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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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  • Save PifyZ/21b74938a37297e8e6ba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save PifyZ/21b74938a37297e8e6ba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
TerraNova en Nim
rm Essai01
nim \
--cincludes:libhang/include \
--clibdir:libhang/src \
--passL:-lhang \
--parallelBuild:1 \
c Essai01.nim
if [ -f Essai01 ]; then
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:.:./libhang/src" ./Essai01
# Portage pur
lhMutex = object
id: int64
lhWindow = object
id: int64
x: int
y: int
width: uint
height: uint
graphic_ctx_mutex: ref lhMutex
# core: lh_core_ctx_t
# gl: lh_gl_funcs_t
lhColor {.importc: "lh_rgba_t", header: "<libhang.h>".} = tuple
r: float
g: float
b: float
a: float
lhVec3 {.importc: "lh_vec3_t", header: "<libhang.h>".} = tuple
x: float
y: float
z: float
lhDistance {.importc: "lh_distances_t", header: "<libhang.h>"} = tuple
near: float
far: float
lhObj = object
id: int
# lh_obj_class_t *obj_class;
# void (*delete_proc)(struct lh_s_window *, struct lh_s_obj *);
# void *private_data;
pos : lhVec3
angle: lhVec3
is_visible: bool
culling_enabled: bool
reversed_culling: bool
depth_test_enabled: bool
is_illuminable: bool
custom_textures: ref uint
# lh_dynamic_type_t *custom_uniforms_data;
# lh_buffer_t custom_buffers[LH_NB_BUFS];
nb_clones: uint
# struct s_LinkedList clones;
nb_allocated_clones: uint
# struct s_LinkedList gc_clones;
proc lhInit(): void
{.importc, header: "<libhang.h>".}
proc lhCreateWindow(title: cstring; x, y: cint; width, height: cuint; depth, dblBuf: cint): ptr lhWindow
{.importc, header: "<libhang.h>".}
proc lhSetBackColor(window: ptr lhWindow; color: lhColor): void
{.importc, header: "<libhang.h>".}
proc lhStartDrawing(window: ptr lhWindow): void
{.importc, header: "<libhang.h>".}
proc lhEnterEventLoop(window: ptr lhWindow): void
{.importc, header: "<libhang.h>".}
proc lhRegColoredCube(window: ptr lhWindow): int
{.importc, header: "<libhang.h>".}
proc lhNewColoredCube(window: ptr lhWindow; side: float; pos, angle: lhVec3; color: lhColor; isVisible: bool): ptr lhObj
{.importc, header: "<libhang.h>".}
proc lhEnableLight(window: ptr lhWindow; num, lightType: cint): void
{.importc, header: "<libhang.h>".}
proc lhSetCameraPos(window: ptr lhWindow; pos: lhVec3): void
{.importc, header: "<libhang.h>".}
proc lhSetRenderDistances(window: ptr lhWindow; distance: lhDistance): void
{.importc, header: "<libhang.h>".}
proc lhSetAmbientLight(window: ptr lhWindow; color: lhColor): void
{.importc, header: "<libhang.h>".}
proc lhSetLightParameters(window: ptr lhWindow; num: cint; color: lhColor; pos: lhVec3): void
{.importc, header: "<libhang.h>".}
# Test
var window = lhCreateWindow("TerraNova", 0, 0, 640.cuint, 480.cuint, 1, 1)
var color = (r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.3, a: 1.0).lhColor
lhSetBackColor(window, color)
lhSetRenderDistances(window, (near: 0.1, far: 100.0).lhDistance)
lhSetAmbientLight(window, (r: 0.4, g: 0.4, b: 0.4, a: 1.0).lhColor)
lhSetCameraPos(window, (x: 0.0, y: 2.0, z: 0.0).lhVec3)
# lhEnableLight(window, 0)
# lh_obj_t *cube = lhNewColoredCube(
# window,
# 1.0,
# &LH_VEC3(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z),
# &LH_VEC3(angle_x, angle_y, angle_z),
# &LH_RGBA(r, g, b, a),
discard lhRegColoredCube(window)
var cube = lhNewColoredCube(
(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 4.0).lhVec3,
(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0).lhVec3,
(r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0).lhColor,
# Portage corrigé
Window = object
win: ptr lhWindow
Color = tuple
r, g, b, a: int
proc init() =
proc newWindow(title: string; x, y: int; width, height: uint): Window = = lhCreateWindow(title.cstring, x.cint, y.cint, width.cuint, height.cuint, 1, 1)
proc setBackgroundColor(window: Window, c: Color) =
r = c.r / 255
g = c.g / 255
b = c.b / 255
a = c.a / 100
co = (r: r, g: g, b: b, a: a).lhColor
lhSetBackColor(, co)
proc run(window: Window) =
# Test
var window = newWindow("TerraNova", 0, 0, 640, 480)
window.setBackgroundColor(Color(r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 100))
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