for dealing with files
require 'bfFilesystem.php';
try {
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
$config->set('cookie_domain', '');
$config->set('cookie_path', '');
} else {
$config->setValue('config.cookie_domain', '');
$config->setValue('config.cookie_path', '');
$newConfig = $config->toString('PHP', array(
'class' => 'JConfig',
'closingtag' => false,
// On some occasions, Joomla! 1.6 ignores the configuration and
// produces "class c". Let's fix this!
$newConfig = str_replace('class c {', 'class JConfig {', $newConfig);
$newConfig = str_replace('namespace c;', '', $newConfig);
// Try to write out the configuration.php
$filename = JPATH_ROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'configuration.php';
$result = Bf_Filesystem::_write($filename, $newConfig);
if (false !== $result) {
bfEncrypt::reply('success', $this->getCookieSettings());
} else {
bfEncrypt::reply(bfReply::ERROR, array(
'msg' => 'Could Not Save Config',
} catch (Exception $e) {
bfEncrypt::reply(bfReply::ERROR, array(
'msg' => $e->getMessage(),
* Get the settings for the cookie from config.
* public $cookie_domain
* public $cookie_path
private function getCookieSettings()
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
$data = array(
'cookie_domain' => $config->get('cookie_domain'),
'cookie_path' => $config->get('cookie_path'),
} else {
$data = array(
'cookie_domain' => $config->getValue('config.cookie_domain'),
'cookie_path' => $config->getValue('config.cookie_path'),
bfEncrypt::reply('success', $data);
* @throws exception Exception
private function setDbPrefix()
// Require more complex methods for dealing with files
require 'bfFilesystem.php';
$prefix = $this->_dataObj->prefix;
try {
$prefix = $this->_validateDbPrefix($prefix);
* Performs the actual schema change.
* @param $prefix string
* The new prefix
* @return bool False if the schema could not be changed
* @copyright Copyright (c)2010-2011 Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
* @license GNU General Public License version 3, or later
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
$oldprefix = $config->get('dbprefix', '');
$dbname = $config->get('db', '');
} else {
$oldprefix = $config->getValue('config.dbprefix', '');
$dbname = $config->getValue('config.db', '');
$db = $this->_db;
$sql = "SHOW TABLES WHERE `Tables_in_{$dbname}` like '{$oldprefix}%'";
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
$oldTables = $db->loadColumn();
} else {
$oldTables = $db->loadResultArray();
if (empty($oldTables)) {
throw new Exception('Could not find any tables with the old prefix to change to the new prefix');
foreach ($oldTables as $table) {
$newTable = $prefix.substr($table, strlen($oldprefix));
$sql = "RENAME TABLE `$table` TO `$newTable`";
if (!$db->query()) {
// Something went wrong; I am pulling the plug and hope for
// the best
throw new Exception('Something went wrong; I am pulling the plug and hope for the best - Contact our support URGENTLY');
* Updates the configuration.php file with the given prefix.
* @param $prefix string
* The prefix to write to the configuration.php file
* @return bool False if writing to the file was not possible
* @copyright Copyright (c)2010-2011 Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
* @license GNU General Public License version 3, or later
// Load the configuration and replace the db prefix
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
$oldprefix = $config->get('dbprefix', $prefix);
} else {
$oldprefix = $config->getValue('config.dbprefix', $prefix);
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
$config->set('dbprefix', $prefix);
} else {
$config->setValue('config.dbprefix', $prefix);
$newConfig = $config->toString('PHP', array(
'class' => 'JConfig',
'closingtag' => false,
// On some occasions, Joomla! 1.6 ignores the configuration and
// produces "class c". Let's fix this!
$newConfig = str_replace('class c {', 'class JConfig {', $newConfig);
$newConfig = str_replace('namespace c;', '', $newConfig);
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
$config->set('dbprefix', $oldprefix);
} else {
$config->setValue('config.dbprefix', $oldprefix);
// Try to write out the configuration.php
$filename = JPATH_ROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'configuration.php';
$result = Bf_Filesystem::_write($filename, $newConfig);
if (false !== $result) {
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'prefix' => $prefix,
} else {
bfEncrypt::reply(bfReply::ERROR, array(
'msg' => 'Could Not Save Config',
} catch (Exception $e) {
bfEncrypt::reply(bfReply::ERROR, array(
'msg' => $e->getMessage(),
* Validates a prefix.
* The prefix must be 3-6 lowercase characters followed by
* an underscore and must not alrady exist in the current database. It must
* also not be jos_ or bak_.
