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Created May 12, 2017 18:26
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-- | Unsorted Records based on HashMaps
-- Instead of ensuring type safety by construction we create a coincidence
-- between value and type level. This is less save but allows us to work with
-- HashMaps instead of linked lists
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
module Record where
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMap
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Singletons
import Data.Singletons.TypeLits
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import GHC.Exts
import GHC.TypeLits
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Prelude hiding (lookup, map)
data AnyVal = forall a. AnyVal a
-- | Allows us to create Records of any type. We restrict the functions that can
-- create these to ensure type safety
newtype Record (fields :: [(Symbol,*)]) :: * where
Record :: (HashMap Text AnyVal) -> Record a
-- We hope to create a coincidence between 'At' and 'lookup' so unsaefeCoerce is
-- actually safe
-- | Lookup the type of a certain field
type family At (record :: [(Symbol, *)]) (name :: Symbol) :: * where
At ('(field, a):_) field = a
At (_:record') field = record' `At` field
At record field = TypeError ('Text "Record does not contain field " ':<>: 'ShowType field )
-- | Type-safe lookup.
lookup :: forall field record. Sing field -> Record record -> record `At` field
lookup name (Record m) =
case HMap.lookup (Text.pack $ fromSing name) m of
Nothing -> error "Record lookup: value not found. This is a bug"
-- The basic assumption of all this is that this is safe:
Just (AnyVal x) -> unsafeCoerce x
type family Without (record :: [(Symbol, *)]) (name :: Symbol) :: [(Symbol, *)] where
Without '[] _ = '[]
Without ('(field, _):fields) field = Without fields field
Without (field' : fields) field = field' : Without fields field
delete :: Sing field -> Record fields -> Record (fields `Without` field)
delete s (Record hmap) = Record $ HMap.delete (Text.pack $ fromSing s) hmap
type family With (record :: [(Symbol, *)]) (field :: (Symbol, *)) :: [(Symbol, *)] where
With record '(name, a) = '(name, a) : (Without record name)
-- | Insertion when the field is not present yet
insertSimpl :: (fields `Without` field ~ fields)
=> Sing field
-> a
-> Record fields
-> Record ('(field, a) : fields)
insertSimpl s a (Record r) =
Record $ HMap.insert (Text.pack $ fromSing s) (AnyVal a) r
insert :: Sing name -> a -> Record fields -> Record (fields `With` '(name, a))
insert name x (Record m) = Record $ HMap.insert (Text.pack $ fromSing name) (AnyVal x) m
-- | Because of injectivity of "With" we don't need to pass a singleton.
-- Can be called with -XTypeApplications
-- > insert @"foo" True empty
insert' :: forall name fields a. KnownSymbol name
=> a
-> Record fields
-> Record (fields `With` '(name, a))
insert' = insert sing
-- | Left-biased merge
type family (<++>) (record1 :: [(Symbol, *)]) (record2 :: [(Symbol, *)]) :: [(Symbol, *)] where
'[] <++> fieldsr = fieldsr
('(field, a): fieldsl) <++> fieldsr = (fieldsl <++> fieldsr) `With` '(field, a)
-- '(field, a) : (fieldsl <++> fieldsr `Without` field )
-- -- | Left-biased union
union :: Record recordl -> Record recordr -> Record (recordl <++> recordr)
-- No unsafeCoerce necessary because Record is not type-safe
union (Record r1) (Record r2) = Record $ HMap.union r1 r2
type family Subset (subset :: [(Symbol,*)]) (superset :: [(Symbol,*)]) :: Constraint where
Subset '[] _ = ()
Subset ('(field, a) : fields) superset = ( superset `At` field ~ a, Subset fields superset)
cast :: forall record1 record2. (record1 `Subset` record2) => Record record2 -> Record record1
cast (Record m) = Record m
class All (c :: * -> Constraint) (record :: [(Symbol,*)]) where
toHashMap :: proxy c
-> (forall a. c a => a -> r)
-> Record record
-> HashMap Text r
fromHashMap :: forall r proxy.
