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Created April 25, 2023 21:49
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Evocati 3.19.0 - April 25th, Build B (EPTU.8451869) Patch Notes

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Star Citizen Patch 3.19.0b

Alpha Patch 3.19.0 has been released to Evocati, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.18.9-PTU.8451869.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\PTU.

  • Database Reset: Yes
  • Long Term Persistence: Enabled
  • Pledge Copy: Enabled (Prospector and Mole loaners)
  • Starting aUEC: 1,000,000

The current build is under NDA Please log out then back in on the issue council site to see the Evocati environment there. Please make sure to only select the Evocati 3.18 environment when creating IC reports while the builds are Evocati only

Please monitor etf-testing-chat in spectrum for updates and testing instructions. USER.cfg settings: r_displaySessionInfo = 1

Note: This patch does not contain all of the intended features, which will be added iteratively to the notes as they become available. Additionally, some features may be implemented in a partial state and as such are not ready for testing. When those features reach a playable state they will be detailed on the notes and added to the "Testing Focus". Please issue council all issues related to those in testing focus and in general gameplay.

Testing Focus

As with all major new releases, we are looking to see what the stability is once we get this out onto the PTU with you all. If we determine this build is far too unstable to remain we may take this build down after a short while until after we resolve the stability issues. Our goal is to be able to leave this build up over the weekend though!

  • General Stability
  • Lorville Skyline 2.0
  • Salvage Contract Missions
  • Tractor Beam - T0.5 - Item Attaching and Detaching
  • Mining Balancing v01

Coming soon!

These features are in partial states and will not a testing focus. Please do not report bug or feedback until added as a full feature. Thank you!

  • Ghost Hollow Reclaimer PVP Mission (Not Ready for Testing and Feedback)

Known Issues

  • Landing Pad 04 missing from Sector 4, leaving floating assets
  • All shops missing sales inventory with Merlin or Archimedes stored
  • Rescue Service Beacon corrupts and becomes square / block characters while downed at mission locations
  • Launching Star Marine After Being in Arena Commander launches Arena Commander instead
  • AC - PTU/LIVE - WaitForPlayerSpawn Connection Timeout
  • Aegis Reclaimer - Stanton - Ships / Vehicles - Ship Features - Reclaimer has no rear Elevator interaction from ship exterior
  • Aegis Reclaimer - All Variants - Stanton - Reclaimer main on-elevator control panels do not respond to input
  • ARGO MOLE - Stanton - Vehicles / UI - The interaction prompts for ALL mining turrets are easy to miss/in unintuitive locations for players
  • CNOU HoverQuad - Vehicles / Locations - The vehicle spawns slightly stuck in the ground
  • Global - UI - 21:9 resolution - Hints do not appear when loading into universe on an Ultra Wide setting
  • Multivehicle - Stanton - UI / Vehicles / Mining - Mining UI is appearing in Low Resolution
  • RSI Constellation Multivariant - Stanton - Vehicles / Ships / Docking - The snub fighter lacks interaction prompts to enter it, making it unusable
  • Shard - Shards can fail to load after a crash / restart with a "RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED" error during QueryZoneHosts
  • Stanton - Actor Feature - Greycat Multitool / RMC Canister - Issues with RMC Canister reload behavior
  • Stanton - AI / FPS - Enemy combat AI is slow to respond or react
  • Stanton - Ghost hollow - Reclaimer PVP Mission / Game code / Mission Feature - Extraction terminals cannot be interacted with before and after the comms array has been de-activated
  • Stanton - Locations - Aberdeen - Klescher Rehabilitation Facility - Missions - Ursa rovers can sometimes spawn under the garages, preventing prisoner escape
  • Stanton - Locations - ArcCorp / Crusader - Area18 / Orison - Core Tech / Transit Systems - The Trams are out of sync with the station timers, causing trams to overlap or not appear on time
  • Stanton - Multilocation/Multivehicle - Shopping - Store kiosks won't populate locations if certain ships are stored
  • Stanton - Multitool - FPS Hull Scraping - The Salvage attachment has the VFX of the tractor beam and does not function
  • Stanton - Security Post Kareah - Mission Content / Art - VisArea - Contraband screens have a visarea issue
  • Stanton - Ships - ASOP Terminal - Spawning ships causes the requested ship to spawn outside of the hangars
  • Stanton - Shopping - Area 18 - Pharmacy Kiosk - Buying Pharmacy Items at Empire Health results in "Invalid Location" error
  • Stanton - Yela - Grim Hex - Mission Giver - AI / Missions - Wallace Klim becomes stuck under the floor near the hangars after being streamed out and streamed back in

Feature Updates


  • Added more Kiosks to Area 18's Cubby Blast


  • Tractor Beam - T0.5 - Item Attaching and Detaching

    • Enabling hand held tractor beams to attach and detach items such as ship components and allowing players to sell those salvaged items for profit. This iteration of the tractor beam gameplay will add the functionality to the tractor beam attachment of the multitool to detach and attach items from ships itemPorts. This functionality can either be used for component exchange, replacement or restocking (rockets) or to scavenge other ships to use or make a profit. Players can lock and unlock the ability to remove weapons and components from their ship by locking/unlocking the exterior through the pilot seat. While aiming at a component with a tractor beam to detatch it, hold "B" and it will highlight the object with a glow around its perimeter/shape. Left click and drag to pull the component lose from its socket/hardpoint. While attaching components, an AR marker will appear to give players guidance on the correct orientation to attach the component in correctly. If the holo outline is green simply let go of the item and it will attach. If the holo outline is yellow, rotate the item until the outline turns green. If the holo outline is red, the item does not fit the Item port requirements. Tractor beam detach mode made default. Allow Display of Ship Item Names.
  • Salvage Claim Polish Pass

    • Additional fixes to help travel to Salvage objective. Fixed objective completing before player gets to their salvage. Added progress bar to lawless contract, fixed “Travel to Salvage” objective completing before getting there. Changed completion percentage from 90% to 80% for Easy and Medium contracts.
  • Mining Balancing v01

    • With 3.19 comes updates to both Ship and FPS mining with wide-sweeping balance changes to sell prices, refining effectiveness and costs, component stats, multi-crew mining efficiency, mineable difficulties and masses with larger asteroids, resource distribution, as well as the addition of new mineables. The goal in 3.19 is to make multi-crew mining more attractive and even out all materials to make them all more lucrative instead of a select few.

