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Created June 17, 2016 15:15
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Dual-screen interactive slideshow screensaver for MATE
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Standard-repo requirements:
# w, awk, head, mktemp, split, grep, ck-list-sessions, sed, getent, cut
# TODO Check whether awk can't exit immediately after first match
ACTIVE_USER=`w --no-header -s | awk '/ :0 / {print $1}' | head -1`
[ -n "$ACTIVE_USER" ] && {
exit 0
sessions_dir=`mktemp --tmpdir --directory ConsoleKit-sessions.XXXXXX`
ck-list-sessions | split --lines 13 - "${sessions_dir}/"
matching_session=`grep --files-with-matches --line-regexp '^[[:space:]]\+active = TRUE$' ${sessions_dir}/a* 2> /dev/null | head -1`
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
user_id=`sed -n 's/^[[:space:]]\+unix-user = .\([[:digit:]]\+\).$/\1/p' $matching_session`
getent passwd "$user_id" | cut -f 1 -d ':'
unset user_id
echo 'root'
rm -Rf "$sessions_dir"
unset matching_session sessions_dir
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Custom script requirements: active_user
[ "${ACTIVE_USER:-root}" == "${USER:=$LOGNAME}" ]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Standard-repo requirements: xrandr, grep
xrandr | grep -c '\bconnected\b'
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# $1 (optional): timeout in seconds. Defaults to $IDLER_TIMEOUT, which in turn
# defaults to 300.
# If env var DEBUG_IDLER is set to 'true' on entry then debugging information will be output
# Standard-repo requirements: xprintidle, bc, pgrep/pkill, xdotool
# Custom script requirements: active_user_is_me, slideshow
debug () {
`"${DEBUG_IDLER:-false}"` && eval "echo $1: \$$1 1>&2"
"${HOME}/bin/active_user_is_me" || exit 0
# xprintidle needs this
export DISPLAY=:0.0
# Seconds of inactivity until sleep. 0 to disable sleep
time_out=$(( ${1:-${IDLER_TIMEOUT:-300}} * 1000 ))
debug time_out
debug idle_time
# Use bc to avoid integer overflow
[ $( echo "${idle_time:-0} > $time_out" | bc ) -eq 0 ] && {
debug timed_out
# Don't know why this is still in the process table
pkill mate-screensave
exit 0
# Re-activate slideshow in case something has taken priority
pgrep 'feh' &> /dev/null && {
xdotool search feh windowactivate %1 windowactivate %2 &> /dev/null
debug feh_found
exit 0
# Programs worth staying up for :)
pgrep 'shutdown|mpg123|mplayer|mate-screensave' &> /dev/null && {
debug blocking_app_found
exit 0
pgrep vlc &> /dev/null && {
debug vlc_is_running
"${HOME}/bin/vlc_is_playing_music_or_stopped" || {
debug vlc_is_not_playing_music_or_stopped
exit 0
"${HOME}/bin/slideshow" $@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Standard-repo requirements: feh
# Default to right screen
feh --geometry "$GEOMETRY" --image-bg black --randomize --recursive \
--slideshow-delay 3.25 --zoom max --action 'animate -loop 0 %F &' "$@"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# $1 (optional): Window geometry to pass to first (rhs) my_feh process
# $2 (optional): Window geometry to pass to second (lhs) my_feh process
# Custom script requirements: count_hardware_displays, my_feh
################## EDIT ##################
[[ $DISPLAYS_COUNT == 0 ]] && exit 1
# Right screen
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
export MY_FEH_GEOMETRY="$1"
"$SLIDESHOW" "$PHOTOS" &>> "${HOME}/slideshow1.log" &
[[ $DISPLAYS_COUNT == 1 ]] && exit 0
sleep 1
# Left screen
if [ -n "$2" ]; then
export MY_FEH_GEOMETRY="$2"
export MY_FEH_GEOMETRY='1200x1868+0+52'
"$SLIDESHOW" "$PHOTOS" &>> "${HOME}/slideshow2.log" &
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# VLC must be launched as vlc --extraintf oldrc:http --rc-unix ~/vlc.sock
# Standard-repo requirements: vlc, pgrep, netcat-openbsd, grep
[ -S "${HOME}/vlc.sock" ] || exit 2
/usr/bin/pgrep vlc &> /dev/null || exit 3
# Change this to a distinctive portion of the pathname of your music collection
##### EDIT ###
echo status | /bin/nc -U "${HOME}/vlc.sock" | /bin/grep --quiet 'Music.\+iTunes\|stop state: 5'
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