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Last active September 17, 2018 19:00
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offset: 0x9000
# The index of a material in this list must correspond to the index of the symbol in the resource pack!
# unicode_page_90:
- wood_sword
- wood_pickaxe
- wood_spade
- wood_axe
- wood_hoe
- stone_sword
- stone_pickaxe
- stone_spade
- stone_axe
- stone_hoe
- gold_sword
- gold_pickaxe
- gold_spade
- gold_axe
- gold_hoe
- unused
- iron_sword
- iron_pickaxe
- iron_spade
- iron_axe
- iron_hoe
- diamond_sword
- diamond_pickaxe
- diamond_spade
- diamond_axe
- diamond_hoe
- bow
- bow_1
- bow_2
- bow_3
- arrow
- quiver
- head
- body
- legs
- boots
- white_leather_helmet
- white_leather_chestplate
- white_leather_leggings
- white_leather_boots
- blank_leather_helmet
- blank_leather_chestplate
- blank_leather_leggings
- blank_leather_boots
- leather_helmet
- leather_chestplate
- leather_leggings
- leather_boots
- chainmail_helmet
- chainmail_chestplate
- chainmail_leggings
- chainmail_boots
- gold_helmet
- gold_chestplate
- gold_leggings
- gold_boots
- iron_helmet
- iron_chestplate
- iron_leggings
- iron_boots
- diamond_helmet
- diamond_chestplate
- diamond_leggings
- diamond_boots
- compass_south
- compass_southwest
- compass_west
- compass_northwest
- compass
- compass_northeast
- compass_east
- compass_southeast
- watch
- clock_evening
- clock_dusk
- clock_night
- clock_midnight
- clock_wee_hours
- clock_dawn
- clock_morning
- fishing_rod
- fishing_rod_cast
- carrot_on_a_stick
- flint_and_steel
- shears
- leash
- name_tag
- iron_barding
- gold_barding
- diamond_barding
- saddle
- minecart
- chest_minecart
- powered_minecart
- hopper_minecart
- explosive_minecart
- boat
- book
- book_and_quill
- written_book
- normal_enchanted_book
- map
- empty_map
- bucket
- water_bucket
- lava_bucket
- milk_bucket
- snow_ball
- egg
- ender_pearl
- eye_of_ender
- fireball
- gold_record
- green_record
- record_3
- record_4
- record_5
- record_6
- record_7
- record_8
- record_9
- record_10
- record_11
- record_12
- exp_bottle_normal #(not glowing)
- firework
- firework_charge
- firework_charge_spots
- firework_charge_white
- firework_charge_gold
- firework_charge_red
- firework_charge_blue
- firework_charge_yellow
- firework_charge_green
- firework_charge_light_purple
- firework_charge_dark_gray
- firework_charge_gray
- firework_charge_dark_aqua
- firework_charge_dark_purple
- firework_charge_dark_blue
- firework_charge_aqua
- firework_charge_dark_green
- firework_charge_dark_red
- firework_charge_black
- ink_sack:15 # bonemeal
- ink_sack:14 # orange_dye
- ink_sack:13 # magenta_dye
- ink_sack:12 # light_blue_dye
- ink_sack:11 # dandelion_yellow
- ink_sack:10 # lime_dye
- ink_sack:9 # pink_dye
- ink_sack:8 # gray_dye
- ink_sack:7 # light_gray_dye
- ink_sack:6 # cyan_dye
- ink_sack:5 # purple_dye
- ink_sack:4 # lapis
- ink_sack:3 # cocoa_beans
- ink_sack:2 # cactus_green
- ink_sack:1 # rose_red
- ink_sack
- sign
- painting
- item_frame
- flower_pot
- wooden_door
- iron_door
- hopper
- brewing_stand
- cauldron
- bed
- diode
- redstone_comparator
- redstone
- glowstone_dust
- sulphur
- sugar
- iron_ingot
- gold_ingot
- clay_brick
- nether_brick_item
- coal
- coal:1 # charcoal
- diamond
- ruby
- emerald
- quartz
- flint
- gold_nugget
- ghast_tear
- nether_star_normal #(not glowing)
- clay_ball
- slimeball
- skull_item
- skull_item:1
- skull_item:2
- skull_item:3
- skull_item:4
- stick
- bone
- blaze_rod
- blaze_powder
- magma_cream
- leather
- feather
- paper
- string
- fermented_spider_eye
- spider_eye
- seeds
- melon_seeds
- pumpkin_seeds
- nether_stalk
- sugar_cane
- wheat
- carrot_item
- golden_carrot
- potato_item
- baked_potato
- poisonous_potato
- melon
- speckled_melon
- apple
- golden_apple
- rotten_flesh
- pork
- grilled_pork
- raw_beef
- cooked_beef
- raw_fish
- cooked_fish
- raw_chicken
- cooked_chicken
- bowl
- mushroom_soup
- bread
- cookie
- cake
- pumpkin_pie
- glass_bottle
- water_bottle
- potion_regen
- splash_potion_regen
- potion_speed
- splash_potion_speed
- potion_fire_resistance
- splash_potion_fire_resistance
- potion_poison
- splash_potion_poison
- potion_instant_heal
- splash_potion_instant_heal
- potion_night_vision
- splash_potion_night_vision
- potion_weakness
- splash_potion_weakness
- potion_strength
- splash_potion_strength
# unicode_page_91:
- potion_slowness
- splash_potion_slowness
- potion_instant_damage
- splash_potion_instant_damage
- potion_invisibility
- splash_potion_invisibility
- splash_potion_bottle
- potion_liquid
- potion_milk
- splash_potion_milk
- potion_white
- white_potion_splash
- potion_speed
- splash_potion_speed
- potion_slowness
- splash_potion_slowness
- potion_haste
- splash_potion_haste
- potion_dullness
- splash_potion_dullness
- potion_strength
- splash_potion_strength
- potion_health
- splash_potion_health
- potion_harm
- splash_potion_harm
- jump_potion_boost
- splash_potion_jump_boost
- potion_nausea
- splash_potion_nausea
- potion_regen
- splash_potion_regen
- potion_resistance
- splash_potion_resistance
- potion_fire_resistance
- splash_potion_fire_resistance
- potion_water_breathing
- splash_potion_water_breathing
- potion_invisibility
- splash_potion_invisibility
- potion_blindness
- splash_potion_blindness
- potion_night_vision
- splash_potion_night_vision
- potion_hunger
- splash_potion_hunger
- potion_weakness
- splash_potion_weakness
- potion_poison
- splash_potion_poison
- potion_wither
- splash_potion_wither
- potion_health_boost
- splash_potion_health_boost
- potion_absorption
- splash_potion_absorption
- potion_saturation
- splash_potion_saturation
- splash_potion_mundane
- spawn_egg
- spawn_eggspots
- monster_egg #white_spawn_egg
- monster_egg:50 #creeper
- monster_egg:51 #skeleton
- monster_egg:52 #spider
- monster_egg:54 #zombie
- monster_egg:55 #slime
- monster_egg:56 #ghast
- monster_egg:57 #zombie_pigman
- monster_egg:58 #enderman
- monster_egg:59 #cave_spider
- monster_egg:60 #silverfish
- monster_egg:61 #blaze