* @param $prefix string
* The prefix to check
* @return string bool validated prefix or false if the prefix is invalid
* @throws exception
* @copyright Copyright (c)2010-2011 Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
private function _validateDbPrefix($prefix)
// Check that the prefix is not jos_ or bak_
if (('jos_' == $prefix) || ('bak_' == $prefix)) {
throw new exception('Cannot be a standard prefix like jos_ or bak_');
// Check that we're not trying to reuse the same prefix
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
$oldprefix = $config->get('dbprefix', '');
} else {
$oldprefix = $config->getValue('config.dbprefix', '');
if ($prefix == $oldprefix) {
throw new exception('Cannot be the same as existing prefix');
// Check the length
$pLen = strlen($prefix);
if (($pLen < 4) || ($pLen > 6)) {
throw new exception('Prefix must be between 4 and 6 chars');
// Check that the prefix ends with an underscore
if ('_' != substr($prefix, -1)) {
throw new exception('Prefix must end with an underscore');
// Check that the part before the underscore is lowercase letters
$valid = preg_match('/[\w]_/i', $prefix);
if (0 === $valid) {
throw new exception('Prefix must be all lowercase');
// Turn the prefix into lowercase
$prefix = strtolower($prefix);
// Check if the prefix already exists in the database
$db = $this->_db;
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
$dbname = $config->get('db', '');
} else {
$dbname = $config->getValue('config.db', '');
$sql = "SHOW TABLES WHERE `Tables_in_{$dbname}` like '{$prefix}%'";
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
$existing_tables = $db->loadColumn();
} else {
$existing_tables = $db->loadResultArray();
if (count($existing_tables)) {
// Sometimes we have false alerts, e.g. a prefix of dev_ will match
// tables starting with dev15_ or dev16_
$realCount = 0;
foreach ($existing_tables as $check) {
if (substr($check, 0, $pLen) == $prefix) {
if ($realCount) {
throw new exception('Prefix already exists in the database');
return $prefix;
* Update details of a user, including a hashed password.
* @todo Not sure this is ever called anymore (April 2018)
private function setUser()
$email = $this->_dataObj->email;
$pass = $this->_dataObj->password;
$username = $this->_dataObj->username;
$where = $this->_dataObj->where;
if (!$email || !$pass || !$username || !$where) {
bfEncrypt::reply('failure', array(
'msg' => 'Not all required parts set',
$sql = 'UPDATE #__users SET username="%s", password="%s", email ="%s" WHERE %s';
$sql = sprintf($sql, $username, $pass, $email, $where);
$id = $this->_db->query();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'usersaved' => $id,
* @param bool $internal
* @return array|mixed
private function getErrorLogs($internal = false)
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
if (!$limitstart) {
$limitstart = 0;
if (!$limit) {
$limit = '9999999999999999'; //pah
$sql = "SELECT * FROM bf_files WHERE filewithpath LIKE '%error_log' ORDER BY filemtime DESC LIMIT ".(int) $limitstart.', '.$limit;
$files = $this->_db->LoadObjectList();
if (true === $internal) {
return $files;
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM bf_files WHERE filewithpath LIKE '%error_log'");
$count = $this->_db->loadResult();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $files,
'total' => $count,
* Save the robots.txt file.
private function saveRobotsFile()
if (file_put_contents(JPATH_BASE.'/robots.txt', base64_decode($this->_dataObj->filecontents))) {
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'msg' => 'File saved!',
} else {
bfEncrypt::reply('error', array(
'msg' => 'File could not be saved!',
* ok ok I know this looks bad, it probably is, but this allows a subscriber to edit a file on
* and then save the contents back to
* In order to get to this method a lot of security jumps have to have gone through already
* Its not as insecure as first seen... promise :)
private function saveFile()
require 'bfFilesystem.php';
if (!$this->_dataObj->filename || !$this->_dataObj->filecontents) {
bfEncrypt::reply('error', array(
'msg' => 'No file name or file contents were provided!',
if (file_exists(JPATH_BASE.$this->_dataObj->filename) && !is_writable(JPATH_BASE.$this->_dataObj->filename)) {
bfEncrypt::reply('error', array(
'msg' => 'File not saved - as file is unwritable!',
if (!file_exists(dirname(JPATH_BASE.$this->_dataObj->filename))) {
if (!@mkdir(dirname(JPATH_BASE.$this->_dataObj->filename), 0755, true)) {
bfEncrypt::reply('error', array(
'msg' => 'File not saved - could not create folder paths!',
$content = base64_decode($this->_dataObj->filecontents);
if (!$content) {
bfEncrypt::reply('error', array(
'msg' => 'File not saved - as no content sent to save into the file!',
if (@Bf_Filesystem::_write(JPATH_BASE.$this->_dataObj->filename, $content)) {
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'msg' => 'File saved!',
} else {
bfEncrypt::reply('error', array(
'msg' => 'No idea why, but file content could not be saved to '.JPATH_BASE.$this->_dataObj->filename,
* get the contents of the robots.txt only if it exists in the cache tables.
