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Created September 5, 2017 19:03
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function htmlEsc(html: string) :: string:
return "%{HtmlEscapers}.htmlEscaper().escape({_html})%"
on script load:
start web server on port 80 if not already started
function getList(string: string) :: string:
return "<li style=""list-style-type: none;"">%{_string}%</li>"
on web request:
if requested path is "/" or "/action_page.php":
send back header "Content-type" with value "text/html"
!! <center><b>Skript Chat Room</b></center>
!! <form action="/action_page.php">
!! Username: <br>
!! <input type="text" name="author" placeholder="Anon"><br>
!! <input type="text" name="message" placeholder="Message"><br>
!! <input type="submit" value="Send">
!! </form>
!! <iframe id="chat" src="/chat" width="100%%" height="100%%"></iframe>
!! <script>setInterval(function(){document.getElementById('chat').contentWindow.location.reload(true);}, 2000)</script>
send back multiline string
stop request
on web request with path "/chat":
send back header "Content-type" with value "text/html"
send back join "<ul style=""list-style-type: none;"">", {chat::*} and "</ul>" with ""
stop request
on web request:
set {_post::*} to post vars
if {_post::*} is set:
if {_post::message} is set:
add getList("<li style=""list-style-type: none;"">%join ""<"" and ""b>"" with """"%%check [{_post::author} is """"] ? ""Anon"" : htmlEsc({_post::author})%:</b> %htmlEsc({_post::message})%<br>") to {chat::*}
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