- monster_egg:62 #magma_cube
- monster_egg:65 #bat
- monster_egg:66 #witch
- monster_egg:90 #pig
- monster_egg:91 #sheep
- monster_egg:92 #cow
- monster_egg:93 #chicken
- monster_egg:94 #squid
- monster_egg:95 #wolf
- monster_egg:96 #mooshroom
- monster_egg:98 #ocelot
- monster_egg:100 #horse
- monster_egg:120 #villager
- monster_egg_guardian #guardian
- monster_egg_polar_bear #polar_bear
- monster_egg_wither_skeleton #wither_sekelton
- monster_egg_ender_mite #ender_mite
- monster_egg_shulker #shulker
- monster_egg_rabbit #rabbit
- monster_egg_stray #stray
- monster_egg_husk #husk
- monster_egg_elder_guardian #elder guardian
- monster_egg_cat #cat
- boat_spruce
- boat_birch
- boat_jungle
- boat_acacia
- boat_dark_oak
- knowledge_book
- parrot_spawn_egg
- monster_egg_donkey #donkey
- monster_egg_mule #mule
- monster_egg_skeleton_horse #skeleton horse
- monster_egg_zombie_horse #zombie horse
- monster_egg_zombie_villager #zombie villager
- monster_egg_evoker #evoker
- monster_egg_llama #llama
- monster_egg_vex #vex
- monster_egg_vindicator #vindicator
- lingering_potion
- lingering_potion_water
- lingering_potion_thick
- lingering_potion_mundane
- lingering_potion_lingering
- lingering_potion_regen
- lingering_potion_speed
- lingering_potion_fire_resistance
- lingering_potion_poison
- lingering_potion_instant_heal
- lingering_potion_night_vision
- lingering_potion_weakness
- lingering_potion_strength
- lingering_potion_slowness
- lingering_potion_jump
- lingering_potion_instant_damage
- lingering_potion_water_breathing
- lingering_potion_invisibility
- lingering_potion_luck
- potion_luck
- splash_potion_luck
- splash_potion_water
- potion_uncraftable
- spawn_shulker
- shield_slot
- boots_slot
- leggings_slot
- chestplate_slot
- helmet_slot
- shield
- spectral_arrow
- totem
- shield_white
- shield_orange
- shield_magenta
- shield_light_blue
- shield_yellow
- shield_lime
- shield_pink
- shield_gray
- shield_light_grey
- shield_cyan
- shield_purple
- shield_blue
- shield_brown
- shield_green
- shield_red
- shield_black
- tipped_arrow
- tipped_arrow_splashing
- tipped_arrow_regen
- tipped_arrow_speed
- tipped_arrow_fire_resistance
- tipped_arrow_poison
- tipped_arrow_instant_heal
- tipped_arrow_night_vision
- tipped_arrow_weakness
- tipped_arrow_strength
- tipped_arrow_slowness
- tipped_arrow_jump
- tipped_arrow_instant_damage
- tipped_arrow_water_breathing
- tipped_arrow_invisibility
- tipped_arrow_luck
- sapling # oak_sapling
- sapling:1 # spruce_sapling
- sapling:2 # birch_sapling
- sapling:3 # jungle_sapling
- dead_bush
- shrub
- white_fern
- long_grass:2 # fern
- white_grass
- long_grass # tallgrass
- white_stem_attached
- stem_attached
- white_stem
- stem
- white_vine
- vine
- white_water_lily
- water_lily
- sugarcane_block
- netherwart_3
- netherwart_2
- netherwart_1
- red_mushroom
- brown_mushroom
- red_flower
- cyan_flower
- yellow_flower
- unused
- unused
- iron_bars
- thin_glass # glass_pane
- web
- wheat_8
- wheat_7
- wheat_6
- wheat_5
- wheat_4
- wheat_3
- wheat_2
- wheat_1
- potatoes_4
- potatoes_3
- potatoes_2
- potatoes_1
- carrots_4
- carrots_3
- carrots_2
- carrots_1
- rails
- rails_north-east
- powered_rail
- powered_powered_rail
- detector_rail
- powered_detector_rail
- activator_rail
- powered_activator_rail
- rail_horizontal
- rail_east-south
- powered_rail_horizontal
- powered_powered_rail_horizontal
- detector_rail_horizontal
- powered_detector_rail_horizontal
- activator_rail_horizontal
- powered_activator_rail_horizontal
- rail_south-east
- rail_east-north
- ladder
- ladder_horizontal
- redstone_wire
- redstone_wire_horizontal
- redstone_wire_vertical
- tripwire
- tripwire_horizontal
- tripwire_vertical
- tripwire_cross
- tripwire_hook
- lever
- torch
- redstone_torch_on
- redstone_torch_off
# unicode_page_92:
- fire_0
- fire_1
- fire_2
- fire_3
- fire_4
- fire_5
- fire_inside_0
- fire_inside_1
- fire_inside_2
- fire_inside_3
- fire_inside_4
- stationary_water
- flowing_water
- stationary_lava
- flowing_lava
- nether_portal
- stationary_water_solid
- flowing_water_solid
- nether_portal_solid
- break_0
- break_1
- break_2
- break_3
- break_4
- break_5
- break_6
- break_7
- break_8
- break_9
- unused
- unused
- unused
- coal_ore_tile
- iron_ore_tile
- gold_ore_tile
- redstone_ore_tile
- diamond_ore_tile
- lapis_ore_tile
- emerald_ore_tile
- cobblestone_tile
- mossy_cobblestone_tile
- stone_tile
- stone_bricks_tile
- mossy_stone_bricks_tile
- cracked_stone_bricks_tile
- chiseled_stone_bricks_tile
- stone_slab_top_tile
- stone_slab_side_tile
- coal_block_tile
- iron_block_tile
- gold_block_tile
- redstone_block_tile
- diamond_block_tile
- lapis_block_tile
- emerald_block_tile
- bedrock_tile
- furnace_tile
- burning_furnace_tile
- furnace_back_tile
- furnace_top_tile
- dispenser_tile
- dispenser_top_tile
- dropper_tile
- dropper_top_tile
- piston_tile
- piston_head_tile
- piston_top_tile
- repeater_tile
- powered_repeater_tile
- comparator_tile
- powered_comparator_tile
- redstone_lamp_tile
- powered_redstone_lamp_tile
- daylight_detector_bottom_tile
- daylight_detector_tile
- crafting_table_top_tile
- crafting_table_side_tile
- crafting_table_tile
- jukebox_tile
- note_block_tile
- dirt_tile
- grass_block_tile
- snowy_grass_block_tile
- mycelium_tile
- farmland_tile
- wet_farmland_tile
- snow_tile
- soul_sand_tile
- gravel_tile
- sand_tile
- sandstone_tile
- smooth_sandstone_tile
- chiseled_sandstone_tile
- sandstone_top_tile
- sandstone_bottom_tile
- end_stone_tile
- obsidian_tile
- glowstone_tile
- nether_brick_block_tile
- netherrack_tile
- nether_quartz_ore_tile
- quartz_block_tile
- quartz_block_bottom_tile
- pillar_quartz_tile
- pillar_quartz_top_tile
- chiseled_quartz_tile
- chiseled_quartz_top_tile
- oak_log_tile
- oak_log_top_tile
- oak_planks_tile
- bookshelf_tile
- trapdoor_tile
- pumpkin_tile
- jack_o'_lantern_tile
- pumkin_side_tile
- pumpkin_top_tile
- melon_block_tile
- melon_block_top_tile
- cactus_tile
- mushroom_stem_tile
- mushroom_brown_tile
- mushroom_red_tile
- mushroom_pores_tile
- hay_bale_tile
