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Created May 3, 2023 11:10
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declare -A MODEMS
MODEMS=(["alpha"]="" ["beta"]="" ["delta"]="" ["omega"]="")
for modem_name in "${!MODEMS[@]}"; do
IFACE=$(ip -o addr show | grep -w ${ip_address} | awk '{print $2}')
if [ -z "$IFACE" ]; then continue; fi
GATEWAY=$(ip route show default dev $IFACE | awk '{print $3}')
echo "$modem_name ($ip_address) gw: $GATEWAY, if: $IFACE"
rules=$(ip rule list | grep "lookup $modem_name" | awk '{print substr($1, 1, length($1)-1)}')
for priority in $rules; do
ip rule del pref $priority table $modem_name
ip rule add from $ip_address table $modem_name
ip route flush table $modem_name
ip route add default via $GATEWAY dev $IFACE table $modem_name
ip route flush cache
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