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Created December 23, 2015 21:14
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'note An important exception is Ref. , but this example does not (yet) admit implementation on a physical device': None,
'note For example, it is possible that a randomized benchmark with a tunable "hardness knob", such as the clause density in the MAX-2SAT problem , will allow for a more fine-tuned exploration of the performance potential of a quantum annealer than a purely randomized benchmark such as we have used here. It was also proposed that embedding 3D spin-glass problems into the Chimera graph, with a finite critical temperature, might yield problem classes that are better suited as benchmarks for quantum annealing': None,
'note For example, it may be the case, though it seems unlikely, that a classified polynomial-time factoring algorithm is available to parts of the intelligence community': None,
'note Such a proof seems unlikely to be found any time soon since it would imply that factoring is not in the complexity class P (polynomial) and thus P and NP (nondeterministic polynomial) are distinct, solving the long-standing P versus NP question': None,
'note The fact that some problems are solved faster on classical hardware and some on the DW2 raises the possibility of a hybrid approach that benefits by solving a problem instance using both, and then selecting the best solution found': None,
"note We compare quantum annealing only to classical simulated annealing and simulated quantum annealing in this study. Another example of a limited quantum speedup would be Shor's factoring algorithm running on a fully coherent quantum computer vs a classical computer where the period finding using a quantum circuit has been replaced by a classical period finding algorithm": None,
'note While one can in principle look for an optimal annealing time for each individual problem instance, we instead determine an averaged optimal annealing time for each problem size by annealing many instances at various annealing times , and then use these for all future problems of that size': None}
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