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Created September 16, 2015 03:13
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jQuery snapPuzzle v1.0.0
Copyright (c) 2014 Hans Braxmeier / Simon Steinberger / Pixabay
$.fn.snapPuzzle = function(options){
var o = $.extend({ pile: '', containment: 'document', rows: 5, columns: 5, onComplete: function(){} }, options);
// public methods
if (typeof options == 'string') {
var that = $(this),
o ='options'),
pieceWidth = that.width() / o.columns,
pieceHeight = that.height() / o.rows,
pile = $(o.pile),
maxX = pile.width() - pieceWidth,
maxY = pile.height() - pieceHeight,
puzzle_offset = that.closest('span').offset(),
pile_offset = pile.offset();
if (options == 'destroy') {
} else if (options == 'refresh') {
var x_y = $(this).data('pos').split('_'), x = x_y[0], y = x_y[1];
width: pieceWidth,
height: pieceHeight,
left: y*pieceWidth,
top: x*pieceHeight
if ($(this).data('slot')) {
// placed on slot
var x_y = $(this).data('slot').split('_'), slot_x = x_y[0], slot_y = x_y[1],
x_y = $(this).data('pos').split('_'), pos_x = x_y[0], pos_y = x_y[1];;
width: pieceWidth,
height: pieceHeight,
left: slot_y*pieceWidth+puzzle_offset.left-pile_offset.left,
top: slot_x*,
backgroundPosition: (-pos_y*pieceWidth)+'px '+(-pos_x*pieceHeight)+'px',
backgroundSize: that.width()
} else {
// placed anywhere else
var x_y = $(this).data('pos').split('_'), x = x_y[0], y = x_y[1];
width: pieceWidth,
height: pieceHeight,
left: Math.floor((Math.random()*(maxX+1))),
top: Math.floor((Math.random()*(maxY+1))),
backgroundPosition: (-y*pieceWidth)+'px '+(-x*pieceHeight)+'px',
backgroundSize: that.width()
return this;
function init(that){
var puzzle_class = 'sp_'+new Date().getTime(),
puzzle = that.wrap('<span class="snappuzzle-wrap"/>').closest('span'),
src = that.attr('src'),
pieceWidth = that.width() / o.columns,
pieceHeight = that.height() / o.rows,
pile = $(o.pile).addClass('snappuzzle-pile'),
maxX = pile.width() - pieceWidth,
maxY = pile.height() - pieceHeight;
o.puzzle_class = puzzle_class;'options', o);
for (var x=0; x<o.rows; x++) {
for (var y=0; y<o.columns; y++) {
$('<div class="snappuzzle-piece '+puzzle_class+'"/>').data('pos', x+'_'+y).css({
'box-shadow' : '10px 10px 5px #888',
width: pieceWidth,
height: pieceHeight,
position: 'absolute',
'overflow-x': 'hidden',
left: 1500,
top: 500,
// left: x + 2000,
// top: y+ 500,
zIndex: Math.floor((Math.random()*10)+1),
backgroundImage: 'url('+src+')',
backgroundPosition: (-y*pieceWidth)+'px '+(-x*pieceHeight)+'px',
backgroundSize: that.width()
start: function(e, ui){ $(this).removeData('slot'); },
stack: '.snappuzzle-piece'
// containment: o.containment
}).attr("id", "snappuzzle-piece-id_"+x+'_'+y).appendTo(pile).data('lastSlot', pile);
$('<div class="snappuzzle-slot '+puzzle_class+'"/>').data('pos', x+'_'+y).css({
width: pieceWidth,
height: pieceHeight,
left: y*pieceWidth,
top: x*pieceHeight
}).attr("id", "snappuzzle-slot-id"+x+'_'+y).appendTo(puzzle).droppable({
accept: '.'+puzzle_class,
hoverClass: 'snappuzzle-slot-hover',
drop: function(e, ui){
var slot_pos = $(this).data('pos');
// prevent dropping multiple pieces on one slot
if ($(this).data('slot') == slot_pos)
slot_pos = false;
// console.log(slot_pos);
if (!slot_pos) {
return false;
}'lastSlot', $(this)).data('slot', slot_pos);
ui.draggable.position({ of: $(this), my: 'left top', at: 'left top' });
if ('pos')==slot_pos) {
// fix piece
// $(this).droppable('disable').fadeIn().fadeOut();
$(this).droppable('disable').css('opacity', 1).fadeOut(1000);
ui.draggable.css({opacity: 0, cursor: 'auto'}).draggable('disable');
if ($('.snappuzzle-piece.correct.'+puzzle_class).length == o.rows*o.columns){
return this.each(function(){
if (this.complete) init($(this));
else $(this).load(function(){ init($(this)); });
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