- sponge_tile
- ice_tile
- tnt_tile
- spawner_tile
- enchantment_table_top_tile
- enchantment_table_side_tile
- end_portal_frame_tile
- end_portal_frame_side_tile
- cake_top_tile
- cake_side_tile
- cake_side_eaten_tile
- command_block_tile
- unused
- unused
- unused
- beacon_side_tile
- beacon_crystal_tile
- item_frame_back_tile
- painting_back_tile
- static_tile
- tfda_bedrock_tile
- summoning_brick_tile
- corrupt_brick_side_tile
- corrupt_brick_top_tile
- tfda_redstone_ore_tile
- corrupt_runes_tile
- tfda_netherbrick_tile
- tfda_netherrack
- tfda_obsidian_tile
- air_glyph_tile
- water_glyph_tile
- earth_glyph_tile
- fire_glyph_tile
- tfda_glowstone_tile
- tfda_cobblestone_tile
- cracked_icy_bricks_tile
- light_blue_cloth_tile
- green_cloth_tile
- yellow_cloth_tile
- purple_cloth_tile
- glowing_red_cloth_tile
- red_cloth_tile
- tfda_coal_block_tile
- tfda_redstone_block_tile
- tfda_lapis_block_tile
- tfda_hardened_clay_tile
- tfda_snow_tile
- tfda_snowy_grass_block_tile
- tfda_mycelium_tile
- tfda_ice_tile
- tfda_tnt_tile
- tfda_sponge_tile
- tfda_chiseled_sandstone_tile
- tfda_bricks_tile
- tfda_daylight_detector_bottom_tile
- tfda_daylight_detector_tile
- tfda_bookshelf_tile
- tfda_cactus_tile
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- creeper
- charged_creeper
- skeleton
- wither_skeleton
- spider
- zombie
- zombie_villager
- slime
- ghast
- firing_ghast
- zombie_pigman
- enderman
- cave_spider
- silverfish
- blaze
- magma_cube
- bat
- witch
- unused
- pig
- sheep
- cow
- chicken
- squid
- wolf
- dog
- angry_wolf
- mooshroom
- ocelot
- black_cat
- ginger_cat
- siamese_cat
- horse
- donkey
- mule
- skeleton_horse
- zombie_horse
- villager
- human
- snow_golem
- iron_golem
- shulker
- enderdragon
- wither
- wither_protected
- unused
- wither_skull
- blue_wither_skull
- rideable_minecart
- chest_minecart
- furnace_minecart
- hopper_minecart
- tnt_minecart
- spawner_minecart
- boat_entity
- sign_front
- sign_back
- chest_tile
- trapped_chest_tile
- ender_chest_tile
- christmas_chest_tile
- doublechest
- trapped_doublechest
- christmas_doublechest
# unicode_page_93:
- ender_crystal_shell
- ender_crystal_gem_1
- ender_crystal_gem_2
- ender_crystal_gem_3
- ender_crystal_gem_4
- ender_crystal_gem_5
- ender_crystal_gem_6
- ender_crystal_1
- ender_crystal_2
- ender_crystal_3
- ender_crystal_4
- ender_crystal_5
- ender_crystal_6
- beacon_beam
- arrow_entity
- item_frame_entity
- painting_kebab
- painting_aztec
- painting_alban
- painting_aztec2
- painting_bomb
- painting_plant
- painting_wasteland
- painting_pool
- painting_courbet
- painting_sea
- painting_sunset
- painting_creebet
- painting_wanderer
- painting_graham
- painting_skeleton
- painting_donkeykong
- painting_match
- painting_bust
- painting_stage
- painting_void
- painting_skullandroses
- painting_wither
- painting_fighters
- painting_pointer
- painting_pigscene
- painting_flaming_skull
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- xp_orb_1
- xp_orb_2
- xp_orb_3
- xp_orb_4
- xp_orb_5
- xp_orb_6
- xp_orb_7
- xp_orb_8
- xp_orb_9
- xp_orb_10
- xp_orb_11
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- inventory_slot
- button
- button_disabled
- button_highlighted
- delete_slot
- gui_arrow
- gui_blocked_arrow
- gui_complete_arrow
- gui_burning
- gui_burning_full
- gui_plus
- gui_integral
- gui_delete
- gui_potion
- gui_green_check
- gui_red_x
- hammer
- hammer_and_anvil
- abacus
- broken_shovel
- right_button
- right_button_highlighted
- right_button_disabled
- left_button
- left_button_highlighted
- left_button_disabled
- up_button
- down_button
- gui_language
- realms_off
- realms_on
- realms_none
- white_gui_arrow
- white_gui_burning
- white_gui_plus
- white_gui_integral
- white_gui_delete
- white_gui_potion
- white_gui_check
- white_gui_x
- gui_circle
- gui_cursor
- connection_5
- connection_4
- connection_3
- connection_2
- connection_1
- connection_0
- connecting_1
- connecting_2
- connecting_3
- connecting_4
- connecting_5
- hotbar_slot
- hotbar_cursor
- selected_hotbar_slot
- gui_1
- gui_2
- gui_3
- gui_4
- gui_5
- gui_ex
- unused
- unused
- messages_highlighted
- messages
- 1_message_highlighted
- 2_messages_highlighted
- 3_messages_highlighted
- 4_messages_highlighted
- 5_messages_highlighted
- ex_messages_highlighted
- 1_message
- 2_messages
- 3_messages
- 4_messages
- 5_messages
- ex_messages
- heart_container
- healing_heart_container
- heart
- half_heart
- poison_heart
- half_poison_heart
- wither_heart
- half_wither_heart
- mob_heart
- half_mob_heart
- hardcore_heart
- hardcore_half_heart
- hardcore_poison_heart
- hardcore_half_poison_heart
- hardcore_wither_heart
- hardcore_half_wither_heart
- absorption_heart
- half_absorption_heart
- light_heart
- light_half_heart
- light_poison_heart
- light_half_poison_heart
- light_wither_heart
- light_half_wither_heart
- light_mob_heart
- light_half_mob_heart
- light_hardcore_heart
- light_hardcore_half_heart
- light_hardcore_poison_heart
- light_hardcore_half_poison_heart
- light_hardcore_wither_heart
- light_hardcore_half_wither_heart
- hardcore_absorption_heart
- hardcore_half_absorption_heart
- healing_heart
- healing_half_heart
- healing_poison_heart
- healing_half_poison_heart
- healing_wither_heart
- healing_half_wither_heart
- healing_mob_heart
- healing_half_mob_heart
- healing_hardcore_heart
- healing_hardcore_half_heart
- healing_hardcore_poison_heart
- healing_hardcore_half_poison_heart
- healing_hardcore_wither_heart
- healing_hardcore_half_wither_heart
- red_heart_container
- red_wither_heart
- armor_point
- half_armor_point
- empty_armor_point
- air_bubble
- half_air_bubble
- reversed_hunger_point
- hunger_container
- healing_hunger_container
- red_hunger_container
- green_hunger_container
- brown_hunger_container
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- hunger_point
- half_hunger_point
- light_hunger_point
- light_half_hunger_point
- poison_hunger_point
- half_poison_hunger_point
- light_poison_hunger_point
- light_half_poison_hunger_point
- healing_hunger_point
