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Created November 23, 2015 09:13
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# coding: utf-8
# only testing modes
from faker import Faker
fake = Faker()
# todo : remove, testing modules
import sqlite3
from collections import namedtuple
import os, shutil
# maybe this is not necessary
import cPickle
print 'using cPickle'
import pickle
print 'using pickle'
from os.path import isfile, getsize
Resource - namedtuple
this not suposed to be an optimised format. attempting to give a level of flexibity rather than speed or compactness.
if #555, in the comments, i am happy with the result
Resource = namedtuple('Resource', ['id', 'resid', 'key', 'ord', 'value', 'value1', 'data', 'pickled'])
Resource.__new__.__defaults__ = (None, 0, 'MISSING', -1, None, 0, None, False)
tb_def = Resource(id = 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY', resid = 'INTEGER UNIQUE', key = 'TEXT', ord = 'INTEGER', value = 'INTEGER', value1 = 'TEXT', data = 'TEXT', pickled = 'INTEGER')
insert_pattern, generates something like (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
place holcer for each field in Resource
insert_pattern = '({0})'.format(','.join( c for c in str('?' * len(Resource._fields))))
res_types = ['RES', 'STR', 'TEXT', 'PICT', 'LIST', 'COLOURS', 'TUPLE', 'ROOM', 'IVAN', 'PYUI']
wasteful sqlite3 database table definition. However, just loooking for maxium flexibility. is only a app utility. not looking to store huge amounts of data efficently. trying to use one table to achive many types of storage without having table specfic code. Maybe a bad idea, we will see.
The table fields are genterated from tb_def which a namedtupe of type Resource. The field name used as field name, the fields value is the fields attributes.
_table_sql = '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '{0}' ({1})'''.format('{0}', ', '.join(tb_def._fields[i] + ' ' + item for i, item in enumerate(tb_def)) )
_insert_sql = ''' INSERT INTO {0} VALUES ''' + insert_pattern
_select_sql = ''' SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE resid = ? '''
_drop_table_sql = ''' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {0} '''
_table_info_sql = ''' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {0} '''
_table_exists_sql = ''' SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{0}'; '''
_table_list_sql = ''' SELECT name FROM sqlite_master where type = 'table' '''
_table_select_max_sql = ''' select max({0}) from {1} '''
def db_backup(db_file_name, bak_ext = 'bak'):
base = db_file_name.split('.')[0]
#ext = db_file_name.split('.')[1]
new_file_name = '{0}_{1}.db'.format(base,bak_ext)
shutil.copyfile(db_file_name, new_file_name)
raise IOError
#print base, ext, new_file_name
def new_resource(type, resid, key, value):
return Resource(id = None, resid = resid, key = key, value = value, value1 = None, ord = 0, data = None, pickled = False )
def key_pair_resource(type, key, value):
# short cut to create a key pair value
return Resource(id = None, resid = 0, key = key, value = value, value1 = None, ord = 0, data = None, pickled = False )
def namedtuple_factory(cursor, row):
con.row_factory = namedtuple_factory
fields = [col[0] for col in cursor.description]
Row = namedtuple("Row", fields)
r = Row(*row)
print 'fields', fields
if r.pickled and = pickle.loads(
return r
def isSQLite3(filename):
try and determine if the filename is a valid sqlite3 database. if the filename does not exist, still returns False.
copied this code from stackflow
if not isfile(filename):
return False
if getsize(filename) < 100:
# SQLite database file header is 100 bytes
return False
with open(filename, 'rb') as fd:
header =
# i dont think this is future proof, have to think about this
# todo
return header[:16] == 'SQLite format 3\x00'
class PersonalResourceManager (object):
def __init__(self, db_filename):
self.dbfile = db_filename
self.success = False
self.connection = None
self.progress_handler = None
self.progress_intervals = 0
# always commit
self.auto_commit_flag = True
# if we can determine we have a valid sqlite3 db
# aviod opening it to create it, etc...
if not isSQLite3(self.dbfile):
conn = self.__dbconn()
self.success = True
# fix this shit. Modify isSQLite3 to only determine if valid
# sqllite3 db...
self.connection = self.__dbconn()
def auto_commit(self):
return self.auto_commit_flag
def auto_commit(self, value):
self.auto_commit_flag = value
def __dbconn(self):
The only method used to create a database connection.
need to beef up the error checking/handling here
self.success = False
conn = sqlite3.connect(self.dbfile)
conn.set_progress_handler(self.progress_handler, self.progress_intervals)
except Exception as ex:
print ex
return None
self.success = True
return conn
def __connect(self):
always get a connnection object via this method. want to always use the context manager. this is not suppose to be a high speed database. is suppose to convient and safe to use.
if not self.connection:
self.connection = self.__dbconn()
not sure setting the Row factory to None each time a connection is request is smart or not. For the moment i do.