private function getRobotsFile()
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT id from bf_files WHERE filewithpath = "/robots.txt"');
$id = $this->_db->loadResult();
if (!$id) {
$obj = new stdclass();
$obj->filename = '';
$obj->filemd5 = md5('');
$obj->filewithpath = '';
$obj->filecontents = base64_encode('Could not load content for your own security, run a full audit before attempting to edit file content with');
$obj->filesize = 0;
$obj->basepath = JPATH_BASE;
$obj->writeable = 0;
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'file' => $obj,
* @param null $file_id
private function downloadfile($file_id = null)
if (null === $file_id) {
$file_id = (int) $this->_dataObj->f;
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT filewithpath from bf_files WHERE id = '.$file_id);
$filename = $this->_db->loadResult();
$filewithpath = JPATH_BASE.$filename;
if (file_exists($filewithpath)) {
$contents = file_get_contents($filewithpath);
$contentsbase64_encode = base64_encode($contents);
$obj = new stdclass();
$obj->filename = $filename;
$obj->filemd5 = md5($contents);
$obj->filewithpath = $filewithpath;
$obj->filecontents = $contentsbase64_encode;
$obj->filesize = filesize($filewithpath);
$obj->basepath = JPATH_BASE;
$obj->writeable = is_writable($filewithpath);
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'file' => $obj,
} else {
bfEncrypt::reply('error', array(
'msg' => 'File No Longer Exists!',
private function restorefile()
// Require more complex methods for dealing with files
require 'bfFilesystem.php';
// get the cached data on the file
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT filewithpath FROM bf_files WHERE id = '.$this->_dataObj->fileid);
$file_to_restore_nopath = $this->_db->loadResult();
$file_to_restore = JPATH_BASE.$file_to_restore_nopath;
$new_file_contents = base64_decode($this->_dataObj->filecontents);
$new_md5 = md5($new_file_contents);
if ($new_md5 !== $this->_dataObj->md5) {
bfEncrypt::reply('failure', 'MD5 Check 1 Failed');
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT hash FROM bf_core_hashes WHERE filewithpath = "'.$file_to_restore_nopath.'"');
$core_md5 = $this->_db->loadResult();
if ($core_md5 !== $this->_dataObj->md5) {
bfEncrypt::reply('failure', 'MD5 Check 2 Failed');
$backup = file_get_contents($file_to_restore);
Bf_Filesystem::_write($file_to_restore, $new_file_contents);
if (md5_file($file_to_restore) !== $this->_dataObj->md5) {
Bf_Filesystem::_write($file_to_restore, $backup);
bfEncrypt::reply('failure', 'MD5 Check 3 Failed');
$this->_db->setQuery("UPDATE bf_files SET suspectcontent = 0 , hashfailed = 0 where filewithpath = '".$file_to_restore_nopath."'");
bfEncrypt::reply('success', 'Restored OK');
private function checkFTPLayer()
$config = JFactory::getApplication();
$ftp_pass = $config->getCfg('ftp_pass', '');
$ftp_user = $config->getCfg('ftp_user', '');
$ftp_enable = $config->getCfg('ftp_enable', '');
$ftp_host = $config->getCfg('ftp_host', '');
$ftp_root = $config->getCfg('ftp_root', '');
if ($ftp_pass || $ftp_user || '1' == $ftp_enable || $ftp_host || $ftp_root) {
bfEncrypt::reply('success', 1);
} else {
bfEncrypt::reply('success', 0);
private function disableFTPLayer()
$config = JFactory::getApplication();
$config_file = JPATH_BASE.'/configuration.php';
$ftp_pass = $config->getCfg('ftp_pass', '');
$ftp_user = $config->getCfg('ftp_user', '');
$ftp_enable = $config->getCfg('ftp_enable', '');
$ftp_host = $config->getCfg('ftp_host', '');
$ftp_root = $config->getCfg('ftp_root', '');
$config_txt = file_get_contents(JPATH_BASE.'/configuration.php');
$config_txt = str_replace("\$ftp_enable = '1';", "\$ftp_enable = '0';", $config_txt);
$config_txt = str_replace("\$ftp_pass = '".$ftp_pass."';", "\$ftp_pass = '';", $config_txt);
$config_txt = str_replace("\$ftp_user = '".$ftp_user."';", "\$ftp_user = '';", $config_txt);
$config_txt = str_replace("\$ftp_host = '".$ftp_host."';", "\$ftp_host = '';", $config_txt);
$config_txt = str_replace("\$ftp_root = '".$ftp_root."';", "\$ftp_root = '';", $config_txt);
@chmod($config_file, 0777);
if (file_put_contents($config_file, $config_txt)) {
@chmod($config_file, 0644);
bfEncrypt::reply('success', 1);
} else {
bfEncrypt::reply('failure', 'Could not write configuration.php to '.$config_file);
private function setFolderPermissions()
$fixed = 0;
$errors = 0;
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT id, folderwithpath from bf_folders WHERE folderinfo = "777"');
$folders = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
foreach ($folders as $folder) {
if (@chmod(JPATH_BASE.$folder->folderwithpath, 0755)) {
$this->_db->setQuery('UPDATE bf_folders SET folderinfo = "755" WHERE id = "'.(int) $folder->id.'" AND folderinfo = "777"');
} else {
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT count(*) FROM bf_folders WHERE folderinfo LIKE "%777%"');
$folders_777 = $this->_db->LoadResult();
$res = new stdClass();
$res->errors = $errors;
$res->fixed = $fixed;
$res->leftover = $folders_777;
bfEncrypt::reply('success', $res);
* I do some sanity checks then enable .htaccess.