- healing_half_hunger_point
- healing_poison_hunger_point
- healing_half_poison_hunger_point
- hunger_hunger_point
- half_hunger_hunger_point
- healing_hunger_hunger_point
- healing_half_hunger_hunger_point
- speed
- slowness
- haste
- mining_fatigue
- strength
- weakness
- poison
- regen
- invisibility
- hunger
- jump_boost
- nausea
- night_vision
- blindness
- resistance
- fire_resistance
- water_breathing
- wither_status
- absorption
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
# unicode_page_94:
- tfda_zombie
- tfda_woman
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- tfda_trapped_chest_tile
- tfda_trapped_doublechest
- tfda_speed
- tfda_slowness
- tfda_regen
- tfda_jump_boost
- tfda_nausea
- tfda_blindness
- tfda_wither_status
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- map_landmark
- map_nether_portal
- map_end_portal
- map_portal
- map_floating_island
- map_basin
- map_lake
- map_lava_lake
- map_river
- map_waterfall
- map_cave
- map_ravine
- map_dungeon
- map_mineshaft
- map_stronghold
- map_village
- map_desert_well
- map_desert_temple
- map_jungle_temple
- map_witch_hut
- map_nether_fortress
- map_obsidian_pillar
- map_ender_crystal
- map_end_exit_portal
- map_teleport_altar
- map_estate_agency
- map_port
- map_bank
- map_bed
- map_inn
- map_chest
- map_ender_chest
- map_crafting_table
- map_furnace
- map_brewing_stand
- map_brewing_stand_and_cauldron
- map_cauldron
- map_enchantment_table
- map_anvil
- map_anvil_damaged
- map_cake
- map_cake_eaten
- map_jukebox
- map_map
- map_beacon
- map_fishing
- map_wishing_well
- map_library
- map_mine
- map_stable
- map_fountain
- map_shop
- map_trading
- map_challenge
- map_plot
- map_monument
- map_gravestone
- map_house
- map_large_house
- map_shack
- map_tower
- map_castle
- map_treehouse
- map_ruins
- map_totem
- map_danger
- map_prohibited
- map_farm
- map_wheat
- map_sugarcane
- map_cocoa_beans
- map_netherwart
- map_tree
- map_melon
- map_pumpkin
- map_cactus
- map_carrot
- map_potato
- map_animal_farm
- map_pig_farm
- map_sheep_farm
- map_cow_farm
- map_chicken_farm
- map_horse_farm
- map_mooshroom_farm
- map_squid_farm
- map_snow_golem_farm
- map_forest
- map_desert
- map_plains
- map_swamp
- map_jungle
- map_taiga
- map_tundra
- map_mountains
- map_mushroom_island
- map_spawner
- map_zombie_spawner
- map_skeleton_spawner
- map_spider_spawner
- map_cave_spider_spawner
- map_blaze_spawner
- map_silverfish_spawner
- map_enderman_spawner
- map_pig_spawner
- pig_mob
- sheep_mob
- cow_mob
- chicken_mob
- horse_mob
- donkey_mob
- mule_mob
- map_grinder
- map_zombie_grinder
- map_skeleton_grinder
- map_spider_grinder
- map_cave_spider_grinder
- map_blaze_grinder
- map_silverfish_grinder
- map_enderman_grinder
- map_pig_grinder
- skeleton_horse_mob
- zombie_horse_mob
- mooshroom_mob
- squid_mob
- wolf_mob
- dog_mob
- angry_wolf_mob
- map_xp_grinder
- map_zombie_xp_grinder
- map_skeleton_xp_grinder
- map_spider_xp_grinder
- map_cave_spider_xp_grinder
- map_blaze_xp_grinder
- map_silverfish_xp_grinder
- map_enderman_xp_grinder
- map_pig_xp_grinder
- ocelot_mob
- black_cat_mob
- ginger_cat_mob
- siamese_cat_mob
- bat_mob
- farmer_mob
- butcher_mob
- blacksmith_mob
- librarian_mob
- priest_mob
- villager_mob
- human_mob
- snow_golem_mob
- iron_golem_mob
- enderdragon_mob
- wither_mob
- wither_protected_mob
- creeper_mob
- charged_creeper_mob
- skeleton_mob
- wither_skeleton_mob
- spider_mob
- zombie_mob
- zombie_villager_mob
- slime_mob
- ghast_mob
- firing_ghast_mob
- zombie_pigman_mob
- enderman_mob
- cave_spider_mob
- silverfish_mob
- blaze_mob
- magma_cube_mob
- witch_mob
- open_shulker_mob
- closed_shulker_mob
- unused
- unused
- unused
- amenity_hidden_chest
- amenity_multi_chest
- amenity_hidden_trapped_chest
- amenity_return_portal
- amenity_floor_plan_map
- amenity_map
- amenity_secrets_map
- amenity_wastebasket
- amenity_fountain_of_life
- amenity_key_portal
- amenity_xp_bank
- amenity_alchemic_circle
- amenity_meeting_chamber
- amenity_item_spawn
- amenity_heaven's_door
- amenity_hell's_door
- amenity_buying_trader
- amenity_gear_trader
- amenity_food/material_trader
- amenity_food/mat/pot_trader
- amenity_omni_trader
- map_tfda_zombie_spawner
- map_tfda_zombie_grinder
- map_tfda_zombie_xp_grinder
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- map_christmas_chest
- map_trapped_chest
# unicode_page_95:
- tfda_zombie_mob
- tfda_woman_mob
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- white_sword
- white_pickaxe
- white_shovel
- white_axe
- white_hoe
- white_bow
- white_arrow
- white_helmet
- white_chestplate
- white_leggings
- white_boots
- white_fishing_rod
- white_lead
- white_name_tag
- white_horse_armor
- white_saddle
- white_minecart
- white_minecart_with_chest
- white_boat
- white_book
- white_empty_map
- white_map
- white_bucket
- white_egg
- white_ender_pearl
- white_eye_of_ender
- white_fire_charge
- white_disc
- white_bottle_o'_enchanting
- white_firework
- white_firework_charge_blank
- white_firework_star
- white_orange_dye
- white_magenta_dye
- white_light_blue_dye
- white_dandelion_yellow
- white_light_gray_dye
- white_cyan_dye
- white_lapis
- white_cocoa_beans
- white_cactus_green
- white_rose_red
- white_ink_sac
- white_sign
- white_painting
- white_item_frame
- white_door
- white_hopper
- white_bed
- white_redstone
- white_iron_ingot
- white_coal
- white_charcoal
- white_diamond
- white_ruby
- white_emerald
- white_nether_quartz
- white_flint
- white_gold_nugget
- white_ghast_tear
- white_nether_star
- white_clay_ball
- white_slimeball
- unused
- white_skeleton_skull
- white_wither_skeleton_skull
- white_zombie_head
- white_head
- white_creeper_head
- white_stick
- white_blaze_rod
- white_blaze_powder
- white_magma_cream
- white_leather
- white_paper
- white_fermented_spider_eye
- white_spider_eye
- unused
- unused
- unused
- white_seeds
- white_melon_seeds
- white_pumpkin_seeds
- white_netherwart
- white_sugarcane
- white_wheat
- white_carrot
- white_golden_carrot
- white_potato
- white_baked_potato
