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Last active January 7, 2017 12:21
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  • Save PhillRob/a548059902503741dfdfaa3bfec597b8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save PhillRob/a548059902503741dfdfaa3bfec597b8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
library(httr); library(jsonlite)
# this gets a list of the available forms to later query for the records per form
baseurl <- ""
path <- "/api/v2/forms.json"
XApiToken = "your-api-token"
form.list <-
url = paste0(baseurl, path),
add_headers(`X-ApiToken` = XApiToken),
form.list <- fromJSON(content(form.list, type = "text", encoding = "utf-8"),flatten = T, simplifyDataFrame = T)
# you would usually need the form ID to run get the records
form.list$forms$name[1] # add the number you want
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