private function setHtaccess()
// Require more complex methods for dealing with files
require 'bfFilesystem.php';
// init bfDatabase
// To
$htaccess = JPATH_BASE.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'.htaccess';
// From
$htaccesstxt = JPATH_BASE.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'htaccess.txt';
$res = new stdClass();
if (file_exists($htaccess)) {
$res->result = 'ERROR';
$res->msg = '.htaccess file already exists!';
bfEncrypt::reply(bfReply::SUCCESS, $res);
if (!file_exists($htaccesstxt)) {
$res->result = 'ERROR';
$res->msg = 'htaccess.txt file not found, cannot proceed';
bfEncrypt::reply(bfReply::SUCCESS, $res);
// Test we are on apache
if (!preg_match('/Apache|LiteSpeed/i', $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'])) {
$res->result = 'ERROR';
$res->msg = 'Server reported its not running Apache/LiteSpeed, but is running '.$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'];
bfEncrypt::reply(bfReply::SUCCESS, $res);
$didItWork = Bf_Filesystem::_write($htaccess, file_get_contents($htaccesstxt));
if (false == $didItWork) {
$res->result = 'ERROR';
$res->msg = 'Could not copy htaccess.txt to .htaccess';
bfEncrypt::reply(bfReply::SUCCESS, $res);
$res->result = 'SUCCESS';
$res->msg = '.htaccess enabled! - Go and test your site!';
bfEncrypt::reply(bfReply::SUCCESS, $res);
* I set the new database credentials in /configuration.php after some testing.
private function setDbCredentials()
// Require more complex methods for dealing with files
require 'bfFilesystem.php';
$password = $this->_dataObj->p;
$user = $this->_dataObj->u;
$res = $this->testDbCredentials(true);
if ('error' == $res->result) {
bfEncrypt::reply(bfReply::ERROR, $res);
* Updates the configuration.php file with the given prefix
* (some code from below).
* @param $prefix string
* The prefix to write to the configuration.php file
* @return bool False if writing to the file was not possible
* @copyright Copyright (c)2010-2011 Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos
* @license GNU General Public License version 3, or later
// Load the configuration and replace the db prefix
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
$olduser = $config->get('user');
$oldpassword = $config->get('password');
$host = $config->get('host');
} else {
$olduser = $config->getValue('config.user');
$oldpassword = $config->getValue('configpassword');
$host = $config->getValue('host');
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
$config->set('user', $user);
$config->set('password', $password);
} else {
$config->setValue('config.user', $user);
$config->setValue('config.password', $password);
$newConfig = $config->toString('PHP', 'config', array(
'class' => 'JConfig',
// On some occasions, Joomla! 1.6 ignores the configuration and
// produces "class c". Let's fix this!
$newConfig = str_replace('class c {', 'class JConfig {', $newConfig);
// Try to write out the configuration.php
$filename = JPATH_ROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'configuration.php';
$result = Bf_Filesystem::_write($filename, $newConfig);
// reconnect db! to use new credentials
$newConnectionOptions['user'] = $user;
$newConnectionOptions['password'] = $password;
$newConnectionOptions['host'] = $host;
// make new db connection
$db = JDatabase::getInstance($newConnectionOptions);
$db->setQuery('SHOW DATABASES where `Database` NOT IN ("test", "information_schema", "mysql")');
$dbs_visible = count($db->loadObjectList());
if (false !== $result) {
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'msg' => 'Config saved!',
'dbs_visible' => $dbs_visible,
} else {
bfEncrypt::reply(bfReply::ERROR, array(
'msg' => 'Could Not Save Config',
* @param bool $internal
* @return stdClass
private function testDbCredentials($internal = false)
try {
$config = JFactory::getApplication();
$pass = $this->_dataObj->p;
$user = $this->_dataObj->u;
$host = $config->getCfg('host', '');
$db = $config->getCfg('db', '');
if (function_exists('mysql_connect')) {
$link = @mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass);
} else {
$link = @mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass);
$msg = new stdClass();
if (!$link) {
if (function_exists('mysql_connect')) {
$msg->msg = trim(mysql_error().' Could not connect to mysql server with supplied credentials');
} else {
$msg->msg = trim(mysqli_error().' Could not connect to mysql server with supplied credentials');
$msg->result = 'error';
if (true === $internal) {
return $msg;
bfEncrypt::reply('success', $msg);
if (function_exists('mysql_connect')) {
if (!@mysql_select_db($db, $link)) {
$msg->msg = trim(mysql_error().' Mysql User exists, but has no access to the database');
$msg->result = 'error';
if (true === $internal) {
return $msg;
bfEncrypt::reply('success', $msg);
} else {
if (!@mysqli_select_db($link, $db)) {
$msg->msg = trim(mysqli_error().' Mysql User exists, but has no access to the database');
$msg->result = 'error';
if (true === $internal) {
return $msg;
bfEncrypt::reply('success', $msg);
$msg->result = 'success';
if (true === $internal) {
return $msg;
bfEncrypt::reply('success', $msg);
} catch (Exception $e) {
bfEncrypt::reply('error', 'exception: '.$e->getMessage());
private function getUpdatesCount()
require 'bfUpdates.php';
$bfUpdates = new bfUpdates();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'count' => $bfUpdates->getupdates(true, $this->_dataObj->d),
private function getUpdatesDetail()
require 'bfUpdates.php';
$bfUpdates = new bfUpdates();
$updates = $bfUpdates->getupdates(false, $this->_dataObj->d);
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'current_joomla_version' => JVERSION,
'availableUpdates' => $updates['updates'],
'updateSites' => $updates['sites'],
* Fix Db Schema version in the db.
