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Created June 14, 2018 22:36
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A hook for WHMCS which disables email notifications for invoices with a zero total. Modified from existing code to use the new Capsule database handler ( ).
if (!defined("WHMCS"))
die("This file cannot be accessed directly");
use WHMCS\Database\Capsule;
function disable_00_invoices($vars) {
$merge_fields = array();
$email_template_name = $vars['messagename']; # Email template name being sent
$relid = $vars['relid']; # Related ID it's being sent for - client ID, invoice ID, etc...
//Checking for certain template name, if so - this is our case
if ($email_template_name == "Invoice Created" || $email_template_name == "Invoice Payment Confirmation"){
//getting total of the invoice
$inv_total = Capsule::table('tblinvoices')->where('id', $relid)->pluck('total');
if( is_array($inv_total) ){
$inv_total = $inv_total[0];
//if it is equal to '0.00' we disable email sending
if ( null !== $inv_total && '0.00' == $inv_total )
$merge_fields['abortsend'] = true;
return $merge_fields;
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