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Filippo Vicentini PhilipVinc

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PhilipVinc /
Last active August 23, 2021 15:43
import netket as nk
import jax
from jax.flatten_util import ravel_pytree
import numpy as np
import netket.nn as nknn
import sys
np.set_printoptions(edgeitems=30, linewidth=317, formatter=dict(float=lambda x: "%.3g" % x))
hi =nk.hilbert.Spin(0.5, 4)
# This file is machine-generated - editing it directly is not advised
deps = ["LinearAlgebra"]
git-tree-sha1 = "485ee0867925449198280d4af84bdb46a2a404d0"
uuid = "621f4979-c628-5d54-868e-fcf4e3e8185c"
version = "1.0.1"
git-tree-sha1 = "03e0550477d86222521d254b741d470ba17ea0b5"
from flax import struct
import netket as nk
from netket.sampler.metropolis import MetropolisSampler
from netket.operator import AbstractOperator
from netket.jax import njit4jax
from netket.sampler.metropolis import MetropolisRule
from numba import jit
➜ python -i Examples/Ising1d/
0%| | 0/30 [00:00<?, ?it/s]jambax: numba_fun_8774198495278
encoding jambax gpu
With N_in=2 and n_out=2
Fatal Python error: PyEval_SaveThread: NULL tstate
Python runtime state: initialized
Thread 0x00007fa82cbe9640 (most recent call first):
File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/", line 306 in wait
import netket as nk
import numpy as np
import json
L = 24
g = nk.graph.Hypercube(length=L, n_dim=1, pbc=True)
hi = nk.hilbert.Spin(s=0.5, N=L)
ha = nk.operator.Ising(hilbert=hi, graph = g, h=0.9)
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Using Pkg
using ProtoBuf
using Glob
using FilePaths; using FilePathsBase: /
pbpath =dirname(dirname(PosixPath(pathof(ProtoBuf))))/"gen"
import numpy as _np
import ctypes
from mpi4py import MPI as _MPI
from jax import core
from jax import abstract_arrays
from jax.lib import xla_client
from jax.interpreters import xla
PhilipVinc /
Last active June 23, 2020 19:28
jax and mpi. Interpret underscores in file names as slashes (subpaths)
from . import mpi_xla_bridge
from jax.lib import xla_client
for name, fn in mpi_xla_bridge.cpu_custom_call_targets.items():
xla_client.register_cpu_custom_call_target(name, fn)
{"Output": [{"Sx": {"Mean": 0.9999999169282001, "Variance": 1.862586944649667e-07, "Sigma": 1.1098962439738887e-05, "R_hat": 0.9976736497590734, "TauCorr": 0.0}, "Sy": {"Mean": 5.077493691027381e-05, "Variance": 0.10370042335148308, "Sigma": 0.008281602265203468, "R_hat": 1.003089244834029, "TauCorr": 0.0}, "Sz": {"Mean": -0.0048941798941798936, "Variance": 0.10370620573332213, "Sigma": 0.00828183315490214, "R_hat": 1.0031086816827015, "TauCorr": 0.0}, "LdagL": {"Mean": 17.14925977446276, "Variance": 223.72984547380884, "Sigma": 0.2521810040464449, "R_hat": 1.0002016738591837, "TauCorr": 0.06963744988539322}, "Iteration": 0}, {"Sx": {"Mean": 0.8883244213563494, "Variance": 0.0073810615431987, "Sigma": 0.002209446641081766, "R_hat": 1.0020263155675062, "TauCorr": 0.0}, "Sy": {"Mean": 0.032671567827953656, "Variance": 0.08862480162138474, "Sigma": 0.0076559967859600175, "R_hat": 1.001262256781352, "TauCorr": 0.0}, "Sz": {"Mean": -0.1997354497354497, "Variance": 0.09846553847876598, "Sigma": 0.008069864350415346