* @since 20130929
private function fixDbSchema()
require JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.'/components/com_installer/models/database.php';
$model = new InstallerModelDatabase();
$changeSet = $model->getItems();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'latest' => $changeSet->getSchema(),
'current' => $model->getSchemaVersion(),
'schema_errors' => $model->getItems()->check(),
* Return the DB schema.
* @since 20130929
private function getDbSchemaVersion()
require JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.'/components/com_installer/models/database.php';
$model = new InstallerModelDatabase();
$changeSet = $model->getItems();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'latest' => $changeSet->getSchema(),
'current' => $model->getSchemaVersion(),
'schema_errors' => $model->getItems()
private function checkGoogleFile()
$found = false;
$files = scandir(JPATH_BASE);
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (preg_match('/google.*\.html/', $file)) {
$found = true;
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'found' => $found,
* Toggles the @offline property of JConfig in /configuration.php.
private function toggleOnline()
if ('true' == $this->_dataObj->s) { // false = set to online, true = set to offline
return $this->_setConfigParam('offline', 0, 'int');
} else {
return $this->_setConfigParam('offline', 1, 'int');
* Generic function for updating the configuration.php file.
* @param $param string
* @param $value string|int
private function _setConfigParam($param, $value, $type = 'int')
// Require more complex methods for dealing with files
require 'bfFilesystem.php';
if ('int' == $type && !is_int($value)) {
if ('true' == $value) {
$value = 1;
} elseif ('false' == $value) {
$value = 0;
} else {
$value = 0;
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
$config->set($param, $value);
} else {
$config->setValue('config.'.$param, $value);
$newConfig = $config->toString('PHP', array(
'class' => 'JConfig',
* On some occasions, Joomla! 1.6+ ignores the configuration and
* produces "class c". Let's fix this!
$newConfig = str_replace('class c {', 'class JConfig {', $newConfig);
$newConfig = str_replace('namespace c;', '', $newConfig);
// Set the correct location of the file
$filename = JPATH_ROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'configuration.php';
// Try to write out the configuration.php
$result = Bf_Filesystem::_write($filename, $newConfig);
if (false !== $result) {
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
$param => $value,
} else {
bfEncrypt::reply(bfReply::ERROR, array(
'msg' => 'Could Not Save Config value for '.$param,
private function toggleCache()
if ('true' == $this->_dataObj->s) {// true means, set to the OK value
return $this->_setConfigParam('caching', 1, 'int');
} else {
return $this->_setConfigParam('caching', 0, 'int');
private function getOfflineStatus()
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'offline' => JFactory::getApplication()->getCfg('offline'),
private function getCacheStatus()
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'caching' => JFactory::getApplication()->getCfg('caching'),
* Install an extension from Url.
