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Created August 22, 2019 18:33
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LibP2P Node with circuit
'use strict'
/* eslint-disable no-console */
const Libp2p = require('libp2p')
const TCP = require('libp2p-tcp')
const Circuit = require('libp2p-circuit')
const SPDY = require('libp2p-spdy')
const SECIO = require('libp2p-secio')
const MulticastDNS = require('libp2p-mdns')
const DHT = require('libp2p-kad-dht')
const defaultsDeep = require('@nodeutils/defaults-deep')
const PeerId = require('peer-id')
const PeerInfo = require('peer-info')
const PeerBook = require('peer-book')
const Switch = require('libp2p-switch')
const relayId = "QmemquW1rBrxZ4nq1KvNSKgHiRqKhXQdcW4ZvWSMftVAuy";
const relayPort = "54783";
const createRelaySwitch = () => {
const listenerPeerId = PeerId.createFromB58String(relayId);
const listenerPeerInfo = new PeerInfo(listenerPeerId);
const listenerMultiaddr = `/ip4/${relayPort}`;
const peerBook = new PeerBook();
return new Switch(listenerPeerInfo, peerBook);
class NodeCircuit extends Libp2p {
constructor (_options) {
const defaults = {
modules: {
transport: [
new Circuit(createRelaySwitch(), null)
streamMuxer: [
connEncryption: [
/** Encryption for private networks. Needs additional private key to work **/
// connProtector: new Protector(/*protector specific opts*/),
/** Enable custom content routers, such as delegated routing **/
// contentRouting: [
// new DelegatedContentRouter(
// ],
/** Enable custom peer routers, such as delegated routing **/
// peerRouting: [
// new DelegatedPeerRouter()
// ],
peerDiscovery: [
dht: DHT // DHT enables PeerRouting, ContentRouting and DHT itself components
// libp2p config options (typically found on a config.json)
config: { // The config object is the part of the config that can go into a file, config.json.
peerDiscovery: {
autoDial: true, // Auto connect to discovered peers (limited by ConnectionManager minPeers)
mdns: { // mdns options
interval: 1000, // ms
enabled: true
webrtcStar: { // webrtc-star options
interval: 1000, // ms
enabled: false
// .. other discovery module options.
relay: { // Circuit Relay options
enabled: true,
hop: {
enabled: false,
active: false
dht: {
kBucketSize: 20,
enabled: true,
randomWalk: {
enabled: true, // Allows to disable discovery (enabled by default)
interval: 300e3,
timeout: 10e3
// Enable/Disable Experimental features
EXPERIMENTAL: { // Experimental features ("behind a flag")
pubsub: false
// overload any defaults of your bundle using
super(defaultsDeep(_options, defaults))
module.exports = NodeCircuit
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