self.connection.row_factory = None
def db_progress_handler(self, callback, n = 10):
self.progress_handler = callback
self.progress_intervals = n
def table_info(self, type):
with self.__connect() as conn:
return conn.execute(_table_info_sql.format(type)).fetchone()[0]
def table_list(self):
return a list of tables from the sqlite_master table, only types that == 'name'
conn = self.__connect()
return [ str(tbl[0]) for tbl in conn.execute(_table_list_sql)]
def add_table(self, tbs):
# add one or more tables
# this is only to deal with a non seq type passed in.
if not type(tbs) is list:
lst = [0]
lst[0] = tbs
print 'tbs', lst
tbs = lst
conn = self.__connect()
for tb in tbs:
def drop_table(self, type):
# remove a table
conn = self.__connect()
def table_exists(self, type):
conn = self.__connect()
return True if conn.execute(_table_exists_sql.format(type)).fetchone() else False
def add_entry(self, type, resid , key, ord, value, value1, data, pickled = False):
pickle_code = None
sql = _insert_sql.format(type)
if pickled:
data = pickle.dumps(data)
pickle_code = _pickle_code
# if resid == 0, select the max + 1 for the ID
if resid == 0:
resid = self.get_max(type, 'id') + 1
if ord == 0:
ord = self.get_max(type, 'ord') + 1
conn = self.__connect()
conn.execute(sql, (None,resid, key, ord, value, value1,data,pickle_code ))
if self.auto_commit_flag:
def add_resource(self, type, res, commit = False):
pickle_code = None
# if we dont provide a resid, get the max num
# and add 1
resid = res.resid if res.resid <> 0 else self.get_max(type, 'resid') + 1
data = if not res.pickled else pickle.dumps(
ord = res.ord
if ord == 0:
ord = self.get_max(type, 'ord') + 1
sql = _insert_sql.format(type)
conn = self.__connect()
conn.execute(sql, (None, resid, res.key, ord, res.value, res.value1,data, res.pickled ))
if commit:
def add_record(self, type, res):
def get_entry_ID(self, type, resid):
conn = self.__connect()
conn.row_factory = namedtuple_factory
return conn.execute(_select_sql.format(type), (resid,)).fetchone()
def get_max(self, type, fld):
conn = self.__connect()
sql = _table_select_max_sql.format(fld, type)
return conn.execute(sql).fetchone()[0] or 0
def get_table_entries(self, type):
conn = self.__connect()
conn.row_factory = namedtuple_factory
sql = ''' Select * from {0} order by resid'''.format(type)
for row in conn.execute(sql):
yield row
def get_table_entries_list(self, type):
conn = self.__connect()
conn.row_factory = namedtuple_factory
sql = ''' Select data, pickled from {0} order by resid'''.format(type)
cur = conn.execute(sql)
return [d for d in cur ]
def shrink_database(self):
conn = self.__connect()
def fix_database_lock(self):
conn = self.__connect()
def commit(self):
a manual commit method. you can do multiple single inserts/updates and if the auto_commit_flag is False, you should call this method after otherwise the prior operations will not be written to disk.
trying to provide an efficient way to add/upsdate many records to the database with single calls.
if self.connection:
def close(self):
if there is a connection , do a commit, then close the connection
if self.connection:
self.connection = None
# context manager methods...
def __enter__(self):
print 'Opened Database....'
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback ):
self.connection = None
print 'Database Closing...'
def create_random_str_recs(prm, recs):
print 'starting to add {0} records'.format(recs)
for i in range(1, recs):
res = key_pair_resource('IVAN', i + 1000,
prm.add_resource('IVAN', res)
print '{0} records added'.format(recs)
print 'commiting {0} records'.format(recs)
print '{0} records committed'.format(recs)
def db_progress(self):
print 'in database progress'
import timeit
if __name__ == '__main__':
db_file_name = 'junk.db'
recs_to_add = 5000
print 'is sqlite3 Db', isSQLite3(db_file_name)
prm = PersonalResourceManager('junk.db')
print 'db success = ' , prm.success
#timeit.timeit('create_random_str_recs(prm, 100)')
create_random_str_recs(prm, recs_to_add)
#print prm.get_last_ID('STR')
for x in range(1,5):
print 'adding res'
res = new_resource('STR', 0, 'LANG',
prm.add_resource('STR', res, True)
res = key_pair_resource('LIST', 101, fake.address())
prm.add_resource('LIST', res)
id = prm.get_max('STR', 'id')
prm.add_table(['IVAN', 'JOHNNY','JAN', 'Bjarne'])
print 'table list', prm.table_list()
mytbl = 'LIST'
print 'table exists:', mytbl, '=', prm.table_exists(mytbl)
print 'table info', prm.table_info('TEXT')
print 'get max', prm.get_max('STR', 'ord')
print 'shrinking Database'
print 'Finished m shrinking Database...'
with prm:
for row in prm.get_table_entries('LIST'):
print row
with prm:
print prm.get_table_entries_list('TUPLE')
x = Resource(0, 'shit', 1,2,(1,2,3), 1)
print 'named tuple', x
print x._fields
print 'table definition \n'
for i, item in enumerate(tb_def):
print tb_def._fields[i], '=', item
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