- white_poisonous_potato
- white_melon
- white_glistering_melon
- white_apple
- white_golden_apple
- white_rotten_flesh
- white_raw_porkchop
- white_porkchop
- white_raw_beef
- white_steak
- white_raw_fish_
- white_cooked_fish
- white_raw_chicken
- white_cooked_chicken
- white_bowl
- white_mushroom_stew
- white_bread
- white_cookie
- white_cake
- white_pumpkin_pie
- unused
- unused
- tfda_white_helmet
- tfda_white_chestplate
- tfda_white_leggings
- tfda_white_boots
- tfda_white_nether_quartz
- tfda_white_zombie_head
- tfda_white_purple_dye
- old_white_cocoa_beans
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- white_starfish
- white_seashell
- white_oak_sapling
- white_spruce_sapling
- white_birch_sapling
- white_jungle_sapling
- white_sugarcane_block
- white_netherwart_3
- white_netherwart_2
- white_netherwart_1
- white_red_mushroom
- white_brown_mushroom
- white_rose
- white_dandelion
- white_iron_bars
- white_wheat_block
- white_potatoes
- white_carrots
- white_rail
- white_rail_horizontal
- white_ladder
- white_ladder_horizontal
- white_lever
- white_torch
- white_shrub
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- white_fire
- white_stationary_water
- white_flowing_water
- white_stationary_lava
- white_flowing_lava
- white_nether_portal
- white_stationary_water_solid
- white_flowing_water_solid
- white_nether_portal_solid
- white_ore_tile
- white_stone_tile
- white_stone_bricks_tile
- white_cracked_stone_bricks_tile
- white_chiseled_stone_bricks_tile
- white_stone_slab_top_tile
- white_stone_slab_side_tile
- white_furnace_top_tile
- white_coal_block_tile
- white_iron_block_tile
- white_gold_block_tile
- white_redstone_block_tile
- white_lapis_block_tile
- white_emerald_block_tile
- white_bedrock_tile
- white_redstone_lamp_tile
- white_powered_redstone_lamp_tile
- white_daylight_detector_bottom_tile
- white_daylight_detector_tile
- white_jukebox_tile
- white_note_block_tile
- white_dirt_tile
- white_grass_block_tile
- white_mycelium_tile
- white_farmland_tile
- white_snow_tile
- white_soul_sand_tile
- white_gravel_tile
- white_sand_tile
- white_sandstone_tile
- white_smooth_sandstone_tile
- white_chiseled_sandstone_tile
- white_sandstone_top_tile
- white_sandstone_bottom_tile
- white_end_stone_tile
- white_obsidian_tile
- white_glowstone_tile
- white_nether_brick_block_tile
- white_netherrack_tile
- white_oak_log_tile
- white_oak_log_top_tile
- white_oak_planks_tile
- white_pumpkin_tile
- white_jack_o'_lantern_tile
- white_pumkin_side_tile
- white_pumpkin_top_tile
- white_melon_block_tile
- white_melon_block_top_tile
- white_tnt_tile
- white_spawner_tile
- white_command_block_tile
- white_beacon_crystal_tile
- white_item_frame_back_tile
- white_painting_back_tile
- white_static_tile
- tfda_white_coal_block_tile
- tfda_white_redstone_block_tile
- tfda_white_lapis_block_tile
- tfda_white_hardened_clay_tile
- unused
- unused
- unused
- tfda_white_snowy_grass_block_tile
- tfda_white_snow_tile
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- tfda_white_chiseled_sandstone_tile
- tfda_white_bricks_tile
# unicode_page_96:
- white_boat_entity
- white_sign_front
- white_sign_back
- white_chest_tile
- white_trapped_chest_tile
- white_ender_chest_tile
- white_christmas_chest_tile
- white_doublechest
- white_trapped_doublechest
- white_christmas_doublechest
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- tfda_white_trapped_chest_tile
- tfda_white_trapped_doublechest
- white_ender_crystal_shell
- white_ender_crystal_gem_1
- white_ender_crystal_gem_2
- white_ender_crystal_gem_3
- white_ender_crystal_gem_4
- white_ender_crystal_gem_5
- white_ender_crystal_gem_6
- white_ender_crystal_1
- white_ender_crystal_2
- white_ender_crystal_3
- white_ender_crystal_4
- white_ender_crystal_5
- white_ender_crystal_6
- white_arrow_entity
- white_wither_skull
- white_blue_wither_skull
- white_zombie
- white_zombie_villager
- white_witch
- white_villager
- white_human
- unused
- white_enderman
- white_blaze
- unused
- white_wither
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- tfda_white_zombie
- tfda_white_woman
- white_gui_blocked_arrow
- white_gui_burning_full
- white_gui_green_check
- white_gui_red_x
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- white_hammer
- white_hammer_and_anvil
- white_abacus
- white_broken_shovel
- unused
- white_realms_off
- white_realms_on
- white_realms_none
- white_connection_5
- white_connection_4
- white_connection_3
- white_connection_2
- white_connection_1
- white_connection_0
- white_gui_1
- white_gui_2
- white_gui_3
- white_gui_4
- white_gui_5
- white_gui_ex
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- white_heart_container
- white_heart
- white_half_heart
- white_poison_heart
- white_half_poison_heart
- white_mob_heart
- white_half_mob_heart
- white_hardcore_heart
- white_hardcore_half_heart
- white_hardcore_poison_heart
- white_hardcore_half_poison_heart
- white_absorption_heart
- white_half_absorption_heart
- white_light_heart
- white_light_half_heart
- unused
- white_armor_point
- white_half_armor_point
- white_empty_armor_point
- white_air_bubble
- white_half_air_bubble
- white_reversed_hunger_point
- white_hunger_container
- white_hunger_point
- white_half_hunger_point
- white_light_hunger_point
- white_light_half_hunger_point
- white_poison_hunger_point
- white_half_poison_hunger_point
- unused
- unused
- unused
- white_speed
- white_slowness
- white_haste
- white_mining_fatigue
- white_strength
- white_weakness
- white_poison
- white_regen
- white_invisibility
- white_hunger
- white_jump_boost
- white_nausea
- white_night_vision
- white_blindness
- white_resistance
- white_fire_resistance
- white_water_breathing
- white_wither_status
- white_absorption
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- tfda_white_speed
- tfda_white_slowness
- tfda_white_regen
- tfda_white_jump_boost
- tfda_white_nausea
- tfda_white_blindness
- tfda_white_wither_status
- north_arrow
- northeast_arrow
- east_arrow
- southeast_arrow
- south_arrow
- southwest_arrow
- west_arrow
