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Created July 3, 2015 16:48
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# @Phuket2
# beware i am a beginner programmer, if you are also a beginner programmer, dont try to learn from me. i think i have some ok ideas, put my code is not even close to being smart or refined.
# CodeHelper applet :)
# what:
# is a popover view that presents buttons you have described in data below that basically copies text to the clipboard. a gloried copy routine. but before you decide, look at the examples below. a lot can be done.
# settings:
# 1. _btns_per_line, the number of btns you want displayed on a single row/line
# 2. _btn_w, _btn_h. the width and height of the buttons. The popup view, will determine its frame from these vars.
#3._btns, is a dict. {btn title:varible}
# so an entry in _btns like 'email':'' will add a button called 'email', when clicked will copy, to the clipboard. if you write a varible that is the result str of a function, you get the expected results on the clipboard. only cavet is in the order you do this. ..... can go on and on....
# To use this code, you should put in a .py file and then add the .py to 'Actions Menu' in pythonista.
# Notes:
# by the virtue of pythons flexibility, this simple applet can do a lot. i did some simple and stupid examples. only to give an idea to what is possible
# Excuses:
# sorry, the file is a bit of a mess. but is because the data is in the same file as the code. The data and the data functions, should be put into another .py file and imported into this file.
import ui
import clipboard
import console
import datetime
import calendar
import platform
#if _debug_mode, then as well as copying to the clipboad, prints to the console. just for debugging and testing your output.
_debug_mode = False
_btns_per_line = 3
_btn_h = 48
_btn_w = 120
# only examples of what you can do that makes sense to you
def make_week_day_header(width = 3):
return str(calendar.weekheader(width))
_text_weekday_header = make_week_day_header()
_code_div = "#" + str("/" * 25) + "section" + str("\\" * 25)
_text_comment = str("'''") + '\n' + 'Your comment' + '\n' + str("'''")
_text_platform = platform.platform()
_text_date_stamp = str(
_text_zen = '''
The Zen of Python
Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than *right* now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!
_text_init = '''
def __init__(self):
_text_main = '''
if __name__ == '__main__':
_text_class = '''
class MyClass(object):
def __init__(self):
_text_forum = '''
#Comments here
#your code here
_text_sig = '''
# @Phuket2
# beware i am a beginner programmer, if you are also a beginner programmer, dont try to learn from me. i think i have some ok ideas, put my code is not even close to being smart or refined.
# key = name of button, value = text, can be a literal, from a var defined above of result of a funtion that returns a string, losely speaking... you can see the examples above.
_btns ={'init':_text_init,
'email': '',
'Zen' : _text_zen,
'datestamp' : _text_date_stamp,
'platform' : _text_platform,
'comment' : _text_comment,
'weekday head': _text_weekday_header,
'code div' : _code_div,
#////////////code starts here\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
def make_button(index, the_title):
btn = ui.Button(name=str(index), title=the_title) = str(index)
btn.background_color = 'purple'
btn.border_width = .5
btn.tint_color = 'white'
btn.font = ('<system-bold>', 16)
# a little crappy to do like this, but just a quick tool
btn.width = _btn_w
btn.height = _btn_h
return btn
def action(sender):
console.hud_alert('Copied', duration = .4)
# print to the console, if in debug mode
if _debug_mode:
print _btns[sender.title]
def rows_to_write(num_btn, btn_per_row):
ln,p_ln = divmod( num_btn, btn_per_row )
if p_ln: ln +=1
def add_btns(view, rows):
for k,v in enumerate(_btns):
btn = make_button(k, v)
btn.action = action
w,h = btn.width , btn.height
btn.frame = (k % _btns_per_line * w, k / _btns_per_line * h, w, h)
if __name__ == '__main__':
v = ui.View() = 'Code Helper'
rows =rows_to_write(len(_btns),_btns_per_line )
v.frame = (0,0,_btn_w * _btns_per_line ,_btn_h * rows)
add_btns(v, rows)
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