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Last active March 27, 2022 10:03
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TypeScript implementation of finding greatest element in partially ordered set.
export type Relation = [string, string]
function makeGraph(relations: Relation[]): Record<string, string[]> {
const result: Record<string, string[]> = {}
relations.forEach(([u, v]) => {
(result[u] ??= []).push(v)
result[v] ??= []
return result
export function findGreatest(relations: Relation[]): string | null {
const graph = makeGraph(relations)
const nodes = Object.keys(graph)
const zeroOutNodes = nodes.filter(u => graph[u].length === 0)
if (zeroOutNodes.length !== 1) return null
const dup: Record<string, 'analyzing' | 'resolved'> = {}
function isLoopExists(node: string): boolean {
if (dup[node] === 'analyzing') return true
if (dup[node] === 'resolved') return false
dup[node] = 'analyzing'
const isLoop = graph[node].reduce((isLoop, child) => isLoop || isLoopExists(child), false)
dup[node] = 'resolved'
return isLoop
if (nodes.reduce((isLoop, node) => isLoop || isLoopExists(node), false)) return null
return zeroOutNodes[0]
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Phryxia commented Mar 27, 2022

Find unique greatest element in partially ordered set. If there is no such element, it returns null.


For example, let's assume some inequalities between variables.

a < b
b < c
a < d
c < e
d < e

In this example, the maximum variable is e.

Time Complexity

It's just simple DFS, so O(V + E)

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