- northwest_arrow
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- symbol_cycloid_emblem_aa
- symbol_snub_diamond_twist_aa
- symbol_diamond_twist_aa
- symbol_astroid_fractal_aa
- symbol_tight_astroid_twist_aa
- symbol_astroid_twist_aa
- unused
- unused
- symbol_cycloid_emblem
- symbol_snub_diamond_twist
- symbol_diamond_twist
- symbol_astroid_fractal
- symbol_tight_astroid_twist
- symbol_astroid_twist
- unused
- unused
- symbol_astroid_lace_aa
- symbol_astroid_lace_thin_aa
- symbol_astroid_lace_split_aa
- symbol_astroid_lace_small_split_aa
- symbol_ashndar_aa
- symbol_quest_aa
- unused
- unused
- symbol_astroid_lace
- symbol_astroid_lace_thin
- symbol_astroid_lace_split
- symbol_astroid_lace_small_split
- symbol_ashndar
- symbol_quest
- unused
- unused
- symbol_x_tight_aa
- symbol_x_tight_even-odd_aa
- symbol_adventure_aa-symbol_x_even
- odd_aa
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- symbol_x_tight
- symbol_x_tight_even-odd
- symbol_adventure
- symbol_x_even-odd
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- symbol_corner_pair_aa
- symbol_corner_diamond_aa
- symbol_inverted_corner_diamond_aa
- symbol_overlay_rune_aa
- symbol_minigame_aa
- unused
- unused
- unused
- symbol_corner_pair
- symbol_corner_diamond
- symbol_inverted_corner_diamond
- symbol_overlay_rune
- symbol_minigame
- unused
- unused
- unused
- quest_icon
- ashndar_icon
- adventure_icon
- minigame_icon
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- white_quest_icon
- white_ashndar_icon
- white_adventure_icon
- white_minigame_icon
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
# unicode_page_97:
- air
- stone
- bedrock
- obsidian
- netherrack
- glowstone
- end_stone
- ice
- dirt
- grass_block
- mycelium
- sand
- gravel
- soul_sand
- clay
- snow_block
- coal_ore
- iron_ore
- gold_ore
- redstone_ore
- diamond_ore
- lapis_ore
- emerald_ore
- quartz_ore
- unused
- coal_block
- iron_block
- gold_block
- redstone_block
- diamond_block
- lapis_block
- emerald_block
- cobblestone
- mossy_cobblestone
- smooth_brick # stone_bricks
- smooth_brick:1 # mossy_stone_bricks
- smooth_brick:2 # cracked_stone_bricks
- smooth_brick:3 # chiseled_stone_bricks
- brick
- nether_brick
- sandstone
- sandstone:1 # smooth_sandstone
- sandstone:2 # chiseled_sandstone
- quartz_block
- quartz_block:1 # pillar_quartz
- quartz_block:2 # chiseled_quartz
- hard_clay
- glass
- stained_clay:0 # white_stained_clay
- stained_clay:1 # orange_stained_clay
- stained_clay:2 # magenta_stained_clay
- stained_clay:3 # light_blue_stained_clay
- stained_clay:4 # yellow_stained_clay
- stained_clay:5 # lime_stained_clay
- stained_clay:6 # pink_stained_clay
- stained_clay:7 # gray_stained_clay
- stained_clay:8 # light_gray_stained_clay
- stained_clay:9 # cyan_stained_clay
- stained_clay:10 # purple_stained_clay:
- stained_clay:11 # blue_stained_clay:
- stained_clay:12 # brown_stained_clay:
- stained_clay:13 # green_stained_clay:
- stained_clay:14 # red_stained_clay:
- stained_clay:15 # black_stained_clay:
- wool:0 # white_wool
- wool:1 # orange_wool
- wool:2 # magenta_wool
- wool:3 # light_blue_wool
- wool:4 # yellow_wool
- wool:5 # lime_wool
- wool:6 # pink_wool
- wool:7 # gray_wool
- wool:8 # light_gray_wool
- wool:9 # cyan_wool
- wool:10 # purple_wool
- wool:11 # blue_wool
- wool:12 # brown_wool
- wool:13 # green_wool
- wool:14 # red_wool
- wool:15 # black_wool
- carpet:0 # white_carpet
- carpet:1 # orange_carpet
- carpet:2 # magenta_carpet
- carpet:3 # light_blue_carpet
- carpet:4 # yellow_carpet
- carpet:5 # lime_carpet
- carpet:6 # pink_carpet
- carpet:7 # gray_carpet
- carpet:8 # light_gray_carpet
- carpet:9 # cyan_carpet
- carpet:10 # purple_carpet
- carpet:11 # blue_carpet
- carpet:12 # brown_carpet
- carpet:13 # green_carpet
- carpet:14 # red_carpet:
- carpet:15 # black_carpet
- log # oak_log
- log:1 # spruce_log
- log:2 # birch_log
- log:3 # jungle_log
- wood # oak_planks
- wood:1 # spruce_planks
- wood:2 # birch_planks
- wood:3 # jungle_planks
- leaves # oak_leaves
- leaves:1 # spruce_leaves
- leaves:2 # birch_leaves
- leaves:3 # jungle_leaves
- oak_leaves_hd
- spruce_leaves_hd
- birch_leaves_hd
- jungle_leaves_hd
- wood_stairs # oak_wood_stairs
- spruce_wood_stairs # spruce_wood_stairs
- birch_wood_stairs # birch_wood_stairs
- jungle_wood_stairs # jungle_wood_stairs
- cobblestone_stairs
- smooth_stairs # stone_brick_stairs
- sandstone_stairs
- brick_stairs
- nether_brick_stairs
- quartz_stairs
- unused
- pumpkin
- jack_o_lantern
- melon_block
- cactus
- sponge
- wood_step # oak_wood_slab
- wood_step:1 # spruce_wood_slab
- wood_step:2 # birch_wood_slab
- wood_step:3 # jungle_wood_slab
- step:3 # cobblestone_slab
- step:5 # stone_brick_slab
- step:1 # sandstone_slab
- step:4 # brick_slab
- step:6 # netherbrick_slab
- step:7 # quartz_slab
- step # stone_slab
- cobble_wall
- cobble_wall:1 # mossy
- fence
- netherbrick_fence
- fence_gate
- bookshelf
- workbench
- furnace
- dispenser
- dropper
- piston
- sticky_piston
- note_block
- jukebox
- redstone_lamp
- tnt
- hay_block # hay_bale
- stone_plate
- wood_plate
- gold_plate # weighted_pressure_plate_(light)
- iron_plate # weighted_pressure_plate_(heavy)
- chest
- trapped_chest
- ender_chest
- enchantment_table
- ender_portal_frame
- anvil
- anvil:1 # slightly_damaged_anvil
- anvil:2 # very_damaged_anvil
- trapdoor
- snow
- daylight_detector
- stone_button
- wood_button
- enderdragon_egg
- command_block
- mob_spawner
- doubleslab
- smooth_stone_doubleslab
- smooth_sandstone_doubleslab
- farmland
- wet_farmland
- furnace_back
- lit_redstone_lamp
- error_block
- cake_block
- eaten_cake_block
- nether_portal_block
- flipped_nether_portal_block
- beacon
- flipped_pumpkin
- flipped_jack_o'_lantern
- uncarved_pumpkin
- left_oak_log
- left_spruce_log
- left_birch_log
- left_jungle_log
- right_oak_log
- right_spruce_log
- right_birch_log
- right_jungle_log
- full_bark_oak_log
- full_bark_spruce_log
- full_bark_birch_log
- full_bark_jungle_log
- left_pillar_quartz
- right_pillar_quartz
- left_hay_bale
- right_hay_bale
