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Last active June 8, 2016 09:31
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import Array
import String
import Html.App as Html
import Json.Decode as Json
import Array exposing (Array)
import Html.Events exposing (keyCode, on, onClick, onInput, targetValue)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
main : Program Never
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = always Sub.none
type ProjectType
= Unknown
| Wordpress
| Prestashop
| Php
| Other String
type alias Project =
{ name : String
, type' : ProjectType
, coreVersion : String
, coreModified : Bool
, content : String
, uid : Int
type alias Model =
{ input : String
, projects : Array Project
, current : Maybe Project
, uid : Int
initProject : Int -> String -> Project
initProject uid name =
{ name = name
, type' = Unknown
, coreVersion = ""
, coreModified = False
, content = ""
, uid = uid
init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
(Model "" Array.empty Nothing 0, Cmd.none)
type Msg
= NoOp
| Input String
| NewProject
| ChangeCurrent Int
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update action model =
case action of
NoOp ->
(model, Cmd.none)
Input newInput ->
({ model | input = newInput}, Cmd.none)
NewProject ->
let projects =
if String.isEmpty model.input then
project = initProject model.uid model.input
Array.push project model.projects
({ model
| input = ""
, projects = projects
, uid = (model.uid + 1) }
, Cmd.none)
ChangeCurrent uid ->
current = Array.get 0 (Array.filter (\x -> x.uid == uid) model.projects)
({ model | current = current }, Cmd.none)
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [] [ header', section' model, footer' ]
header' : Html Msg
header' =
header [] [ text "Projects manager" ]
onEnter : Msg -> Msg -> Attribute Msg
onEnter fail action =
tagger code =
if code == 13 then
on "keyup" ( tagger keyCode)
targetValueIntDecoder : Json.Decoder Int
targetValueIntDecoder =
targetValue `Json.andThen` \val ->
case String.toInt val of
Ok i ->
Json.succeed i
Err err -> err
section' : Model -> Html Msg
section' model =
projects = Array.toList model.projects
section []
[ div []
[ label [] [ text "Nom du projet" ]
, input [ onInput Input, onEnter NoOp NewProject, value model.input, type' "text" ] []
, div []
[ button [ onClick NewProject ] [ text "Valider" ]
, projectsListView projects
, projectsListUlView projects
, uProjectView model.current
, typesListView
footer' : Html Msg
footer' =
footer [] [ text "2016" ]
listTypes : List ProjectType
listTypes =
[ Unknown
, Wordpress
, Prestashop
, Php
, Other "Autre"
typesListView : Html Msg
typesListView =
select [] ( typeView ( typeToString listTypes))
typeView : String -> Html Msg
typeView type' =
option [] [ text type' ]
projectsListView : List Project -> Html Msg
projectsListView projects =
select [ on "change" ( ChangeCurrent targetValueIntDecoder) ] ( projectView (List.sortBy (.name) projects))
projectView : Project -> Html Msg
projectView project =
option [ value (toString project.uid) ] [ text ]
projectsListUlView : List Project -> Html Msg
projectsListUlView projects =
ul [] ( projectUlView (List.sortBy (.name) projects))
projectUlView : Project -> Html Msg
projectUlView project =
li [] [ text ]
typeToString : ProjectType -> String
typeToString projectType =
case projectType of
Unknown ->
Wordpress ->
Prestashop ->
Php ->
Other type' ->
uProjectView : Maybe Project -> Html Msg
uProjectView project =
case project of
Nothing ->
div [] [ text "-- ERROR --" ]
Just p ->
div []
[ div []
[ span [] [ text "Nom du projet : " ]
, span [] [ text ]
, div []
[ span [] [ text "Type : " ]
, span [] [ text (typeToString p.type') ]
, div []
[ span [] [ text "Version du cœur : " ]
, span [] [ text p.coreVersion ]
, div []
[ span [] [ text "Cœur modifié : " ]
, span [] [ text (if p.coreModified then "Oui" else "Non") ]
, div []
[ span [] [ text "Contenu : " ]
, span [] [ text p.content ]
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