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Created May 5, 2016 19:55
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<p>State of the World Children 2016 Report</p>
<p>As we mark 25 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, The State of the World’s Children calls for brave and fresh thinking to address age-old
problems that still affect the most disadvantaged children. In particular, the report calls for innovation – and for the best and brightest solutions coming
from communities to be taken to scale to benefit every child.</p><p>The Convention itself was an innovation that recognized children as people with rights that
must be respected equally to the rights of adults. It has helped drive remarkable progress for millions of children, but far too many are still being left behind.</p>
</p>The report highlights how new ways of solving problems – often emerging from local communities and young people themselves – can help us overcome age-old inequities
that prevent millions of children from surviving, thriving and making the most of their potential.</p>
<p>To finish unfinished business, we need to innovate. This means creating interconnected systems and new networks of problem-solvers that cross sectors, generations
and geographies. It means scaling up local solutions to solve global challenges – and adapting them in new contexts. It means shaping new markets and spurring the private
sector to design for development. It means creating solutions together with communities, and with a view to including all their members – preventing innovation from widening
gaps. It means doing things differently, to drive change for children.</p>
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* Sector type mapped to a style rule.
* @type {Object}
* @const
'Residential': {
'min': 0,
'max': 100,
'colors': [
'Total': {
'min': 0,
'max': 20000,
'colors': [
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where: generateWhere(newMin, sector),
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fillColor: colors[i],
fillOpacity: 0.9
layer.set('styles', styles);
function generateWhere(minNum, sector) {
var whereClause = new Array();
whereClause.push("Sector = '");
whereClause.push("' AND 'col3>>0' >= ");
return whereClause.join('');
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"FROM 1HmmcYqmsf45dSb2xJVGsjtg6VH_R1aty9uSb9SbD WHERE Country = '" + county + "'",
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options: {
title: county,
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