- mushroom_pore
- mushroom_stem
- mushroom_full_stem
- brown_mushroom_left
- brown_mushroom_center
- brown_mushroom_right
- brown_mushroom_full_block
- red_mushroom_left
- red_mushroom_center
- red_mushroom_right
- red_mushroom_full_block
- observer
- locked_chest
- glowing_obsidian
- nether_reactor
- stonecutter
- black_shulker_box
- blue_shulker_box
- brown_shulker_box
- cyan_shulker_box
- gray_shulker_box
- green_shulker_box
- light_blue_shulker_box
- silver_shulker_box
- lime_shulker_box
- magenta_shulker_box
- orange_shulker_box
- pink_shulker_box
- purple_shulker_box
- red_shulker_box
- white_shulker_box
- yellow_shulker_box
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
# unicode_page_98:
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- white_stone
- white_bedrock
- white_obsidian
- white_netherrack
- white_glowstone
- white_end_stone
- white_ice
- white_dirt
- white_sand
- white_gravel
- white_soul_sand
- white_clay
- white_snow_block
- white_ore
- unused
- unused
- white_coal_block
- white_iron_block
- white_gold_block
- white_redstone_block
- white_lapis_block
- white_emerald_block
- white_oak_log
- white_birch_log
- white_jungle_log
- white_planks
- white_oak_leaves
- white_spruce_leaves
- white_jungle_leaves
- white_oak_leaves_hd
- white_spruce_leaves_hd
- white_jungle_leaves_hd
- white_cobblestone
- white_stone_bricks
- white_chiseled_stone_bricks
- white_bricks
- white_nether_brick_block
- white_sandstone
- white_smooth_sandstone
- white_chiseled_sandstone
- white_quartz_block
- white_pillar_quartz
- white_chiseled_quartz
- white_hardened_clay
- white_glass
- white_chest
- white_ender_chest
- white_end_portal_frame
- white_wood_stairs
- white_cobblestone_stairs
- white_stone_brick_stairs
- white_sandstone_stairs
- white_brick_stairs
- white_nether_brick_stairs
- white_quartz_stairs
- unused
- white_pumpkin
- white_jack_o'_lantern
- white_melon
- white_cactus
- white_sponge
- white_anvil
- white_slightly_damaged_anvil
- white_very_damaged_anvil
- white_wood_slab
- white_cobblestone_slab
- white_stone_brick_slab
- white_sandstone_slab
- white_brick_slab
- white_nether_brick_slab
- white_quartz_slab
- white_stone_slab
- white_cobblestone_wall
- white_fence
- white_netherbrick_fence
- white_fence_gate
- white_snow
- white_daylight_detector
- white_stone_button
- white_wooden_button
- white_bookshelf
- white_crafting_table
- white_furnace
- white_dispenser
- white_dropper
- white_piston
- white_note_block
- white_jukebox
- white_redstone_lamp
- white_tnt
- white_hay_bale
- white_stone_pressure_plate
- white_wooden_pressure_plate
- white_weighted_pressure_plate_(light)
- white_weighted_pressure_plate_(heavy)
- white_trapdoor
- white_enderdragon_egg
- white_command_block
- white_spawner
- white_doubleslab
- white_smooth_stone_doubleslab
- white_smooth_sandstone_doubleslab
- white_farmland
- white_wet_farmland
- white_furnace_back
- white_lit_redstone_lamp
- white_error_block
- white_cake_block
- white_eaten_cake_block
- white_nether_portal_block
- white_flipped_nether_portal_block
- unused
- white_left_oak_log
- white_left_birch_log
- white_left_jungle_log
- white_right_oak_log
- white_right_birch_log
- white_right_jungle_log
- white_full_bark_oak_log
- white_full_bark_birch_log
- white_full_bark_jungle_log
- white_flipped_pumpkin
- white_flipped_jack_o'_lantern
- white_uncarved_pumpkin
- white_left_pillar_quartz
- white_right_pillar_quartz
- white_left_hay_bale
- white_right_hay_bale
- white_mushroom_pore
- white_mushroom_stem
- white_mushroom_full_stem
- white_brown_mushroom_left
- white_brown_mushroom_center
- white_brown_mushroom_right
- white_brown_mushroom_full_block
- white_red_mushroom_left
- white_red_mushroom_center
- white_red_mushroom_right
- white_red_mushroom_full_block
- white_observer
- white_locked_chest
- white_glowing_obsidian
- white_nether_reactor
- white_stonecutter
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
# unicode_page_99:
- nether_star #glowing
- exp_bottle #glowing
- golden_apple:1 #glowing
- enchanted_book #glowing
- glowing_written_book #glowing
- unused
- unused
- unused
- celestial_magic_powder
- arcane_magic_powder
- aetheric_magic_powder
- sagittan_magic_powder
- tenacious_magic_powder
- lithe_magic_powder
- unearthly_magic_powder
- divine_magic_powder
- tfda_clock_noon
- tfda_clock_sunset
- tfda_clock_sunrise
- tfda_clock_midnight
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- large_north_arrow
- large_northeast_arrow
- large_east_arrow
- large_southeast_arrow
- large_south_arrow
- large_southwest_arrow
- large_west_arrow
- large_northwest_arrow
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- large_symbol_cycloid_emblem_aa
- large_symbol_snub_diamond_twist_aa
- large_symbol_diamond_twist_aa
- large_symbol_astroid_fractal_aa
- large_symbol_tight_astroid_twist_aa
- large_symbol_astroid_twist_aa
- unused
- unused
- large_symbol_cycloid_emblem
- large_symbol_snub_diamond_twist
- large_symbol_diamond_twist
- large_symbol_astroid_fractal
- large_symbol_tight_astroid_twist
- large_symbol_astroid_twist
- unused
- unused
- large_symbol_astroid_lace_aa
- large_symbol_astroid_lace_thin_aa
- large_symbol_astroid_lace_split_aa
- large_symbol_astroid_lace_small_split_aa
- large_symbol_ashndar_aa
- large_symbol_quest_aa
- unused
- unused
- large_symbol_astroid_lace
- large_symbol_astroid_lace_thin
- large_symbol_astroid_lace_split
- large_symbol_astroid_lace_small_split
- large_symbol_ashndar
- large_symbol_quest
- unused
- unused
- large_symbol_x_tight_aa
- large_symbol_x_tight_even-odd_aa
- large_symbol_adventure_aa
- large_symbol_x_even-odd_aa
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- large_symbol_x_tight
- large_symbol_x_tight_even-odd
- large_symbol_adventure
- large_symbol_x_even-odd
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- large_symbol_corner_pair_aa
- large_symbol_corner_diamond_aa
- large_symbol_inverted_corner_diamond_aa
- large_symbol_overlay_rune_aa
- large_symbol_minigame_aa
- unused
- unused
- unused
- large_symbol_corner_pair
