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Created March 8, 2009 01:00
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require 'nokogiri'
from_xml{} and convert{} form a light DSL to convert XML
(such as to_xml() provides) into a matching new or updated
ActiveRecord object model. The DSL provides numerous hooks
and optional callbacks to rename and reprocess custom
XML, allowing it to range from a direct translation
to a complete reinterpretation of the represented objects.
Nokogiri::XML::Node#convert takes these arguments:
* xpath pointing to nodes, relative to the current node
* [id, field_name]
- id is the primary key in the input
- field_name is an optional value to rename the
* [field_name_2, optional_rename_2]... the subsequent field names
* &block - convert{} optionally calls this for each detected node, with these arguments:
- node - the current XML::Node, decorated with
* data - a hash containing your field_names and their string values
- id - the string value of the primary key in the input
- field_name_2... - subsequent values (discard them with splat * !)
Use the block to fire subsequent conversions on subrecords.
This function shows convert{} reconstituting our familiar
Post, Author, and Tag records:
def reconstitute(xml)
doc = Nokogiri::XML(xml)
doc.convert 'posts/post', :id, :title, :body do |node, id, *data|
post = Post.find_or_initialize_by_id(id)
node.convert 'tags/tag', :id, :name do |n, id, name|
tag = Tag.find_or_initialize_by_id(id)
tag.update_attribute :name, name
post.tags << tag
node.convert 'author', :id, :name do |n, id, name|
author = Author.find_or_initialize_by_id(id)
post.update_attribute :author, author
That assembly still duplicates many lines, so from_xml{} DRYs them up
by packing more information into the input arguments.
Nokogiri::XML::Node#from_xml{} takes these arguments:
* Model - the ActiveRecord class itself
* [id, field_name]
- id is the primary key in the input
- field_name is an optional value to rename the
from_xml{} will use find_or_initialize_by_field_name(id)
to prepare one record for its new data
* [field_name_2, optional_rename_2]... the subsequent field names
from_xml{} will stuff the string values of field_name_N
into your attributes, indexed by either field_nameN, or
optional_rename_N, if provided
* &block - convert calls this for each detected node, with these arguments:
- record - the record currently under construction
- node - the current XML::Node, decorated with
* data - a hash containing your field_names and their string values
- id - the string value of the primary key in the input
- field_name_2... - subsequent values (discard them with splat * !)
After optionally calling your &block, from_xml{} saves the current
record. It also returns a flattened array of any found records, so
you can associate them into a containing record.
This is the equivalent to the afforementioned reconstitute():
doc.from_xml Post, :id, :title, :body do |post, node, *|
post.tags = node.from_xml(Tag, :id, :name) = *node.from_xml(Author, :id, :name)!
Use the block to fire subsequent conversions on subrecords. Here
is a more complex declaration. We pretend that we must copy our
records into an auxiliary database that must maintain
extra copies into our primary database's primary keys. This
allows us to incrementally upgrade the auxilary database's
We also pretend that Tags have parent Tags, and we must
rebuild this relationship out-of-band from the normal
doc.from_xml Post, [:id, :remote_post_id],
[:more_data, :renamed_as_field] do |post, node, *|
node.from_xml Tag, [:id, :remote_tag_id], :name do |tag, n, *|
id = n.xpath('parent_id').text
tag.parent = Tag.find_by_remote_tag_id(id)
post.tags = ([tag] + post.tags).uniq
end = node.from_xml(Author, [:id, :remote_id], :name)
class ::Nokogiri::XML::Node
def from_xml(model, *needs, &block)
needs ={|x| [x,x].flatten[0..1] }
singular =
plural = singular.pluralize + '/' + singular
add_record = lambda do |n, *data|
find_or_init = "find_or_initialize_by_#{needs.first.last}"
record = model.send find_or_init, data.first
record.attributes =, n, *data) if block!
record # map me up!
return [ convert(singular, *needs, &add_record),
convert(plural, *needs, &add_record) ].flatten.compact
def convert(tag_name, *needs, &block)
needs ={|x| [x,x].flatten[0..1] }
xpath(tag_name).map do |node|
gots = [] = needs.inject({}) do |h,(n,g)|
gots << h[g] = node.xpath(n.to_s).text
end, *gots) if block
end # note ruby1.9 can drop the gots[] system and just use,
end # (against the objections of certain math zealots!;)
attr_accessor :data
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