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Created November 10, 2020 01:55
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  • Save PhilHudson/48f4d851ec44df20c8d10b399402f2aa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# $1 (optional): triggering host
source "${HOME}/bin/sec-utils/agent.source.bash"
# Mainly called remotely, often from eshell, so 'less' messes things up
export PAGER=cat
# Pull changes from central repo into local repo
cd "$HOME/bzr_scm/dot"
bzr merge --remember --quiet "bzr+ssh://${1:-bzrhub}/~/bzr_scm/dot/"
bzr commit --quiet --message "Merge"
# Pull changes from local repo into working checkout
bzr update --quiet
# Integrate changes and test
bzr conflicts
# Notify
gn "Completed merge from ${1:-bzrhub} to ${HOST}." "Merge complete"
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