private function doExtensionInstallFromUrl()
// Load up as much of Joomla as we need
require 'bfExtensions.php';
$ext = new bfExtensions($this->_dataObj);
private function doExtensionUpgrade()
// Load up as much of Joomla as we need
require 'bfExtensions.php';
$app = JFactory::getApplication('Myjoomla');
// Support crappy extensions like OSMap that implement their own license manager via plugins
// init reply to
$result = array();
$result['messages'] = array();
// which row in the _updates table should we use
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT * from #__updates WHERE extension_id = "'.$this->_dataObj->eid.'"');
$update = $this->_db->loadObject();
if ('fabrik_element' === $update->folder && file_exists(JPATH_BASE.'/plugins/system/fabrik/defines.php')) {
require_once JPATH_BASE.'/plugins/system/fabrik/defines.php';
// Do the update
$ext = new bfExtensions();
$result['result'] = $ext->doUpdate($update->update_id);
// Grab any error messages
$result['messages'] = $app->getMessageQueue();
// translate messages
$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
$lang->load('com_installer', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, 'en-GB', true);
$lang->load('lib_joomla', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, 'en-GB', true);
if (count($result['messages'])) {
foreach ($result['messages'] as &$msg) {
$msg['message'] = JText::_($msg['message']);
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'result' => $result,
private function checkAkeebaOutputDirectory()
try {
// If using PHP 5.2 then ABORT as Akeeba stuff needs newer PHP version
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<')) {
throw new Exception('PHP version below 5.3.0 so Akeeba Will Not Work!');
} else {
require 'bfPHPFiveThreePlusOnly.php';
// Check Akeeba Installed - Prerequisite
if (!file_exists(JPATH_SITE.'/libraries/f0f/include.php')
|| !file_exists(JPATH_SITE.'/administrator/components/com_akeeba/engine/Factory.php')
|| !file_exists(JPATH_SITE.'/administrator/components/com_akeeba/engine/serverkey.php')
) {
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'paths' => array(),
$returnData = array();
if (!defined('AKEEBAENGINE')) {
define('AKEEBAENGINE', 1);
require_once JPATH_SITE.'/libraries/f0f/include.php';
require_once JPATH_SITE.'/administrator/components/com_akeeba/engine/Factory.php';
$serverKeyFile = JPATH_BASE.'/administrator/components/com_akeeba/engine/serverkey.php';
if (!defined('AKEEBA_SERVERKEY') && file_exists($serverKeyFile)) {
include $serverKeyFile;
// Get the list of profiles
$profileList = F0FModel::getTmpInstance('Profiles', 'AkeebaModel')->getProfilesList();
// for each profile
foreach ($profileList as $config) {
// if encrypted
if ('###AES128###' == substr($config->configuration, 0, 12)) {
$php53 = new bfPHPFiveThreePlusOnly();
$config->configuration = $php53->getAkeebaConfig($config->configuration);
// Convert ini to useable array
$data = parse_ini_string($config->configuration, true);
// find the folder
$dir = $data['akeeba']['basic.output_directory'];
$returnData[] = array('path' => $dir,
'is_writable' => is_writable($dir),
'file_exists' => file_exists($dir), );
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'paths' => $returnData,
} catch (Exception $e) {
bfEncrypt::reply('error', array(
'msg' => $e->getMessage(),
* return a value from the config.
private function getDebugMode()
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
$data = array(
'debug' => $config->get('debug'),
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'debug' => $data,
* set a value to the config.
private function setDebugMode()
if ('true' == $this->_dataObj->s) {// true means, set to the OK value
return $this->_setConfigParam('debug', 'false', 'int');
} else {
return $this->_setConfigParam('debug', 'true', 'int');
* return a value from the config.
private function getErrorReporting()
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
$data = array(
'error_reporting' => $config->get('error_reporting'),
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'error_reporting' => $data,
* set a value to the config.
private function setErrorReporting()
if ('true' == $this->_dataObj->s) {// true means, set to the OK value
return $this->_setConfigParam('error_reporting', 'none', 'string');
} else {
return $this->_setConfigParam('error_reporting', 'development', 'string');
* return the main configuration.php without sensitive information
* like passwords.
private function getJoomlaLogTmpConfig()
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
$data = array(
'log_path' => $config->get('log_path'),
'tmp_path' => $config->get('tmp_path'),
'base' => JPATH_BASE,
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'paths' => $data,
* Get the User Actions Log.
* Joomla 3.9.0 implemented a User Action Log which basically replicates what we used to do
* So now we load data from their log and not ours :-) Saves duplicating our efforts!
private function getActivityLog()
if (!class_exists('bfActivitylog')) {
require_once 'bfActivitylog.php';
$inst = bfActivitylog::getInstance();
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
if (!$limitstart) {
$limitstart = 0;
if (!$limit) {
$limit = '100';
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.9.0', '>=')) {
// Manipulate the base Uri in the Joomla Stack to provide compatibility with some 3pd extensions like ACL Manager!
try {
$uri = Uri::getInstance();
$reflection = new \ReflectionClass($uri);
$baseProperty = $reflection->getProperty('base');
$base = $baseProperty->getValue();
$base['prefix'] = $uri->toString(array('scheme', 'host'));
$base['path'] = '/';
} catch (ReflectionException $e) {
JLoader::register('ActionlogsModelActionlogs', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.'/components/com_actionlogs/models/actionlogs.php');
JLoader::register('ActionlogsHelper', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.'/components/com_actionlogs/helpers/actionlogs.php');
$model = JModelLegacy::getInstance('Actionlogs', 'ActionlogsModel', array('ignore_request' => true));
// Set the Start and Limit
$model->setState('list.start', $limitstart);
$model->setState('list.limit', $limit);
$model->setState('list.ordering', '');
$model->setState('list.direction', 'DESC');
$rows = $model->getItems();
// Load all language files needed
$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
$lang->load('com_privacy', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, false, true);
$lang->load('plg_system_actionlogs', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, false, true);
$lang->load('plg_system_privacyconsent', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, false, true);
// manipulate data to push to
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$row->what = ActionlogsHelper::getHumanReadableLogMessage($row);
$row->ip = $row->ip_address;
$row->when = $row->log_date;
$row->who_id = $row->user_id;
$row->source = 'core_user_action_log';
} else {
// Before Joomla 3.9.0
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT * from bf_activitylog ORDER by id DESC LIMIT '.$limitstart.', '.$limit);
$rows = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', $rows ?: array());
* enable/disable and get status of our plugin.