- large_symbol_corner_diamond
- large_symbol_inverted_corner_diamond
- large_symbol_overlay_rune
- large_symbol_minigame
- unused
- unused
- unused
- large_quest_icon
- large_ashndar_icon
- large_adventure_icon
- large_minigame_icon
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- large_white_quest_icon
- large_white_ashndar_icon
- large_white_adventure_icon
- large_white_minigame_icon
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
# unicode_page_9a:
- diorite_tile
- polished_diorite_tile
- andesite_tile
- polished_andesite_tile
- granite_tile
- polished_granite_tile
- coarse_dirt_tile
- prismarine_tile
- prismarine_tile2
- prismarine_tile3
- prismarine_tile4
- prismarine_bricks_tile
- dark_prismarine_tile
- red_sandstone_tile
- red_standstone_top_tile
- chiseled_red_sandstone_tile
- sea_lantern_tile
- wet_sponge_tile
- slime_block_tile
- barrier_tile
- spruce_door_item
- birch_door_item
- jungle_door_item
- dark_oak_door_item
- acacia_door_item
- iron_trapdoor
- spruce_fence_gate
- birch_fence_gate
- jungle_fence_gate
- dark_oak_fence_gate
- acacia_fence_gate
- smooth_red_sandstone_tile
- banner_white
- banner_orange
- banner_magenta
- banner_light_blue
- banner_yellow
- banner_lime
- banner_pink
- banner_gray
- banner_light_gray
- banner_cyan
- banner_purple
- banner_blue
- banner_brown
- banner_green
- banner_red
- banner_black
- prismarine_crystals
- prismarine_shard
- raw_mutton
- cooked_mutton
- rabbit # raw_rabbit
- cooked_rabbit
- rabbit_stew
- rabbit_hide
- rabbit_foot
- potion_jump
- splash_potion_jump
- spawn_guardian
- spawn_elder_guardian
- spawn_endermite
- spawn_rabbit
- armor_stand
- stone:3 # diorite
- stone:4 # polished_diorite
- stone:5 # andesite
- stone:6 # polished_andesite
- stone:1 # granite
- stone:2 # polished_granite
- dirt:1 # coarse_dirt
- prismarine
- prismarine:1 # prismarine_bricks
- prismarine:2 # dark_prismarine
- sea_lantern
- guardian_mob
- elder_guardian_mob
- endermite_mob
- rabbit_mob
- barrier
- wet_sponge
- slime_block
- stone_slab2 # red_sandstone_slab
- red_sandstone
- red_sandstone:1 # chiseled_red_sandstone
- red_sandstone:2 # smooth_red_sandstone
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- stained_glass_pane:0 # white_glass_pane
- stained_glass_pane:1 # orange_glass_pane
- stained_glass_pane:2 # magenta_glass_pane
- stained_glass_pane:3 # light_blue_glass_pane
- stained_glass_pane:4 # yellow_glass_pane
- stained_glass_pane:5 # lime_glass_pane
- stained_glass_pane:6 # pink_glass_pane
- stained_glass_pane:7 # gray_glass_pane
- stained_glass_pane:8 # light_gray_glass_pane
- stained_glass_pane:9 # cyan_glass_pane
- stained_glass_pane:10 # purple_glass_pane
- stained_glass_pane:11 # blue_glass_pane
- stained_glass_pane:12 # brown_glass_pane
- stained_glass_pane:13 # green_glass_pane
- stained_glass_pane:14 # red glass_pane
- stained_glass_pane:15 # black_glass_pane
- stained_glass:0 # white_glass
- stained_glass:1 # orange_glass
- stained_glass:2 # magenta_glass
- stained_glass:3 # light_blue_glass
- stained_glass:4 # yellow_glass
- stained_glass:5 # lime_glass
- stained_glass:6 # pink_glass
- stained_glass:7 # gray_glass
- stained_glass:8 # light_gray_glass
- stained_glass:9 # cyan_glass
- stained_glass:10 # purple_glass
- stained_glass:11 # blue_glass
- stained_glass:12 # brown_glass
- stained_glass:13 # green_glass
- stained_glass:14 # red_glass
- stained_glass:15 # black_glass
- acacia_log_tile
- acacia_log_top_tile
- acacia_planks_tile
- dark_oak_log_tile
- dark_oak_log_top_tile
- dark_oak_planks_tile
- acacia_stairs
- dark_oak_stairs
- wood_step:4 # acacia_slab
- wood_step:5 # dark_oak_slab
- sapling:4 # acacia_sapling
- sapling:5 # dark_oak_sapling
- acacia_leaves_tile
- acacia_leaves_hd_tile
- dark_oak_leaves_tile
- dark_oak_leaves_hd_tile
- packed_ice_tile
- podzol_tile
- podzol_top_tile
- red_sand_tile
- red_rose:4 # red_tulip
- red_rose:5 # orange_tulip
- red_rose:6 # white_tulip
- red_rose:7 # pink_tulip
- red_rose:1 # blue_orchid
- red_rose:2 # allium
- red_rose:3 # azure_bluet
- red_rose:8 # oxeye_daisy
- red_rose # poppies
- double_plant # sunflower
- double_plant:5 # peony
- double_plant:4 # rose_bush
- double_plant:1 # lilacs
- double_plant:2 # double_tall_grass
- double_plant:3 # large_fern
- raw_fish:1 # pufferfish
- raw_fish:2 # clownfish
- raw_fish:1 # salmon
- cooked_fish:1 # cooked_salmon
- potion_water_breathing
- splash_potion_water_breathing
- command_minecart
- command_minecart_3d
- log_2 # acacia_log
- log_2:1 # dark_oak_log
- wood:4 # acacia_planks
- wood:5 # dark_oak_planks
- packed_ice
- leaves_2 # acacia_leaves
- acacia_leaves_hd
- leaves_2:1 # dark_oak_leaves
- dark_oak_leaves_hd
- dirt:2 # podzol
- sand:1 # red_sand
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- shulker_shell
- structure_block_tile
- structure_block_corner_tile
- structure_block_data_tile
- structure_block_load_tile
- structure_block_save_tile
- structure_void_tile
- magma_block_tile
- nether_wart_block_tile
- red_nether_brick_tile
- bone_block_tile
- bone_block_top_tile
- polar_bear
- stray
- husk
- end_crystal
- broken_elytra
- structure_block
- structure_block_corner
- structure_block_data
- structure_block_load
- structure_block_save
- structure_void
- magma # magma_block
- nether_wart_block
- red_nether_brick
- bone_block
- beetroot_soup
- spawn_polar_bear
- spawn_stray
- spawn_husk
- dragons_breath
- elytra
- chorus_flower_tile
- chorus_flower_dead_tile
- chorus_plant_tile
- chorus_flower
- chorus_flower_dead
- chorus_plant
- chorus_fruit
- chorus_fruit_popped
- skull_item:5 # dragon_head
- end_gateway
- end_rod
- end_rod_left
- end_rod_up
- end_rod_right
- end_bricks_tile
- end_bricks
- grass_path_tile
- grass_path_top_tile
- grass_path
- purpur_block_tile
- purpur_block
- purpur_pillar_tile
- purpur_pillar_top_tile
- purpur_pillar
- purpur_stairs
- purpur_slab
- frosted_ice_tile
- frosted_ice_cracked1_tile
- frosted_ice_cracked2_tile
- frosted_ice_cracked3_tile
- beetroot
- beetroot_seeds
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