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Last active May 15, 2024 10:59
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AACAdditionPro config.yml
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# _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ #
# /\ | | (_)/ ____| | | | /\ | | | (_) | (_) #
# / \ _ __ | |_ _| | | |__ ___ __ _| |_ / \ __| | __| |_| |_ _ ___ _ __ #
# / /\ \ | '_ \| __| | | | '_ \ / _ \/ _` | __| / /\ \ / _` |/ _` | | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ #
# / ____ \| | | | |_| | |____| | | | __/ (_| | |_ / ____ \ (_| | (_| | | |_| | (_) | | | | #
# /_/ \_\_| |_|\__|_|\_____|_| |_|\___|\__,_|\__/_/ \_\__,_|\__,_|_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| #
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# __ __ _ _ ___ _ _ #
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# |_| |_\__,_\__,_\___| |_.__/\_, | |_| |_||_\___/\__\___/_||_| #
# |__/ #
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# _ _ _ _ _ _ #
# /_\ __| |__| (_) |_(_)___ _ _ ___ #
# / _ \/ _` / _` | | _| / _ \ ' \(_-< #
# /_/ \_\__,_\__,_|_|\__|_\___/_||_/__/ #
# #
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# BrandHider modifies the server brand on Minecraft’s debug screen.
# Useful for custom messages or hiding your server software.
enabled: true
# This is the replacement text for the brand.
# You can use the character ‘&’ for color codes and all placeholders that are available in normal checks.
brand: "Server"
# Refresh rate for dynamic placeholders like {time}, {date}, {ping}, etc.
# Set this to 0 if you only use static text or placeholders (in ticks).
refresh_rate: 0
# CommandHider allows you to define a custom message if a player tries to execute a command of AntiCheatAddition
# without the necessary permissions.
permissions_message: "Unknown command. Please type /help for help."
# This module spoofs the health of all players on your server, thus rendering DamageIndicators, HealthTags, and other
# mods that try to display other players' health ineffective.
# Other plugins can still get the accurate player health.
enabled: true
# Entity categories to spoof health for.
players: true
others: true
# InformationHider obfuscates specific game information that is sent to all clients and allows an information advantage.
# Vanilla players will experience no difference.
enabled: true
# This part obfuscates the durability of items to prevent cheats from displaying the correct durability.
# Vanilla players will not see any difference.
enabled: true
# This part obfuscates enchantments to prevent cheats from displaying the correct type and level.
# Vanilla players will not see any difference.
enabled: true
# This part obfuscates the item count any hand content and equipment in general.
# Vanilla players will not see any difference.
enabled: true
# If two players cannot see each other, ESP conceals their information on the packet-level.
# ESP does not scan the entire distance between two players to increase performance.
# As a result, ESP can sometimes show otherwise invisible players.
# - Sneaking-Hider: Sneaking players will be hidden from other players if not seen directly.
# This renders ESP, tracers, radar and related cheats ineffective in spotting sneaking players without line of sight.
# - Equipment-Hider: If a player is not visible to another player, ESP will hide any equipment they are wearing or have in their hands.
# Therefore, cheaters can no longer gauge a player's combat strength.
# This part automatically disables itself on servers with Minecraft versions below 1.11.
# Please RESTART your server after CREATING NEW WORLDS to activate ESP in them.
enabled: false
# Time between two ESP cycles.
# Low values decrease performance, high values may cause players to be hidden for too long and pop up. (in ticks)
interval_ticks: 2
# By default, only sneaking players are fully hidden from other players because nametags are visible through walls.
# If you disable nametags or choose to ignore this vanilla behaviour, you can set this option to true which
# causes all players to be fully hidden, even when not sneaking.
only_full_hide: false
# Should Esp consider Minecraft’s 3rd person perspectives? Enabling this reduces performance.
calculate_third_person_modes: false
# LogBot clears old log files for both the AntiCheatAddition and the server.
# It runs every 12 hours and on server startup.
enabled: false
# Days to retain AntiCheatAddition logs. Set to -1 to keep indefinitely.
AntiCheatAddition: 10
# Days to retain server logs. Set to -1 to keep indefinitely.
Server: 10
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# ___ _ _ #
# / __| |_ ___ __| |__ ___ #
# | (__| ' \/ -_) _| / /(_-< #
# \___|_||_\___\__|_\_\/__/ #
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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This module detects AutoEat bots that automatically consume food.
