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Created January 31, 2023 08:34
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Is a helper function used in any of the functions called in my package?
# I'm wondering where readr::show_progress() is used in library(frictionless)
# map the current package
package_map <- pkgapi::map_package(".")
# load functions into env
# extract arguments
arguments <- filter(package_map$defs,exported) %>%
pull(name) %>%
purrr::map(rlang::as_function) %>%
purrr::map(rlang::fn_fmls) %>%
purrr::set_names(pull(filter(package_map$defs,exported), name))
# what functions call other functions internally? (edges of dependency network)
edges <-
purrr::map(arguments,names) %>%
purrr::map(~tibble(to=.x)) %>%
purrr::map2(names(.),~mutate(.x,from = .y)) %>%
# function to find string (function usage) in file, in this case,
# in the code of the package I want to find it's usage in
search_in_file <- function(str_to_check) {
purrr::map_lgl(list.files("../frictionless-r/R", full.names = TRUE),
# what functions within readr call show_progress()? (have the argument progress?)
to_check <- filter(edges,to == "progress") %>%
pull(from) %>%
# are these functions used in frictionless? (including comments)
purrr::map(to_check,~list.files("../frictionless-r/R")[search_in_file(.x)]) %>%
purrr::set_names(to_check) %>%
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