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Created November 23, 2010 20:33
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Save Phrogz/712474 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Hack to the jQuery Flot 'stack' plug-in, allowing the user to make bar graphs stack in the same order as the legend.
function stackData(plot, s, datapoints) {
if (s.stack == null)
* series:{ reverseStack:true } causes the first series to be stacked at the top,
* the last series at the bottom. (Vertical ordering matches the legend.)
* Does not properly support excluding specific series from stacking; it's all or none.
* Assumes (requires) that all series have exactly the same x values (including same number).
if (s.reverseStack){
var allSeries = plot.getData();
var myIndex = null;
for (var i=allSeries.length-1;i>=0;--i){
var series = allSeries[i];
var nextun = allSeries[i+1];
if (s == series) myIndex = i;
if (!series.stackedPoints){
var points = series.datapoints.points;
var step = series.datapoints.pointsize;
series.stackedPoints = points.concat();
for (var xi=0,len=points.length-1; xi<len; xi+=step ){
var y = points[xi+1];
var prevtop = nextun ? nextun.stackedPoints[xi+1] : 0;
series.stackedPoints[xi+1] = y + prevtop;
if (step>2) series.stackedPoints[xi+2] = prevtop;
datapoints.points = allSeries[myIndex].stackedPoints;
var other = findMatchingSeries(s, plot.getData());
if (!other)
var ps = datapoints.pointsize,
points = datapoints.points,
otherps = other.datapoints.pointsize,
otherpoints = other.datapoints.points,
newpoints = [],
px, py, intery, qx, qy, bottom,
withlines =, withbars =,
withsteps = withlines && s.lines.steps,
i = 0, j = 0, l;
while (true) {
if (i >= points.length)
l = newpoints.length;
if (j >= otherpoints.length
|| otherpoints[j] == null
|| points[i] == null) {
// degenerate cases
for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m)
newpoints.push(points[i + m]);
i += ps;
else {
// cases where we actually got two points
px = points[i];
py = points[i + 1];
qx = otherpoints[j];
qy = otherpoints[j + 1];
bottom = 0;
if (px == qx) {
for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m)
newpoints.push(points[i + m]);
newpoints[l + 1] += qy;
bottom = qy;
i += ps;
j += otherps;
else if (px > qx) {
// we got past point below, might need to
// insert interpolated extra point
if (withlines && i > 0 && points[i - ps] != null) {
intery = py + (points[i - ps + 1] - py) * (qx - px) / (points[i - ps] - px);
newpoints.push(intery + qy)
for (m = 2; m < ps; ++m)
newpoints.push(points[i + m]);
bottom = qy;
j += otherps;
else {
for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m)
newpoints.push(points[i + m]);
// we might be able to interpolate a point below,
// this can give us a better y
if (withlines && j > 0 && otherpoints[j - ps] != null)
bottom = qy + (otherpoints[j - ps + 1] - qy) * (px - qx) / (otherpoints[j - ps] - qx);
newpoints[l + 1] += bottom;
i += ps;
if (l != newpoints.length && withbars)
newpoints[l + 2] += bottom;
// maintain the line steps invariant
if (withsteps && l != newpoints.length && l > 0
&& newpoints[l] != null
&& newpoints[l] != newpoints[l - ps]
&& newpoints[l + 1] != newpoints[l - ps + 1]) {
for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m)
newpoints[l + ps + m] = newpoints[l + m];
newpoints[l + 1] = newpoints[l - ps + 1];
datapoints.points = newpoints;
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