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Created July 5, 2019 21:31
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import zio.{DefaultRuntime, Task, ZIO}
object Example extends App {
object Console {
trait Service {
def getStrLn(): Task[String]
def putStrLn(s: String): Task[Unit]
trait Console {
def console: Console.Service
object cs {
def getStrLn(): ZIO[Console, Throwable, String] =
def putStrLn(s: String): ZIO[Console, Throwable, Unit] =
trait ConsoleLive extends Console {
def console: Console.Service =
new Console.Service {
def getStrLn(): Task[String] = ZIO.effect(StdIn.readLine())
def putStrLn(s: String): Task[Unit] = ZIO.effectTotal(println(s))
object ConsoleLive extends ConsoleLive
class TestService extends Console.Service {
private var stdin: List[String] = List()
private var stdout: List[String] = List()
def setStdIn(s: List[String]): Task[Unit] =
ZIO.effectTotal { stdin = s }
def getStdOut: Task[List[String]] =
def getStrLn(): Task[String] =
for {
res <- Task(stdin)
x :: xs = res
_ <- ZIO.effectTotal { stdin = xs }
} yield x
def putStrLn(s: String): Task[Unit] =
ZIO.effectTotal { stdout = s :: stdout }
trait TestConsole extends Console {
val console: TestService = new TestService
object TestConsole extends TestConsole
def code: ZIO[Console, Throwable, Unit] =
for {
name <- cs.getStrLn()
_ <- cs.putStrLn(name)
} yield ()
def code1: ZIO[Any, Throwable, Unit] =
def code2: ZIO[Any, Throwable, Unit] =
def run(args: List[String]) = {
val runtime = new DefaultRuntime {}
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