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Last active August 26, 2022 05:41
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TypeScript implementation of a simple DFA(Deterministic Finite Automata) and NFA(Non-deterministic Finite Automata).
export type StateId = number
export type Char = '0' | '1'
export interface DFA {
statesNumber: number
rules: Record<Char, StateId>[]
startState: StateId
acceptStates: StateId[]
export function runDFA(dfa: DFA, s: Char[] | string): boolean {
let state = dfa.startState
for (const c of s) {
state = dfa.rules[state][c as Char]
return dfa.acceptStates.includes(state)
export type StateId = number
export type Char = '0' | '1'
export const EPSILON = Symbol()
export interface NFA {
statesNumber: number
rules: Record<StateId, Partial<Record<Char | typeof EPSILON, StateId[]>>>
startState: StateId
acceptStates: StateId[]
function computeEpsilonClosure(nfa: NFA, sid: StateId): StateId[] {
const result = [] as StateId[]
const stack = [sid] as StateId[]
const dup = { [sid]: true } as Record<StateId, boolean>
while (stack.length) {
const sid = stack.pop()!
nfa.rules[sid][EPSILON]?.forEach(neighbor => {
if (dup[neighbor]) return
dup[neighbor] = true
return result
export function runNFA(nfa: NFA, s: Char[] | string): boolean {
const epsilonClosures = Array.from(new Array(nfa.statesNumber), (_, sid) => computeEpsilonClosure(nfa, sid))
let currentStates = Array.from(new Array(nfa.statesNumber), () => false)
epsilonClosures[nfa.startState].forEach(sid => currentStates[sid] = true)
for (const c of s) {
const nextStates = => false)
currentStates.forEach((isActive, sid) => {
if (!isActive) return
epsilonClosures[sid].forEach(sid => {
// conditioned transition
nfa.rules[sid][c as Char]?.forEach(nid => nextStates[nid] = true)
// apply epsilon transition
nfa.rules[sid][EPSILON]?.forEach(nid => nextStates[nid] = true)
currentStates = nextStates
return nfa.acceptStates.some(ac => currentStates[ac])
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Phryxia commented Aug 24, 2022

Strict forward implementation for DFA and NFA. Both can recognize any regular languages.

Actually NFA is more practical since they are equivalent. Here's because why. DFA may consumes O(2^N) memory at worst case, while NFA consumes O(N) for same given Regular Expression of length N. Note that this doesn't cache anything like Cox's implementation.

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