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Last active July 5, 2022 18:53
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  • Save Pigpog/2c85ee4987d6d55069d34c850a30f190 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Pigpog/2c85ee4987d6d55069d34c850a30f190 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. scraper bash script using dmenu and mpv
# Your search on the kisscartoon website
query="$(echo "" | dmenu -p "Search:" | tr ' ' '+')";
[ -z "$query" ] && exit;
# Each search result as HTML elements, containing names and URLs of shows
results="$(curl --silent "$query" | grep -F 'oldtitle')";
# The name of the result you chose
chosenSeriesName="$(echo "$results" | cut -f10 -d\" | dmenu -i -l 10 -p "Pick a result")";
[ -z "$chosenSeriesName" ] && exit;
# Get the URL of the result you selected
chosenSeriesUrl="$(echo "$results" | grep -F "$chosenSeriesName\"" | cut -f2 -d\")";
# Get episode list and filter for episode link elements
episodes="$(curl --silent "$chosenSeriesUrl" | grep -F "les-title")";
# If there are no episodes, you probably chose a movie
if [ -z "$episodes" ]; then
echo "you chose a movie"
# Use the movie URL
# The name of the episode you selected
selectedEpisode="$(echo "$episodes" | cut -f3 -d\> | cut -f1 -d\< | dmenu -i -l 10)";
[ -z "$selectedEpisode" ] && exit;
# Grab the URL for your choice in the episode list
selectedUrl="$(echo "$episodes" | grep -F "$selectedEpisode" | cut -f4 -d\")";
# Find the kisscartoon catalog ID of the episode
filmId=$(curl --silent "$selectedUrl" | grep -F "var filmId = " | cut -f2 -d\");
# Query for the CDN's ID for the video
videoId="$(curl --silent "$filmId" -H 'authority:' -H 'accept: */*' --compressed | cut -f2 -d\=)";
# Get an m3u8 playlist of video pieces, and filter just the URLs
pieceUrls="$(curl --silent "$videoId/$videoId.m3u8" | grep -F "https")";
for piece in $pieceUrls
curl --silent "$piece" -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'Origin:' --fail --fail-early --compressed || break;
done | mpv -
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