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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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Apprentissage de l'Haskell
module Main where
import Data.Char (isDigit)
data Associativity = Ltr | Rtl deriving (Eq)
data Expr = ConstInt Float
| Add Expr Expr
| Sub Expr Expr
| Mul Expr Expr
| Div Expr Expr deriving (Show)
eval tree =
case tree of
ConstInt a -> a
Add a b -> eval a + eval b
Sub a b -> eval a - eval b
Mul a b -> eval a * eval b
Div a b -> eval a / eval b
associativity op =
case op of
"+" -> Ltr
"-" -> Ltr
"*" -> Ltr
"/" -> Ltr
priority op =
case op of
"+" -> 0
"-" -> 0
"*" -> 1
"/" -> 1
operation op =
case op of
"+" -> Add
"-" -> Sub
"*" -> Mul
"/" -> Div
ops = "+-*/()"
isOp = (`elem` ops)
opsStack = ["+", "-", "*", "/"]
isOpStack = (`elem` opsStack)
readInt = takeWhile isDigit
parse [] accum = accum
parse c@(x:xs) accum
| isDigit x =
let num = readInt c in
parse (drop (length num) c) (accum ++ [num])
| isOp x = parse xs (accum ++ [[x]])
| otherwise = parse xs accum
niToNpi [] out stack = out ++ reverse stack
niToNpi (x:xs) out stack
| all isDigit x = niToNpi xs (out ++ [x]) stack
| x == "(" = niToNpi xs out (stack ++ [x])
| x == ")" =
let p newout newstack =
case last newstack of
"(" -> (newout, init newstack)
val -> p (newout ++ [val]) (init newstack)
in let a = p out stack in
niToNpi xs (fst a) (snd a)
| isOpStack x =
let p newout newstack
| null newstack = (newout, newstack)
| isOpStack $ last newstack =
if (associativity x == Ltr && priority x <= priority (last newstack)) || (associativity x == Rtl && priority x < priority (last newstack)) then
p (newout ++ [last newstack]) (init newstack)
(newout, newstack)
| otherwise = (newout, newstack)
in let a = p out stack in
niToNpi xs (fst a) (snd a ++ [x])
genAst [] ast = ast
genAst (tok:xs) ast
| all isDigit tok = genAst xs $ ast ++ [ConstInt (read tok :: Float)]
| isOpStack tok =
genAst xs $ (init $ init ast) ++ [(operation tok) (last $ init ast) (last ast)]
--calc = "55 * (6 + 2) * 5"
main = do
putStrLn "> "
calc <- getLine
--putStrLn (show (parse calc []))
--putStrLn (show (niToNpi (parse calc []) [] []))
--putStrLn (show (genAst (niToNpi (parse calc []) [] []) []))
if calc == "" then
putStrLn "Au revoir"
else do
putStr "$ "
putStrLn (show (eval (last (genAst (niToNpi (parse calc []) [] []) []))))
NI :
"(2 + 2) * 3"
Ni parsé :
[ (, 2, +, 2, ), *, 3 ]
Npi parsé :
[ 2, 2, +, 3, * ]
Ast :
Mult(Add(ConstInt 2, ConstInt 2), 3)
Résultat :
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