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Last active May 2, 2024 23:54
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OPNsense Custom script and Cron (example : an Alias Table URL with high frequency refresh)

OPNsense Custom script and Cron


Solution to high frequency refresh of an Alias (table ip) from an URL.

I have a service which provide my own blacklist of ip.
I want to grab the blacklist of ip each minute and automatically drop all connection from it under OPNsense.
I have already spamhaus installed (with their alias).

To solve it, I need :

  • an alias to make firewall rules
  • a script to download my blacklist
  • a new cron command available under OPNsense GUI
  • a cron job

an alias to make firewall rules

Go to Firewall > Aliases and add an Alias

Enabled : checked
Name : MyOwnBlacklist
Type : External (advanced)
Description : Grab from my centralized service about blacklist ip

a script to download my blacklist

Create script in /usr/home/ (or where you want) : vi /usr/home/
Add the content of the according file below (don't forget to change variables)
Set permissions chmod 700

a new cron command available under OPNsense GUI

Create a .conf file in /usr/local/opnsense/service/conf/actions.d/ (your file must start with "actions_")
vi /usr/local/opnsense/service/conf/actions.d/actions_blacklist-update.conf
Add the content of the according file below Restart and reload :

configctl reload : action must be the filename without the prefix "actions_"

service configd restart
configctl blacklist-update reload

a cron job

Go to System > Settings > Cron and add a Job
You can show your cron command in dropdown Command
Plan your cron as like as you want...

command:/usr/local/bin/flock -n -E 0 -o /tmp/filter_update_tables_blk.lock /usr/home/
message:IP Blacklist Update
description:Centralized Blacklist IP Update from my own service
# temporary filename
# url to grab
# tablename = alias URL table under Opnsense
# show execution
#set -x
# Get the text file
wget -O "${TMPFILE}" "${TARGET}"
# Update table from temp file
RESULT=`/sbin/pfctl -t ${TABLENAME} -T replace -f ${TMPFILE} 2>&1`
echo "$RESULT" | awk '{ print "$TABLENAME : " $0 }' | logger
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Thanks for this. I had to drop in a DDNS update since neither DDNS plugin works. They should just have a way to add a one-liner and/or a script from the interface that can be captured in the config.xml.

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