# AutoEat VL decreases only every 5 minutes to catch cheats no matter how spaced out eating sessions are.
# Adds 20 VL.
enabled: true
# VL at which consumption events are cancelled. Set to 0 for no cancellations.
cancel_vl: 80
# A detection exceeding cancel_vl stops all eating for this time (in milliseconds).
timeout: 5000
# Commands to execute at specific violation levels.
60: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is suspected for AutoEat"
120: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is highly suspected for AutoEat"
200: "kick {player} AutoEat"
# AutoFish identifies automatic fishing bots.
# If you have modified fishing time and/or behaviour, please test if this check is compatible with your setup.
# This check automatically disables itself on Minecraft versions below 1.11 because of changes to the Spigot API.
enabled: true
# VL at which fishing is cancelled. Set to 0 for no cancellations.
cancel_vl: 100
# This part recognizes instantaneous reaction speeds to detect AutoFishing mods.
# False positives might occur among experienced fishers.
# Adds 1 to 60 VL.
enabled: true
# The consistency part detects the constant reaction times of simple fishing bots.
# Adds 1 to 130 VL.
enabled: true
# Do you allow afk fishing farms on your server?
allow_afk_fishing_farms: true
# Commands to execute at specific violation levels.
90: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is suspected for AutoFish"
140: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is highly suspected for AutoFish"
200: "kick {player} AutoFish"
# AutoPotion identifies bots automatically throwing potions, e.g. when at low health.
# This check automatically disables itself on Minecraft versions below 1.11 because of changes to the Spigot API.
# Adds 50 VL.
enabled: true
# VL at which potion throws are cancelled. Set to 0 for no cancellations.
cancel_vl: 100
# A detection exceeding cancel_vl stops all potion throws for this time (in milliseconds).
timeout: 1000
# Commands to execute at specific violation levels.
50: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is suspected for AutoPotion"
100: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is highly suspected for AutoPotion"
200: "kick {player} AutoPotion"
# Duping can pick out familiar behaviour patterns when duplicating items.
# Since this only recognizes patterns, it is not entirely precise and may overlook cases of duping.
# To help with investigations, AntiCheatAddition records the location of any suspicious behavior in its log file.
enabled: true
# The DoubleDropped part detects picking up exactly twice the item count one dropped.
enabled: true
# Secret cache tries to spot the creation of secret caches which are engulfed by other blocks.
# Duping players often create multiple secret caches at once to allow alt accounts to gather the items later on.
enabled: true
# Time after which a closed container is checked for being a secret cache (in minutes)
check_delay: 10
# Commands to execute at specific violation levels.
50: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} might be duping items."
100: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is suspected for duping items."
200: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is highly suspected for duping items."
# Fastswitch detects players switching their hotbar-selection too quickly.
# This is a typical behaviour when cheaters simultaneously use Killaura and Scaffold.
# The check will auto-disable when the server has low TPS.
# Adds 25 VL.
enabled: true
# VL at which hotbar selections are cancelled. Set to 0 for no cancellations.
cancel_vl: 50
# Players with a higher ping are exempt from the check. Set to -1 to disable.
max_ping: 400
# Commands to execute at specific violation levels.
30: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is suspected for Fastswitch"
100: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is highly suspected for Fastswitch"
200: "kick {player} Fastswitch"
# ImpossibleChat detects chat messages sent during actions like being in an inventory, sprinting, dead etc.
# Adds 25 VL.
# Disabled by default, as some servers allow auto-chat mods.
# If you do not allow them, enable this.
enabled: false
# VL threshold for canceling messages. Set to 0 for no cancellations.
cancel_vl: 75
# Commands to execute at specific violation levels.
50: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is suspected for ImpossibleChat"
100: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is highly suspected for ImpossibleChat"
200: "kick {player} ImpossibleChat"
