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Last active February 24, 2024 09:47
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  • Save PhilRunninger/99f0c78e48de42bf2010f30d983ff61f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save PhilRunninger/99f0c78e48de42bf2010f30d983ff61f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Open multiple files in NERDTree at once with Visual selection and [NERDTree defaults] o, i, s, and t.
" Filename: ~/.vim/ftplugin/nerdtree.vim
" Purpose: Given a Visual-Line selection in the NERDTree buffer, this code
" lets you open all selected files with the same key mappings, which, by
" default, are:
" o - open files in previous window
" i - open files in horizontally split windows
" s - open files in vertically split windows
" t - open files in new tabs
execute "vnoremap <buffer> " . g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode . " :call <SID>OpenMultiple('p')<CR>"
execute "vnoremap <buffer> " . g:NERDTreeMapOpenSplit . " :call <SID>OpenMultiple('h')<CR>"
execute "vnoremap <buffer> " . g:NERDTreeMapOpenVSplit . " :call <SID>OpenMultiple('v')<CR>"
execute "vnoremap <buffer> " . g:NERDTreeMapOpenInTab . " :call <SID>OpenMultiple('t')<CR>"
function! s:OpenMultiple(target) range
let curLine = a:firstline
while curLine <= a:lastline
call cursor(curLine, 1)
let node = g:NERDTreeFileNode.GetSelected()
call nerdtree#echo("Opening " . (curLine - a:firstline + 1) . " of " . (a:lastline - a:firstline + 1) . "...")
if !empty(node) && !node.path.isDirectory
call{'where':a:target, 'stay':1, 'keepopen':1})
let curLine += 1
if g:NERDTreeQuitOnOpen
call nerdtree#echo("")
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This gist is now available as a standard Vim plugin here:

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