private function getBFPluginStatus()
switch ($this->_dataObj->action) {
case 'enable':
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.9.0', '>=')) {
$this->_db->setQuery("UPDATE `#__extensions` set enabled = 1 WHERE `name` = 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA'");
$this->_db->setQuery("UPDATE `#__extensions` set enabled = 1 WHERE `name` = 'PLG_SYSTEM_ACTIONLOGS'");
$this->_db->setQuery('UPDATE `#__extensions` SET enabled = 1 WHERE element = "bfnetwork"');
case 'disable':
$this->_db->setQuery('UPDATE `#__extensions` SET enabled = 0 WHERE element = "bfnetwork"');
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT enabled FROM #__extensions WHERE element = "bfnetwork"');
$result = $this->_db->loadResult();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', $result);
* get the list of users that have a 32 char password hash - e.g md5.
private function getMD5PasswordUsers()
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT id, username, name, password FROM #__users WHERE CHAR_LENGTH(password) = 32');
$result = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', $result);
* Check the session gc plugin in Joomla 3.
private function setSessionGCStatus()
if ('true' == $this->_dataObj->s) {// true means, set to the OK value
$this->_db->setQuery("update #__extensions set enabled = 1 where name = 'plg_system_sessiongc'");
} else {
$this->_db->setQuery("update #__extensions set enabled = 0 where name = 'plg_system_sessiongc'");
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'status' => $this->getSessionGCStatus(),
* Check the session gc plugin in Joomla 3.
private function getSessionGCStatus()
$res = 2;
// Session GC
$this->_db->setQuery("select count(*) from #__extensions where name = 'plg_system_sessiongc'");
$hasSessionGcPlugin = $this->_db->LoadResult();
if ($hasSessionGcPlugin) {
$this->_db->setQuery("select enabled from #__extensions where name = 'plg_system_sessiongc'");
$res = $this->_db->LoadResult();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'status' => $res,
* Get the 2FA plugins.
private function enable2FAPlugins()
if ('true' == $this->_dataObj->s) {// true means, set to the OK value
$this->_db->setQuery("UPDATE `#__extensions` SET enabled = 1 WHERE `folder` = 'twofactorauth'");
} else {
$this->_db->setQuery("UPDATE `#__extensions` SET enabled = 0 WHERE `folder` = 'twofactorauth'");
* Get the 2FA plugins.
private function get2FAPlugins()
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM `#__extensions` WHERE `folder` = 'twofactorauth'");
$res = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', $res);
* set params from com_config without using a helper.
private function setAdminFilterFixed()
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT `params` from #__extensions WHERE `element` = 'com_config'");
$params = json_decode($this->_db->LoadResult());
if ('true' == $this->_dataObj->s) {// true means, set to the OK value
$params->filters->{7}->filter_type = 'BL';
} else {
$params->filters->{7}->filter_type = 'NONE';
$this->_db->setQuery(sprintf("UPDATE #__extensions set `params` = '%s' WHERE `element` = 'com_config'", json_encode($params)));
return $this->getAdminFilterFixed();
* Load params from com_config without using a helper.
private function getAdminFilterFixed()
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT `params` from #__extensions WHERE element = 'com_config'");
$params = json_decode($this->_db->LoadResult());
bfEncrypt::reply('success', $params->filters->{7});
* set params from com_config without using a helper.
private function setUserFilterFixed()
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT `params` from #__extensions WHERE `element` = 'com_config'");
$params = json_decode($this->_db->LoadResult());
$params->filters->{1}->filter_type = 'NH';
$params->filters->{2}->filter_type = 'NH';
$params->filters->{9}->filter_type = 'NH';
$this->_db->setQuery(sprintf("UPDATE #__extensions set `params` = '%s' WHERE `element` = 'com_config'", json_encode($params)));
return $this->getUserFilterFixed();
* Load params from com_config without using a helper.
private function getUserFilterFixed()
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT `params` from #__extensions WHERE element = 'com_config'");
$params = json_decode($this->_db->LoadResult());
$ret = 1;
if ('NH' != $params->filters->{1}->filter_type) {
$ret = 0;
if ('NH' != $params->filters->{2}->filter_type) {
$ret = 0;
if ('NH' != $params->filters->{9}->filter_type) {
$ret = 0;
bfEncrypt::reply('success', $ret);
* set params from com_config without using a helper.
private function setPlaintextpasswords()
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT `params` from #__extensions WHERE `element` = 'com_users'");
$params = json_decode($this->_db->LoadResult());
if ('true' == $this->_dataObj->s) {// true means, set to the OK value
$params->sendpassword = '0';
} else {
$params->sendpassword = '1';
$this->_db->setQuery(sprintf("UPDATE #__extensions set `params` = '%s' WHERE `element` = 'com_users'", json_encode($params)));
* Load params from com_config without using a helper.
private function getPlaintextpasswords()
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT `params` from #__extensions WHERE element = 'com_users'");
$params = json_decode($this->_db->LoadResult());
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array('sendpassword' => $params->sendpassword));
* set params from com_content without using a helper.