# Inventory monitors player's inventory actions. It will auto-disable during low server TPS.
enabled: true
# Players with a higher ping are exempt from the check. Set to -1 to disable.
# Note: Most parts do not depend on ping and will ignore this value.
max_ping: 400
# Detects regular intervals between inventory clicks, typical of chest stealer bots.
# NOTE: Disable this part if you allow inventory sorting mods.
# Adds 20 to 70 VL.
enabled: true
# Detects players that quickly open and close their inventory for prolonged time periods.
# This is typical for some inventory cheat bypass attempts.
# Adds 2 VL.
enabled: true
# This part detects attacking while the inventory is open.
# Adds 20 VL.
enabled: true
# VL threshold for canceling attacks. Set to 0 for no cancellations.
cancel_vl: 60
# The move part detects when a player moves while they are in their inventory.
# Adds 5 (moving) to 20 (jumping) VL.
enabled: true
# VL threshold for canceling movements. Set to 0 for no cancellations.
cancel_vl: 60
# Reduces false positives for extremely high ping players, but will make the check less effective.
# Normal connections are covered by the default leniency.
extreme_ping_leniency: false
# The MultiInteraction part prevents players from moving items too fast.
# Adds 1 to 8 VL.
enabled: true
# VL threshold for canceling inventory interactions. Set to 0 for no cancellations.
cancel_vl: 25
# This part detects chest stealers that close empty inventories with perfect timing.
# Adds 20 to 40 VL.
enabled: true
# The rotation part detects head movement while having an open inventory.
# Adds 1 VL.
enabled: true
# Detects inventory interactions while sprinting/sneaking.
# Adds 30 VL.
enabled: true
# VL threshold for canceling inventory interactions. Set to 0 for no cancellations.
cancel_vl: 110
# Uses statistical tests to detect some randomized bot click behaviors.
# Adds 1 to 60 VL.
enabled: true
# Commands to execute at specific violation levels.
110: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is suspected for inventory cheats."
160: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is highly suspected for inventory cheats."
200: "kick {player} Inventory cheats."
# PacketAnalysis is a general purpose check searching for modifications that directly interfere with the protocol,
# such as Derp, Freecam, Killaura, Aimbot and other rotation-based cheats.
enabled: true
# This part checks that the client sends an arm animation packet following an attack.
# This only detects the worst Killauras.
# Adds 30 VL.
enabled: true
# EqualRotation scans for repeated rotation packets.
# This catches some Scaffold, Tower, Killaura and Aimbot cheats.
# Adds 5 VL.
enabled: true
# IllegalPitch detects illegal pitches that a vanilla client cannot send.
# Adds 150 VL.
enabled: true
# PerfectRotation checks for very precise rotations that some cheats exhibit.
# Adds 5 VL.
enabled: true
# Commands to execute at specific violation levels.
110: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is suspected by PacketAnalysis"
160: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is highly suspected by PacketAnalysis"
200: "kick {player} Suspicious packets"
# Scaffold detects cheats that place blocks below the player to rapidly construct bridges.
# The always active Average core part adds 20 to 130 VLs.
enabled: true
# This is the main delay Scaffold enforces if a player builds too fast.
# This covers all common building techniques and players. Still, you might need to reduce this value if you have
# very strong players with absurd building techniques on your server (in milliseconds).
placement_delay: 238
# VL threshold for canceling block placements. Set to 0 for no cancellations.
cancel_vl: 110
# A detection exceeding cancel_vl stops all block placements for this time (in milliseconds).
timeout: 1000
# This part detects suspicious angles when the player places blocks.
# Adds 15 VL.
enabled: true
# This part detects some invalid block placements e.g. against air or itself.
# Adds 30 VL.
enabled: true
# Detects jumping while scaffolding. It is possible for legit players, but very tricky to achieve without cheats.
# Adds 20 VL.
enabled: true
# This part detects suspicious placement positions.
# Adds 30 VL.
enabled: true
# This part analyzes the rotations of a player while scaffolding.
# Adds 5 to 30 VL
enabled: true
# This checks for behaviour associated with safe-walk
# Adds 15 VL.
enabled: true
# Adds 20 VL.
enabled: true
# This part detects sprinting between block placements.
# Adds 45 VL.
enabled: true
# Commands to execute at specific violation levels.
90: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is suspected for Scaffold"
130: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is highly suspected for Scaffold"
200: "kick {player} Scaffold"
# Shield detects cheats that influence the interaction with a shield.
# This check is only available in Minecraft 1.15+
enabled: true
# This part detects when a player is attacking and blocking with a shield simultaneously.
enabled: true
# VL threshold for canceling attacks. Set to 0 for no cancellations.
cancel_vl: 60
# Commands to execute at specific violation levels.
110: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is suspected for Shield"
160: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is highly suspected for Shield"
200: "kick {player} Shield"