proxy c
-> (forall a. c a => r -> Either Text a)
-> HashMap Text r
-> Either Text (Record record)
instance All c '[] where
toHashMap _ _ _ = HMap.empty
fromHashMap _ _ _ = Right $ empty
instance ( Subset fields ('(field, a) : fields)
, All c fields
, KnownSymbol field
, fields `Without` field ~ fields
, c a
) => All c ('(field, a) : fields) where
toHashMap prx f record =
let record' = cast @fields record
hmap = toHashMap prx f record'
s = sing :: Sing field
in HMap.insert (Text.pack $ fromSing s) (f (lookup s record)) hmap
fromHashMap prx f hmap =
let mbRecord = fromHashMap prx f hmap
s = sing :: Sing field
name = Text.pack $ fromSing s
in case mbRecord of
Left e -> Left e
Right record ->
case HMap.lookup name hmap of
Nothing -> Left $ "Field not found: " <> name
Just r -> case f r of
Left e -> Left e
Right r -> Right $ insertSimpl s r record
empty :: Record '[]
empty = Record HMap.empty
data Showable = forall a. Show a => Showable a
instance Show Showable where
show (Showable s) = show s
-- | That's not quite right, the values are shown twice.
instance (All Show fields ) => Show (Record fields) where
show = show . toHashMap (Proxy :: Proxy Show) Showable
instance Eq (Record '[]) where
(==) _ _ = True
instance ( Eq a
, Eq (Record fields)
, KnownSymbol field
, Subset fields ('(field, a): fields)
) => Eq (Record ('(field, a): fields)) where
(==) r1 r2 =
let s = sing :: Sing field
a = lookup s r1
b = lookup s r2
r1' = cast r1 :: Record fields
r2' = cast r2 :: Record fields
in a == b && r1' == r2'
-- instance Show (Record '[]) where
-- show _ = ""
-- instance ( Show a
-- , Show (Record as)
-- , KnownSymbol field
-- , Subset as ('(field, a) : as)
-- ) => Show ( Record ('(field, a) : as)) where
-- show map =
-- let name = fromSing (sing :: Sing field)
-- in show name ++ ": " ++ (show $ lookup @field sing map)
-- ++"; " ++ show (cast map :: Record as)
-- Aeson -----------------------------------------------------------------------
instance (All ToJSON fields) => ToJSON (Record fields) where
toJSON map = Object $ toHashMap (Proxy :: Proxy ToJSON) toJSON map
instance (All FromJSON fields) => FromJSON (Record fields) where
parseJSON = withObject "record" $ \o -> do
case fromHashMap (Proxy :: Proxy FromJSON) fromJSON' o of
Left e -> fail $ Text.unpack e
Right r -> return r
fromJSON' x = case fromJSON x of
Success r -> Right r
Error e -> Left $ Text.pack e
-- Examples --------------------------------------------------------------------
infixl 1 &
(&) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
(&) = flip ($)
example1 :: Record ['("abc", Bool), '("def", Integer)]
example1 = insert' @"abc" True . insert' @"def" (3 :: Integer) $ empty
example2 :: Record ['("foo", [Double]), '("def", Maybe Int)]
example2 = insert' @"foo" [4 :: Double, 5]
. insert' @"def" (Nothing :: Maybe Int) $ empty
-- exampleOverwrite :: Record ['("foo", [Char]), '("def", Maybe Int)]
exampleOverwrite :: Record ['("foo", String), '("def", Maybe Int)]
exampleOverwrite = example2 & insert' @"foo" ("12345" :: String)
exampleUnion :: Record ['("abc", Bool), '("def", Integer), '("foo", [Double])]
exampleUnion = example1 `union` example2
exampleUnionValues :: (Bool, Integer, [Double])
exampleUnionValues = ( lookup @"abc" sing exampleUnion
, lookup @"def" sing exampleUnion
, lookup @"foo" sing exampleUnion
exampleSubset :: Record ['("abc", Bool), '("foo", [Double])]
exampleSubset = cast exampleUnion
exampleSubsetValues :: (Bool, [Double])
exampleSubsetValues = ( lookup @"abc" sing exampleUnion
, lookup @"foo" sing exampleUnion
-- Usage Example ---------------------------------------------------------------
type field := value = '(field, value)
type family (//) (record :: *) (field :: Symbol) :: * where
(Record fields) // field = Record (fields `Without` field)
type User = Record [ "name" := Text
, "email" := Text
, "age" := Integer
, "ID" := Text
-- Use cast to fix order of fields
exampleUser :: User
exampleUser = cast $ empty & insert' @"name" "Robert"
& insert' @"email" "no@spam.please"
& insert' @"age" 32
& insert' @"ID" "12345"
exampleUser2 :: User // "ID"
exampleUser2 = cast $ empty & insert' @"name" "Kathrin"
& insert' @"email" ""
& insert' @"age" 29
exampleUser2Encode :: BSL.ByteString
exampleUser2Encode = encode exampleUser2
-- "{\"email\":\"\",\"age\":29,\"name\":\"Kathrin\"}"
testAeson :: Bool
testAeson = decode exampleUser2Encode == Just exampleUser2
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