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Last active March 13, 2021 17:56
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  • Save Phlow/04f635e4d1fc928b1157 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Phlow/04f635e4d1fc928b1157 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This include splits the content of {{ content }} into two parts if Jekyll finds an excerpt separator. This allows extra styling of the first part to enlarge the the fontsize of the teaser for example.
{% comment %}
# Explanation:
# This include splits the content of {{ content }} into
# two parts if Jekyll finds an excerpt separator. This allows
# extra styling of the first part to enlarge the the fontsize
# of the teaser for example.
# The excerpt separator can be defined directly in your
# _config.yml or via front matter. If no separator is defined
# Jekyll will fall back to the default separator <!--more-->.
# If no separator is set, Jekyll just spits out the content
# without splitting.
{% endcomment %}
{% capture page_content %}{{ content }}{% endcapture %}
{% if site.excerpt_separator %}{% assign separator = site.excerpt_separator %}{% else %}{% assign separator = '<!--more-->' %}{% endif %}
{% if page_content contains separator %}
{% assign entry = page_content | split: separator %}
{{ entry | first | remove: '<p>' | prepend: '<p class="lead">' }}
{{ entry | last }}
{% else %}
{{ page_content }}
{% endif %}
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