# Skinblinker detects cheats that alter skin parts while a player is sprinting or sneaking.
enabled: true
# This part detects settings packets that are sent while sprinting or sneaking.
# Adds 50 VL.
enabled: true
# The current protocol has an unutilized bit in the skin packet that Skinblinker cheats often toggle.
# NOTE: False positives may occur with custom clients that use this bit for cosmetics.
enabled: true
# Commands to execute at specific violation levels.
100: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is suspected for Skinblinker"
200: "kick {player} Skinblinker"
# Teaming detects potentially teaming players.
enabled: false
# Maximum distance between players to be considered teaming? (in blocks)
proximity_range: 4.5
# The maximum allowed team size (1 = no teaming allowed)
allowed_size: 1
# How much time must pass before not attacking a close player is regarded as teaming? (in milliseconds)
no_pvp_time: 6000
# All the worlds in which the check is enabled are listed here.
- "world"
# Here you can define zones in which the check is not run.
# Entries are structured in the following way:
# - "<affected_world> <x1> <z1> <x2> <z2>"
- "world -15 -15 15 15"
# If this setting is enabled, AntiCheatAddition will treat any worldguard region with disabled PVP as a safe zone.
worldguard: false
# These VLs are cumulative for a team.
# Every team member gets (actual team size) - (allowed team size) VL per interval.
# Commands to execute at specific violation levels.
4: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} may be Teaming"
10: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} are suspected for Teaming"
15: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} are highly suspected for Teaming"
# Tower detects cheats that allow for quick vertical construction.
# Adds 1 to 1000 VL (the latter being reserved for instant towers).
enabled: true
# VL threshold for canceling block placements. Set to 0 for no cancellations.
cancel_vl: 60
# A detection exceeding cancel_vl stops all block placements for this time (in milliseconds).
timeout: 6000
# Commands to execute at specific violation levels.
60: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is suspected for Tower"
100: "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} is highly suspected for Tower"
200: "kick {player} Tower"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ___ _ _ _ #
# / __| ___ _ _| |_(_)_ _ ___| | #
# \__ \/ -_) ' \ _| | ' \/ -_) | #
# |___/\___|_||_\__|_|_||_\___|_| #
# #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Sentinel watches over your server detecting mods and sometimes certain cheat clients on join without false detections.
# Also, it tries to identify various exploits and illegal items that are safe to ban.
# You can define your own checks in the custom section.
# BookPage protects against malicious books that lag your server, execute commands or open files.
# This sentinel eliminates any books on your server that correspond to the categories listed below.
enabled: true
# What is the page limit for books on your server?
# Vanilla clients have a 100-page limit when writing with a book and quill.
# Increase this number if your server uses custom books with more pages.
max_page_count: 100
# Erase books that open local files on the user's PC?
disallow_open_file: true
# Erase books with non-standard Minecraft colors which can cause errors or lag?
disallow_custom_colors: true
# All books with a ClickAction that executes a command listed below will be deleted.
- "op"
- "deop"
- "lp"
- "luckperms"
- "permissions"
- "perms"
- "perm"
# Commands executed if a suspicious book is detected:
# Automatic banning can be considered.
- "kick {player} Maliciously modified book."
# CommandBlock detects and removes unauthorized command blocks in player inventories.
enabled: true
# Commands executed if a command block is detected:
# Automatic banning can be considered.
- "kick {player} Command block."
# CreativeKillPotion detects and deletes potions exploiting a bug that can kill players even in creative mode.
enabled: true
# Commands executed if an illegal potion is detected:
# Automatic banning can be considered.
- "kick {player} Illegal Potion."
# Various cheat clients allow a player to attack themselves, giving them an advantage in some scenarios, like
# abusing a game's death mechanics.
enabled: true
# Commands executed if a self-attack is detected:
# Automatic banning can be considered.
- "kick {player} Self damage."
# TrollPotion detects and deletes potions that severely impair a player's vision for a prolonged time.
# Covered effects: Blindness, Darkness (Minecraft 1.19+), Nausea
enabled: true
# The minimum time of the effects to trigger a detection (in seconds)
min_effect_time: 500
# What commands will be executed if an illegal potion is detected?
# Automatic banning can be considered.
- "kick {player} Troll Potion"
# A popular pvp mod that can display a HUD, capes and has multiple social features.
enabled: false
# What commands will be executed if the mod is detected?
- "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} uses 5Zig"
# A popular PvP modification to enhance the sprinting behaviour (ToggleSprint)
enabled: true
# This mod provides a method to disable parts of it.
# Set this to true to completely disable the mod.
# Other options will be ignored if this is set to true.
general: false
# This gives players a configurable speed boost when flying in creative or survival mode.
survival_fly_boost: true
enable_all_dirs: true
# What commands will be executed if the mod is detected?
- "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} uses BetterSprinting"
# This Sentinel is for the up-to-date version of LabyMod, a popular PvP mod similar to 5zig, but with more features and TS3 support.
