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Created May 2, 2022 14:15
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from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple, Union
import jax
from flax import linen as nn
from jax import numpy as jnp
from netket.hilbert import ContinuousHilbert
from netket.utils import mpi, wrap_afun
from netket.utils.types import PyTree, PRNGKeyT
from netket.utils.deprecation import deprecated, warn_deprecation
from netket.utils import struct
class MetropolisSmearedSamplerState(nk.sampler.MetropolisSamplerState):
epsilon : jnp.ndarray
class MetropolisSmearedSampler(nk.sampler.MetropolisSampler):
def _init_state(sampler, machine, params, key):
key_state, key_rule = jax.random.split(key, 2)
rule_state = sampler.rule.init_state(sampler, machine, params, key_rule)
σ = jnp.zeros(
(sampler.n_chains_per_rank, sampler.hilbert.size), dtype=sampler.dtype
state = MetropolisSmearedSamplerState(σ=σ, rng=key_state, rule_state=rule_state, epsilon=0.0)
# If we don't reset the chain at every sampling iteration, then reset it
# now.
if not sampler.reset_chains:
key_state, rng = jax.random.split(key_state)
σ = sampler.rule.random_state(sampler, machine, params, state, rng)
state = state.replace(σ=σ, rng=key_state)
return state
def _sample_next(sampler, machine, parameters, state):
Implementation of `sample_next` for subclasses of `MetropolisSampler`.
If you subclass `MetropolisSampler`, you should override this and not `sample_next`
itself, because `sample_next` contains some common logic.
smearing_e = state.epsilon
def loop_body(i, s):
# 1 to propagate for next iteration, 1 for uniform rng and n_chains for transition kernel
s["key"], key1, key2 = jax.random.split(s["key"], 3)
σp, log_prob_correction = sampler.rule.transition(
sampler, machine, parameters, state, key1, s["σ"]
proposal_log_prob = sampler.machine_pow * machine.apply(parameters, σp).real
uniform = jax.random.uniform(key2, shape=(sampler.n_chains_per_rank,))
if log_prob_correction is not None:
do_accept = uniform < jnp.exp(
jnp.logaddexp(proposal_log_prob + smearing_e) - jnp.logaddexp(s["log_prob"], smearing_e) + log_prob_correction
do_accept = uniform < jnp.exp(jnp.logaddexp(proposal_log_prob, smearing_e) - jnp.logaddexp(s["log_prob"], smearing_e))
# do_accept must match ndim of proposal and state (which is 2)
s["σ"] = jnp.where(do_accept.reshape(-1, 1), σp, s["σ"])
s["accepted"] += do_accept.sum()
s["log_prob"] = jax.numpy.where(
do_accept.reshape(-1), proposal_log_prob, s["log_prob"]
return s
new_rng, rng = jax.random.split(state.rng)
s = {
"key": rng,
"σ": state.σ,
"log_prob": sampler.machine_pow * machine.apply(parameters, state.σ).real,
# for logging
"accepted": state.n_accepted_proc,
s = jax.lax.fori_loop(0, sampler.n_sweeps, loop_body, s)
new_state = state.replace(
+ sampler.n_sweeps * sampler.n_chains_per_rank,
return new_state, new_state.σ
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