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Created August 23, 2015 08:41
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Save Piasy/4d658ebcf9b9a6af29ad to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Android Gradle build script that create jacocoReport task for all sub projects, with some customization
* List of modules that don't require Jacoco
def ignoredByJacoco = [
* module class dirs
* */
def moduleClassDirs = [
'common' : 'build/classes',
'common-android': 'build/intermediates/classes/debug',
'model' : 'build/intermediates/classes/debug',
'presentation' : 'build/intermediates/classes/debug'
* module jacoco exec
* */
def moduleJacocoExec = [
'common' : 'build/jacoco/test.exec',
'common-android': 'build/jacoco/testDebugUnitTest.exec',
'model' : 'build/jacoco/testDebugUnitTest.exec',
'presentation' : 'build/jacoco/testDebugUnitTest.exec'
* module excludes
* */
def moduleExcludes = [
'common' : [
'common-android': [
'model' : [
'presentation' : [
* Apply additional build steps to sub-projects
subprojects { prj ->
// Apply Jacoco only if the project is not in the ignore list
if (!ignoredByJacoco.contains( {
apply plugin: 'jacoco'
jacoco {
version rootProject.ext.jacocoVersion
task jacocoReport(type: JacocoReport, dependsOn: 'test') {
group = 'Reporting'
description = 'Generate Jacoco coverage reports after running tests.'
reports {
xml.enabled = true
html.enabled = true
classDirectories = fileTree(
dir: moduleClassDirs[],
excludes: moduleExcludes[]
sourceDirectories = files('src/main/java')
executionData = files(moduleJacocoExec[])
doFirst {
renameClasses( + File.separator + moduleClassDirs[])
apply plugin: 'jacoco'
jacoco {
toolVersion rootProject.ext.jacocoVersion
* Root task that generates an aggregated Jacoco test coverage report for all sub-projects
task jacocoFullReport(type: JacocoReport, group: 'Coverage reports') {
group = 'Reporting'
description = 'Generates an aggregate report from all subprojects'
// Get list of projects which should be included in the report
def projects = new ArrayList()
subprojects.each { prj ->
if (!ignoredByJacoco.contains( {
//noinspection GrUnresolvedAccess
additionalSourceDirs = generateSourceFiles(projects)
sourceDirectories = generateSourceFiles(projects)
classDirectories = generateClassDirs(projects, moduleClassDirs, moduleExcludes)
executionData = files(projects.jacocoReport.executionData)
reports {
html {
enabled true
destination 'build/reports/jacoco/full'
xml {
enabled true
destination 'build/reports/jacoco/full/jacocoFullReport.xml'
doFirst {
//noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck
executionData = files(executionData.findAll { it.exists() })
* Generate a FileCollection of all projects source files
FileCollection generateSourceFiles(Collection projects) {
def dirs = []
projects.each { prj ->
return files(dirs)
* Generate a FileCollection of all projects class files
FileCollection generateClassDirs(Collection projects, moduleClassDirs, moduleExcludes) {
def tree = fileTree('directory does not exists') // I know it's ugly :)
projects.each { prj ->
//noinspection GrReassignedInClosureLocalVar
tree += fileTree(
dir: "${}/${moduleClassDirs[]}",
excludes: moduleExcludes[]
return tree
List<File> listDirRecursive(File rootPath) {
List<File> result = new ArrayList<>()
List<File> children = rootPath.listFiles()
children.each { file ->
if (file.isFile()) {
} else if (file.isDirectory()) {
return result
void renameClasses(String rootPath) {
List<File> classes = listDirRecursive(file(rootPath))
classes.each { file ->
if ('$$')) {
file.renameTo(file.path.replace('$$', '$'))
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