# If activated, the Sentinel will override the config options of the LabyModAPI plugin that is needed for this Sentinel to work.
enabled: false
# This allows you to show LabyMod players a banner image in their tablist.
# As specified in their documentation (
# the image ratio must be 5:1 and the recommended resolution is 1280x256 pixels.
enabled: false
# Please specify the URL to get the image here.
url: ""
# This setting determines whether the LabyMod-Voicechat is allowed on your server (true means allowed).
Voicechat: true
# This mod provides a method to disable parts of it.
# Set the corresponding value to true if you want to block a part of the mod
# Fixes a rendering bug in Minecraft with fast lava placement (ghost blocks).
# This may be considered a form of cheating if lava is a prominent part of your server.
improved_lava: false
# Resolves an issue in Minecraft with quick head movements that causes the crosshair to lag slightly behind.
# This can be seen as semi-cheat-like, as it grants a minor aiming advantage in fights.
crosshair_sync: false
# This fixes some inventory bugs, improving pot and soup refill.
# Many consider this a form of cheating, as it gives a large reliability bonus.
refill_fix: true
# Purely aesthetic modifications to the GUI, including coordinates, orientation and the current time.
gui_all: false
# This renders the potion effects of the player on the display in form of a HUD.
gui_potion_effects: false
# This displays the current armour of a player (including durability) in a HUD.
gui_armor_hud: false
# This displays a player’s weapon and their arrow count in a HUD.
gui_item_hud: false
# A purely aesthetic feature that changes the building animations.
blockbuild: false
# Various cosmetic features
tags: false
# This adds channels and filters to enhance chat experience (client-sided).
# This is akin to cheating, since it includes an AutoText module that lets you write predetermined messages quickly,
# plus exclusive symbols (bypassing chat filters).
chat: false
# A purely aesthetic feature that changes the arm animations.
animations: false
# This renders the player’s saturation, sometimes seen as an unfair advantage.
saturation_bar: false
# What commands will be executed if the mod is detected?
- "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} uses LabyMod"
# A mod that projects (client-side) holograms to simplify building, but also has a module for downloading worlds.
# This Sentinel only activates on Minecraft versions 1.8-1.12 because of the mod’s age.
enabled: false
# This mod provides a method to disable parts of it.
# Set the corresponding value to true if you want to block a part of the mod
# Automatically builds based on a schematic.
# This is sometimes called a building-bot.
printer: true
# This saves a part of the world as a schematic like a limited WorldDownloader mod.
save: true
# This allows to load a schematic on your server for printing or a hologram.
load: false
# What commands will be executed if the mod is detected?
- "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} uses Schematica"
# Vape is a widely used ghost-client, regularly seen in ranked PvP gameplay and tailored to be especially difficult
# to uncover in screen-shares. The Sentinel only identifies some cracked client versions.
# This Sentinel won't work with Minecraft 1.13+ since the cracked version is 1.8 and 1.13 has seen massive API alterations.
enabled: true
# What commands will be executed if the mod is detected?
# Automatic banning can be considered.
- "kick {player} Illegal client modification"
# WorldDownloader is a popular modification to retrieve the maps of a server.
enabled: false
# This mod provides a method to disable parts of it.
# Set this to true to completely disable the mod.
# Other options will be ignored if this is set to true.
general: true
# This disables future features of the mod not yet included in the server api.
future: true
# This sets the chunk range to download from a player’s location.
# -1 indicates an infinite range. The range's form is a square, not a circle.
# If chunk_caching is set to false, this has no effect.
save_radius: 0
# This disables chunk caching which allows the player to save all chunks they have moved through.
chunk_caching: true
# Should the player be able to save (tile) entities?
entity_saving: true
tile_entity_saving: true
# If tile_entity_saving is set to true, this has no effect.
container_saving: true
# What commands will be executed if the mod is detected?
- "kick {player} WorldDownloader"