      • Known Blocking issue: Refining is currently broken and will not function so we are currently only focusing on the mining processes itself for feedback and testing
  • Ship mining

    • Resource Distribution has been updated to reflect a more distinct distribution of minerals throughout Stanton. Which means that several locations (per planet/moon) now hold exclusive resources rather, than full random resources. Additionally we defined so called “standard” resources that are a given in each minable you will encounter. The rest of the elements have chances to appear in those rocks. The updated resource distribution is also reflected in the trading availability and refining capabilities. Every mining gadget, head, and sub item has had a full balance pass for stats, cost, and efficiencies. Every item that is connected to mining gameplay loop was updated to target specific resources to be mined better or worse depending on the setup of your Mining Head. Multi-crew mining has also been balanced with the Mole getting a buff on instability if the same lasers fire on the same rock, while the Prospector will get a punishment for multiple prospectors firing at the same rock on instability.
  • FPS mining

    • A new minable is introduced that is only available in the new caves systems and has a high value to encourage players to go mining with their FPS tools outside of prison.
  • Changes in the Mining Update

    • Resource Update

      • Concept of minable rarities for resources: Standard (base resource of a minable always part of any rock, like Iron. Common (chance to be part of the rock like beryl). Uncommon (chance to be part of the rock like Gold). Rare (chance to be part of the rock like Qunatainium)
      • Dedicated location for resources that have the standard rarity (like Arial having Iron and Quartz)
      • Updated properties for resources (each resource should affect the properties of the rock based on their amount)
      • Updated mass for minables (resource composition affects the mass of the rock
      • More variant rock sizes/masses. Small ones that do not need breaking to massive rocks that require multiple players)
      • Additional rock types with unique chances for resource compositions
      • Removed Diamonds temporarily
  • FPS Mining Update

    • Added Janalite as FPS minable to caves (very rare but very valuable)
  • Resource Refining and prices (Currently Blocked - Not requesting feedback or bugs on this part of the loop)

  • Updated resource prices and demands at TDDs. The further away from the standard material the more profit

  • Updated refinery yield and time for certain material to encourage longer distances to travel for the best money/hour

  • Full item rework

    • Mining heads now have a min/max laser power
    • Mining heads have different laser power per size
    • Mining heads have different extraction speeds where there is also a difference between S1 and S2
    • Mining heads have different ideal distances
    • Updated resistance values for all mining items
    • Updated instability mitigating values for all mining items
    • Unified properties for all Mining modules and Mining Gadgets
    • Buffed Active modules drastically
    • Added new property exclusive to mining gadgets: Called Cluster modifier that clusters element together à if you split a rock it increases the chance that the elements are together in one of the broken pieces)
    • Filtering on some items that remove the inert from the rocks you are collecting
    • Sub item slots on Mining Heads are different between S1 and S2
    • Resistance reduction now is multiplicative
    • Instability update
  • UI Update

    • Difficulty forecast that tells you how easy it is to break the rock you are facing
    • Reordered some elements of the UI
    • Details of the mining items you have currently equipped
    • Details on your current cargo
    • Clearer scanning display and clearer explanation what is happening during scanning
  • Synergy Tractor Beam

    • Allow to detach attach Mining modules/ Heads/ sacks

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed - Valkyrie - Vehicles / Actor - Players are unable to vault / climb / mantle in to vehicles via the side entrances
  • Fixed - Design / Locations - Rocks float above the ground everywhere on Wala/Magda/Ariel/Aberdeen/lyria
  • Fixed - Lorville Skyline - Design/Locations - The restricted Area around the CBD building is very big, overlapping on the racetrack location
  • Fixed - Lorville- Locations / Restricted Areas / Design - When entering a restricted area, the ship will be impounded before the timer reaches zero
  • Fixed - Multitool - FPS Hull Scraping - The Salvage attachment has the VFX of the tractor beam and does not function
  • Fixed - Missing health component on mining pods
  • Fixed - Salvage - MultiTool - Detaching Mode Does Not Seem to Function
  • Fixed - Players are able to turn on the engines and fly mission salvage vehicles
  • Fixed - Mining / Locations / FPS / Mining - There are no mineable resources or harvestables present in any of the Sand Caves on all of the Moons that they should be present
  • Fixed - Widescreen - Character Customizer can't be used properly due to mouse being offset
  • Fixed - Mission Content - Frustrated With Covalex - UI / MobiGlas - The "Frustrated with Covalex" Delivery Mission is missing half of its description in the Contract Manager
  • Fixed an issue where the intro salvage contracts for the lawful had a incorrect buyin amount
  • Fixed - MULTIVEHICLE - Insurance - Ships - Multiple Components - Player purchased vehicle components are overwritten by stock components when claiming destroyed ship


  • Fixed 3 Client Crashes
  • Fixed 1 Server Crash

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