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PiBa-NL / haproxy, remove 'app' after selecting backend
Last active June 22, 2022 02:25
haproxy, remove /app after selecting backend
Code to change a request from / to /app1/
reqirep ^([^\ :]*)\ /(.*) \1\ /app1/\2
If urls in the response contain absolute urls it might be required to use this:
acl no_redir url_beg /app1/
reqirep ^([^\ :]*)\ /(.*) \1\ /app1/\2 if !no_redir
The code makes sure that the method and url-path behind the / stays the same. Which method you need exactly might depend on the application thats running.
For readability of the above how change a request from /app1/ to /app1/app1redir/
reqirep ^([^\ :]*)\ /app1/(.*) \1\ /app1/app1redir/\2
PiBa-NL / haproxy, sending the source ip to the webserver.
Created December 21, 2014 23:24
haproxy, sending the source ip to the webserver.
To send the ip addres of the client/webbrowser to the server/webserver behind it there are a few options:
1- option forwardfor
2- send-proxy
3- source usesrc clientip
1- option forwardfor
This is an easy option to configure in haproxy, it does require that http layer7 processing is used 'mode http' and the webserver/ webapplication that wants to log or use the ip of the client must use the http-header 'X-Forwarded-For' to read the clientip.
2- send-proxy / send-proxy-v2 / send-proxy-*
This is can be used both with mode tcp and http, it does however require that the server also understands the proxyprotocol. Some applications have added support for this protocol which adds a few bytes with ip information before the actual request.