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Created March 29, 2017 21:25
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module Lib
) where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Matrix
data Color = White | Black deriving (Eq, Show)
other :: Color -> Color
other White = Black
other Black = White
type Field = (Int, Int)
data GameState = GameState {
whosTurn :: Color,
board :: Board
type Board = Matrix (Maybe Piece)
-- class Piece p where
-- possibleMoves :: p -> GameState -> [Field]
-- ident :: p -> Int
-- color :: p -> Color
data Piece = Piece {
indent :: Int,
color :: Color,
isKing :: Bool
-- | TODO Reader monad looks great, but I seem to lack the abstractions
successors :: GameState -> [GameState]
successors = undefined
-- successors = do
-- color <- whosTurn
-- pieces <- allPiecesOfColor color
-- gs <- ask
-- return $ concatMap
successorsFromPiece :: Piece -> GameState -> [GameState]
successorsFromPiece piece = do
pots <- potentialMoves piece
gs <- ask
let potentialSuccessors = map (\field -> movePieceToField piece field gs) pots -- TODO how to make it prettier?
myColor <- reader whosTurn
return $ filter (not . isCheck myColor) potentialSuccessors
-- | UNDEF
movePieceToField :: Piece -> Field -> GameState -> GameState
movePieceToField = undefined
-- | UNDEF
potentialMoves :: Piece -> GameState -> [Field]
potentialMoves = undefined
isCheck :: Color -> GameState -> Bool
isCheck myColor = do
let yourColor = other myColor
myKing <- kingOfColor myColor
yourPieces <- allPiecesOfColor yourColor
gs <- ask
return $ any (\yourPiece -> threatens yourPiece myKing gs) yourPieces
isMate :: GameState -> Bool
isMate = do
color <- whosTurn
check <- isCheck color
suc <- successors
return $ check && null suc
-- | UNDEF
allPiecesOfColor :: Color -> GameState -> [Piece]
allPiecesOfColor = undefined
-- | UNDEF
position :: Piece -> GameState -> Field
position = undefined
-- | UNDEF
kingOfColor :: Color -> GameState -> Piece
kingOfColor = undefined
threatens :: Piece -> Piece -> GameState -> Bool
threatens p1 p2 = do
pos <- position p2
pots <- potentialMoves p1
return $ pos `elem` pots
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