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Last active May 11, 2019 12:51
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A utility for creating/drawing paragraphs on 2d planes
-- A utilty for drawing paragraphs on 2d planes (derma, vgui/hud etc..)
-- Original file found at (2013)
-- Modified/fixed/updated by ParaPhoenix/Jabami/PyroPhoe
-- Feel free to use/modify/republish
Break up a long string into lines <= the mWidth provided
text -> The text to seperate into lines
font -> The font you will be using to draw the text
mWidth -> The maximum width of each line (GetTextSize(n))
local function toLines(text, font, mWidth)
local buffer = { }
local nLines = { }
for word in string.gmatch(text, "%S+") do
local w,h = surface.GetTextSize(table.concat(buffer, " ").." "..word)
if w > mWidth then
table.insert(nLines, table.concat(buffer, " "))
buffer = { }
table.insert(buffer, word)
if #buffer > 0 then -- If still words to add.
table.insert(nLines, table.concat(buffer, " "))
return nLines
Draw a paragraph. Supports DrawSimpleTextOutlined.
Text -> The text(to-be-paragraphed) to draw
Font -> The font to use
mWidth -> The maximum width per line
Spacing -> the spacing between lines
X/Y -> X/Y for the drawing. Y will +Spacing on each line
Color -> The text color
AlignX/AlignY -> Text alignment. Required however you can modify this if wanted
oWidth -> The outline width --> Not required but if both provided you will get SimpleTextOutlined
oColor -> The outline color -^
EDIT: Returns the Y size of the paragraph, so you can put things underneath it by using it as a Y offset.
local function drawMultiLine(text, font, mWidth, spacing, x, y, color, alignX, alignY, oWidth, oColor)
local mLines = toLines(text, font, mWidth)
for i,line in pairs(mLines) do
if oWidth and oColor then
draw.SimpleTextOutlined(line, font, x, y + (i - 1) * spacing, color, alignX, alignY, oWidth, oColor)
draw.SimpleText(line, font, x, y + (i - 1) * spacing, color, alignX, alignY)
return (#mLines - 1) * spacing
-- return #mLines * spacing
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