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Sascha Sanches Phundamentals

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Phundamentals / Reusable
Last active July 21, 2023 10:49
The difficulties of designing software

Steven Rakitin, Quality and Innovation:

Imagine trying to come up with a reusable design for a new product. In order for the design to be truly reusable, the designer would need to know the possible ways the design will be used in the future. If that information or knowledge does not exist, it becomes very difficult to design something that is truly reusable…

Sascha, GitHub:

It again comes down to knowns and unknowns, and the uncertainty the unknowns cause. This lack of information is a big obstacle. A designer is almost required to be like a prophet, being able to foresee the future.

Phundamentals / Publish NuGet Packages To GitHub
Last active November 23, 2023 03:03
Publish NuGet Packages To GitHub
# This script attempts to publish all *.nupkg files below a given root directory to GitHub packages.
# Recommended: add a nuget source replacing SOURCE_NAME (eg: github), GITHUB_USERNAME and GITHUB_API_KEY via
# Use a classic token that only has the 'read:packages' permission. This token will provide read-only acces to your GitHub packages from
# your IDE / NuGet commandline, etc. When pushing packages with this script, provide the read/write API key when asked. This key should have
# the 'read:packages', 'write:packages', and optionally the 'delete:packages' permissions. Note that you cannot disable the automatically
# enabled 'repo:' permissions.
Phundamentals / ! SSH agent and signing on !Windows!
Last active July 6, 2023 00:30
Load SSH agent on bash (interactive) startup, add default SSH key, enable signing commits
This is for the gist name only.