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Created October 16, 2015 08:55
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Save PiotrZakrzewski/bbd35702912732b18f95 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
heatmap.r script with test data. Requires gplots. Run main() function after sourcing to make the heatmap.
df <- data.frame(Row.Label= as.character(1:5) , Bio.marker=as.character(2:6), z=11:15, u=26:30)
df2 <- data.frame(Row.Label= as.character(1:5) , Bio.marker=as.character(2:6), z=11:15, u=26:30)
loaded_variables <- list("first one"=df, "second" = df2)
dataset1color <- "coral3"
dataset2color <- "chartreuse3"
labelColumns <- c("Row.Label","Bio.marker")
#Input expected 1 or 2 dataframes ofwith columns: Row.Label, Bio.marker, ASSAY_0001 ASSAY_0002 ...
main <- function(){
datasets <- parseInput(loaded_variables) #this will just make sure we have either 1 or 2 dataframes in a list
measurements <- extractMeasurements(datasets) #extract the numeric part - as a numeric matrix is needed for the heatmap.2 function
humanReadableNames <-extractNames(datasets)
measurements <- assignNames(measurements,humanReadableNames) #combine label with Biomarker(if present) and assign as a name to be displayed on the heatmap
measurements <- transform(measurements) #log2 transform the numerical matrix with measurements
grouping <- extractGrouping(datasets) #Grouping determines coloring of the samples - one color for dataset1 and a different one for dataset2
makeHeatmap(measurements,grouping) # plot the heatmap and save it in the working directory as a .png file
parseInput <- function(variables){
datasets <- list()
varLength <- length(variables)
if(varLength > 1){
datasets <- list(dataset1 = variables[[1]], dataset2 = variables[[2]])
else if(varLength == 1){
datasets <- list(dataset1 = variables[[1]])
extractGrouping <- function(datasets){
ds1Length <- ncol(datasets[[1]]) - length(labelColumns)
grouping <- rep(dataset1color,ds1Length)
if(length(datasets) > 1){
ds2Length <- ncol(datasets[[2]]) - length(labelColumns)
secondSetGrouping <- rep(dataset2color,ds2Length)
grouping <- c(grouping,secondSetGrouping)
extractMeasurements <- function(datasets){
measurements <- extractMeasurement(datasets[[1]])
if(length(datasets) > 1){
secondDsMeasurements <-extractMeasurement(datasets[[2]])
measurements <- cbind(measurements,secondDsMeasurements)
extractMeasurement <- function(dataset){
measurements <- subset(dataset,select=-c(Row.Label,Bio.marker)) # this will select all columns other than Row.Label,Bio.marker columns
measurements <- data.matrix(measurements)
assignNames <- function(measurements, humanReadableRowNames){
rownames(measurements) <- humanReadableRowNames
extractNames <- function(datasets){
humanReadableNames <- datasets[[1]]$Row.Label
# if(length(datasets) > 1){
# namesSecondDs <- datasets[[2]]$Row.Label
# humanReadableNames <- c(humanReadableNames, namesSecondDs)
# }
transform <- function(measurements){
measurements <- log(measurements,2)
makeHeatmap <- function(measurements,grouping){
png(filename="heatmap.png",width = 800,height=800)
scale = "none",
dendrogram = "none",
Rowv = NA,
Colv = NA, = "none", # histogram", #"histogram","density","none")
trace = "none",
ColSideColors= as.character(grouping)
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