private function setMailtofrienddisabled()
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT `params` from #__extensions WHERE `element` = 'com_content'");
$params = json_decode($this->_db->LoadResult());
if ('true' == $this->_dataObj->s) {// true means, set to the OK value
$params->show_email_icon = '0';
} else {
$params->show_email_icon = '1';
$this->_db->setQuery(sprintf("UPDATE #__extensions set `params` = '%s' WHERE `element` = 'com_content'", json_encode($params)));
* Load params from com_content without using a helper.
private function getMailtofrienddisabled()
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT `params` from #__extensions WHERE element = 'com_content'");
$params = json_decode($this->_db->LoadResult());
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array('show_email_icon' => $params->show_email_icon));
* set params from com_templates without using a helper.
private function setTemplatePositionDisplay()
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT `params` from #__extensions WHERE `element` = 'com_templates'");
$params = json_decode($this->_db->LoadResult());
if ('true' == $this->_dataObj->s) {// true means, set to the OK value
$params->template_positions_display = '0';
} else {
$params->template_positions_display = '1';
$this->_db->setQuery(sprintf("UPDATE #__extensions set `params` = '%s' WHERE `element` = 'com_templates'", json_encode($params)));
* Load params from com_templates without using a helper.
private function getTemplatePositionDisplay()
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT `params` from #__extensions WHERE element = 'com_templates'");
$params = json_decode($this->_db->LoadResult());
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array('template_positions_display' => $params->template_positions_display));
* Get the configuration of the google recaptcha plugin and global config.
private function getCaptchaConfig()
$config = JFactory::getApplication();
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT enabled FROM #__extensions WHERE name ='plg_captcha_recaptcha'");
$enabled = $this->_db->loadResult();
$this->_db->setQuery("SELECT params FROM #__extensions WHERE name ='plg_captcha_recaptcha'");
$keyed = $this->_db->loadResult();
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'enabled' => $enabled,
'configured' => $config->getCfg('captcha', ''),
'keys' => json_decode($keyed),
* Set the configuration of the google recaptcha plugin and global config.
private function setCaptchaConfig()
$this->_db->setQuery(sprintf("UPDATE #__extensions
enabled = 1,
params = '{\"version\":\"2.0\",\"public_key\":\"%s\",\"private_key\":\"%s\",\"theme\":\"clean\",\"theme2\":\"light\",\"size\":\"normal\"}'
WHERE name ='plg_captcha_recaptcha'",
$this->_setConfigParam('captcha', 'recaptcha', 'string');
* get the list of ACL Groups.
private function getGroups()
$this->_db->setQuery('select id, title from #__usergroups');
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'groups' => $this->_db->loadObjectList(),
* Activate realtime alerting.
private function setRealtimeActivate()
$data = array(
'until' => $this->_dataObj->until,
'endpoint'=> $this->_dataObj->endpoint
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'file_exists' => file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/tmp/realtime.php', json_encode($data))
* get the list of super admins.
private function getSuperAdmins()
$this->_db->setQuery('select id, name, username from #__users as u
left join #__user_usergroup_map as m on = m.user_id
where m.group_id = '.(int) $this->_dataObj->groupid);
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'users' => $this->_db->loadObjectList(),
* 110
* Identify Files That Existed In Last Audit, And Modified Before This Audit.
private function getModifiedfilessincelastaudit()
$limitstart = (int) $this->_dataObj->ls;
$sort = $this->_dataObj->s;
if (!$sort) {
$sort = 'filewithpath';
if (!in_array($sort, array('filewithpath', 'filemtime'))) {
exit('Invalid Sort');
if ('filemtime' === $sort) {
$sort = 'filemtime DESC';
$limit = (int) $this->_dataObj->limit;
// Set the query
$this->_db->setQuery('SELECT, new.iscorefile, new.filewithpath, new.filemtime, new.fileperms, new.`size`, new.iscorefile from bf_files as new
LEFT JOIN bf_files_last as old ON old.filewithpath = new.filewithpath
WHERE old.currenthash != new.currenthash
ORDER BY '.$sort.'
LIMIT '.$limitstart.', '.$limit);
// Get an object list of files
$files = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
// see how many files there are in total without a limit
$sql = 'select count(*) from `bf_files` as new
LEFT JOIN bf_files_last as old ON old.filewithpath = new.filewithpath
WHERE old.currenthash != new.currenthash';
$count = $this->_db->loadResult();
// Only show files that still exist on the hard drive
$existingFiles = array();
foreach ($files as $k => $file) {
if (file_exists(JPATH_BASE.$file->filewithpath)) {
$existingFiles[] = $file;
} else {
$this->_db->setQuery(sprintf('DELETE FROM bf_files WHERE filewithpath = "%s"',
// return an encrypted reply
bfEncrypt::reply('success', array(
'files' => $existingFiles,
'total' => $count,
// init this class
$securityController = new bfTools($dataObj);
// Run the tool method
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