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Forked from eliben/
Created August 8, 2012 20:29
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Some takes on Eli Bendersky's implementation of Rob Pike's template lexer in Go.
from collections import namedtuple
# A token has
# type: one of the TOK_* constants
# value: string value, as taken from input
Token = namedtuple('Token', 'type value')
class LexerError(Exception): pass
class TemplateLexer(object):
""" A lexer for the template language. Initialize with the input
string, and then call lex() which generates tokens. None is
generated at EOF (and the generator expires).
def __init__(self, input):
self.items = []
self.input = input
self.pos = 0
self.curstart = 0
self.state = self._lex_text
def nextItem(self):
while self.state:
if self.items:
return self.items.pop(0)
self.state = self.state()
#--------- Internal ---------#
_LEFT_META = '{{'
_RIGHT_META = '}}'
def _eof(self):
return self.pos >= len(self.input)
def _emit(self, toktype):
tok = Token(toktype, self.input[self.curstart:self.pos])
self.curstart = self.pos
def _lex_text(self):
while not self._eof():
if self.input.startswith(self._LEFT_META, self.pos):
# {{ here. Emit the text we've seen so far.
if self.pos > self.curstart:
return self._lex_left_meta
self.pos += 1 # ZZZ: can't just find to next {{ here?
# Reached EOF. Emit trailing text.
if self.pos > self.curstart:
def _lex_left_meta(self):
self.pos += len(self._LEFT_META)
return self._lex_inside_action
def _lex_right_meta(self):
self.pos += len(self._RIGHT_META)
return self._lex_text
def _lex_inside_action(self):
while not self._eof():
if self.input.startswith(self._RIGHT_META, self.pos):
return self._lex_right_meta
self.pos += 1
# Reached EOF
raise LexerError('Unterminated action')
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
text = r'''
Some text here {{range $s.Text}} and here {{1.2 "%g"}} too {{.}}
text = r'''
Some text here {{action}} and here {{action2}}'''
tlex = TemplateLexer(text)
for t in iter(tlex.nextItem, None):
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First variation:

This corresponds most closely to the first version of Rob Pike's lexer, as presented in his talk. This involved the following changes:

  • This uses concurrent generators (a.k.a. generator-based tasks/coroutines) like Go goroutines, and a synchronizing queue (items) like a Go channel.
  • The scheduler implementation used in this snippet is multitask, but a number of others should work equally well.
  • Python < 3.3 compatibility: The yield from becomes a yield (multitask implements it appropriately), and valued return statements have to be written out as raise StopIteration(...) instead.

Second variation:

This is the same as the first, but using concurrent OS threads instead of concurrent generators. The only significant code change is the removal of yields, and the actual thread pool initialization.

Third variation:

This corresponds to the second version of Rob Pike's Go lexer. Like the Go version, this uses no concurrency features: just the modified nextItem() runner. (I also modified this to use a plain list instead of a queue, but that's only for illustrative purposes.)

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To see what actually changed between each variation, i'd recommend looking them in a checkout, with a history browser.

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