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Last active November 1, 2018 21:42
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  • Save PhilRunninger/23e25b91d9e342bb8c02a9377d1f7008 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save PhilRunninger/23e25b91d9e342bb8c02a9377d1f7008 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Here's a quick vimscript function I wrote to purge undo and swap files that pertain to files that no longer exist. Just source the file, and issue the command :call Purge()
function! s:PurgeFiles(folder, regex)
" Read file listing into new buffer, and delete empty line.
call execute ("r! ls " . a:folder, "silent")
execute "1delete"
" Duplicate text on each line (minus the .swp extension). We now have:
" swapfile without extension | swapfile
" undofile | undofile
call execute(a:regex, "silent")
" Change % path delimiters on left side to /, deleting the line if the
" original file still exists.
while search('%.*|', 'w') > 0
if has('unix')
call execute("%s/%\\ze.*|/\\//e", "silent")
call execute("%s/%%\\ze.*|/:\\\\/e", "silent")
call execute("%s/%\\ze.*|/\\\\/e", "silent")
let n = line('$')
while n > 0
let file = split(getline(n), '|')
if filereadable(file[0])
execute n."delete"
let n -= 1
" If any files remain in the list, the original file is gone, so we can
" delete these swap/undo files.
if line('$') > 0 && getline(1) > ""
call execute ("%s/^.*|//e", "silent")
let n = line('$')
echomsg "Deleting ".n." file(s) in ".a:folder."..."
while n > 0
echomsg " ".getline(n)
call delete(a:folder . getline(n))
let n -= 1
echomsg "Nothing to delete in ".a:folder."."
execute "bwipeout! " . bufnr('%')
function! Purge()
call s:PurgeFiles(&directory, "%s/^\\(.*\\)\\(\\.sw[a-p]$\\)/\\1|\\1\\2/e")
call s:PurgeFiles(&undodir, "%s/^\\(.*\\)/\\1|\\1/e")
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