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Daniel Rudolf PhrozenByte

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PhrozenByte / PicoAssetsModPlugin.php
Created July 14, 2019 12:08
A simple Pico plugin registering a Twig filter to add a asset's modification time. Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
* Pico assets modification time plugin
* Registers a Twig filter to add a asset's modification time. Pass a path
* to a file and it will return its corresponding URL with a time suffix.
* Example:
PhrozenByte / munin-plugin.disks_
Last active April 24, 2019 02:05
Wildcard munin plugin to monitor filesystem usage
: << =cut
=head1 NAME
disks_ - Wildcard plugin to monitor filesystem usage
This plugin does not normally require configuration. However, you can tweak its
PhrozenByte / munin-plugin.statefile-helper
Last active April 7, 2022 20:05
Munin statefile support functions for munin shell plugins
# -*- sh -*-
# Munin statefile support functions for munin shell plugins
: << =cut
=head1 NAME - Munin statefile support functions for munin shell plugins
=head1 AUTHOR
PhrozenByte / xbrightness
Created March 30, 2019 14:44
Zenity dialog to set screen brightness using xrandr
export LC_ALL=C
readarray -t SCREENS < <(xrandr --listmonitors | grep "^ [0-9]\+: " | cut -d ' ' -f 6)
[[ ${#SCREENS[@]} > 0 ]] || exit 1
CURBRIGHT="$(xrandr --current --verbose | awk 'on { if ($0 ~ /^\tBrightness: /) { print $2 } else if ($0 ~ /^\t/) { next } exit } /^[[:graph:]]+ connected primary/ { on=1 }')"
[ -n "$CURBRIGHT" ] && CURBRIGHT="$(bc 2> /dev/null <<< "scale=0; ($CURBRIGHT * 100)/1")" || CURBRIGHT=100
function setbright {
PhrozenByte / gtk-icon-path
Created March 30, 2019 14:35
Returns the full path to a Gtk icon file by icon name
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os, sys
import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gtk
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
PhrozenByte / munin-plugin.nc_port
Created February 11, 2019 15:29
Munin plugin to probe TCP and UDP ports
: << =cut
=head1 NAME
nc_port - Plugin to monitor TCP/UDP port connectivity
PhrozenByte / #
Last active January 12, 2020 17:45
Shell scripts to run Borg backups unattended


Shell scripts to run Borg backups unattended.


# backup script
PhrozenByte / #
Last active May 14, 2022 21:50
Shell script to create a snapshot of a Hetzner CX line virtual server


Shell script to create a snapshot of a Hetzner CX line virtual server.


# script
PhrozenByte /
Last active February 6, 2024 07:47
Dokumentation der Statistikoptionen von (Sub-)Domains bei Access Logs & Webalizer

Leider ist die Dokumentation der verschiedenen Statistikoptionen bei ziemlich unvollständig und der Tooltip im KAS wenig hilfreich. Insbesondere welchen Einfluss die verschiedenen Optionen auf die Access Logs nehmen ist komplett undokumentiert. Der Einfluss auf die Access Logs ist dabei aber wichtig um zu verstehen welche Zugriffe in den Webalizer-Statistiken erfasst werden.

Access Logs

  • Logs A: Zugriffe werden in logs/access_log_[Datum].gz des Rootverzeichnisses geloggt.
  • Logs B: Zugriffe werden in logs/access_log_[Datum].gz des Domainpfades geloggt.
PhrozenByte /
Created September 8, 2016 16:03
Compare message headers against each other with SpamAssassin
# Copyright 2016 Daniel Rudolf <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software