# Here, you can define your own simple Sentinel checks.
# Please ensure that you use NO SPECIAL CHARACTERS and NO DUPLICATE NAMES for the check name.
# Special characters are permissible in channel names and “contains”.
# A basic guide for creating your own check:
# (1) Copy the section of PXMod
# (2) Rename the section from PXMod to <NAME_OF_YOUR_CUSTOM_CHECK>
# (3) Add the channels you want to listen to in incoming channels (e.g. “minecraft:brand”).
# AntiCheatAddition automatically tries to generate the legacy channel names and listens to those as well
# (in this case, “MC|Brand”). If you know the legacy name, add it and AntiCheatAddition will choose the
# correct one for your server version.
# (4) If needed, clarify what the message should include to trigger the check. E.g. if you are listening to
# “minecraft:brand” and superspecialmod:version to detect a mod you could define containsAny as: [“SSM”, “ssm”].
# Note: This is a purely fictional example. Mods have different channels and messages.
# Many do not communicate, especially cheat clients.
# (5) Define the commands you want to execute when the mod is detected. The commands are executed exactly once right
# after player join. This allows you to e.g. disallow a certain mod on your server by kicking players on join.
# This detects Forge.
enabled: false
# The channels AntiCheatAddition will listen to.
- "minecraft:brand"
- "MC|Brand"
# The message must include all strings in the list to trigger a detection. [ ] is an empty list.
# If the list is empty, all messages are accepted.
containsAll: [ ]
# The message must include at least one of the strings in the list to trigger a detection. [ ] is an empty list.
# If the list is empty, all messages are accepted.
containsAny: [ "forge", "fml" ]
# What commands will be executed if the mod is detected?
- "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} uses Forge"
# This detects Liteloader.
enabled: false
# The channels AntiCheatAddition will listen to.
- "minecraft:brand"
- "MC|Brand"
# The message must include all strings in the list to trigger a detection. [ ] is an empty list.
# If the list is empty, all messages are accepted.
containsAll: [ ]
# The message must include at least one of the strings in the list to trigger a detection. [ ] is an empty list.
# If the list is empty, all messages are accepted.
containsAny: [ "LiteLoader", "Liteloader" ]
# What commands will be executed if the mod is detected?
- "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} uses LiteLoader"
# This detects the PixelClient.
enabled: false
# The channels AntiCheatAddition will listen to.
- "mc:pixel"
# The message must include all strings in the list to trigger a detection. [ ] is an empty list.
# If the list is empty, all messages are accepted.
containsAll: [ ]
# The message must include at least one of the strings in the list to trigger a detection. [ ] is an empty list.
# If the list is empty, all messages are accepted.
containsAny: [ ]
# What commands will be executed if the mod is detected?
- "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} uses PixelClient"
# This detects the PXMod.
enabled: false
# The channels AntiCheatAddition will listen to.
- "px:version"
- "PX|Version"
# The message must include all strings in the list to trigger a detection. [ ] is an empty list.
# If the list is empty, all messages are accepted.
containsAll: [ ]
# The message must include at least one of the strings in the list to trigger a detection. [ ] is an empty list.
# If the list is empty, all messages are accepted.
containsAny: [ ]
# What commands will be executed if the mod is detected?
- "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} uses PXMod"
# This detects Rift.
enabled: false
# The channels AntiCheatAddition will listen to.
- "minecraft:brand"
- "MC|Brand"
# The message must include all strings in the list to trigger a detection. [ ] is an empty list.
# If the list is empty, all messages are accepted.
containsAll: [ ]
# The message must include at least one of the strings in the list to trigger a detection. [ ] is an empty list.
# If the list is empty, all messages are accepted.
containsAny: [ "rift" ]
# What commands will be executed if the mod is detected?
- "<YOUR_STAFFCHAT_COMMAND> {player} in {world} uses Rift"
# This detects Winterware.
enabled: true
# The channels AntiCheatAddition will listen to.
- "lc:brand"
- "LC|Brand"
# The message must include all strings in the list to trigger a detection. [ ] is an empty list.
# If the list is empty, all messages are accepted.
containsAll: [ ]
# The message must include at least one of the strings in the list to trigger a detection. [ ] is an empty list.
# If the list is empty, all messages are accepted.
containsAny: [ ]
# What commands will be executed if the mod is detected?
# Automatic banning can be considered.
- "kick {player} Illegal Client Modifications"
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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Defines the debug log levels.
# Possible values are: "OFF", "SEVERE", "WARNING", "INFO", "FINE", "FINER", "FINEST", "ALL" among others.
# Default is "INFO", setting any value to "FINE" causes debug for violations to be logged.
# "OFF" disables logging, "FINER" causes various debug messages be logged and "ALL" or "FINEST" enable spammy debug messages.
# The logging level for the console.
console_level: "INFO"
# The logging level for the log file.
# For submitting bug reports, it is imperative that the file log level is at least "FINE".
# If you want to submit bypasses, please set this to "FINER".
file_level: "FINE"
# The logging level for the players with debug permission. They can still disable them by using the debug command
# even when this is not "OFF".
player_level: "OFF"
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