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Created November 21, 2023 15:27
[Evocati 3.21.X] Replication Layer Playtest

[Evocati Playtest] Replication Layer Tech Preview

Heya Evocati!

We have a special one here from the Network Team today!

Paul, Ivan, and Benoit have put together a Replication Layer build for you all to test on the Tech Preview Channel today for a roughly 4 hour playtest if all goes well!

With this first preview of the tech, we will be on a 3.21.0 build and there shouldn't be much noticeable while playing besides 1 major feature.

Server Crash Recovery

Server Crash Recovery is implemented in this test. The recovery process may also take a long time and we ask that if possible, people stay connected and wait it out.

Some/many game systems may show odd behavior after recovery such as being in a different position or other loss of state.

Known Issues / Features Not Enabled

There are some MAJOR known issues for this build to avoid so please read these over!

  • PU - Stanton - Network / Actor - Player unable to die in 80 player play test
    • Several players were unable to die / unable to be killed by other players during our recent playtest. This has only been seen with high concurrency of players
  • PU - Stanton - Lorville - Locations / Art - Visareas in Teasa Spaceport is completely missing
    • This entirely Blocks EVO from getting a Vehicle at Teasa Spaceport and leaving the LZ
  • PU - Stanton - Game Code / Characters - Player's will not be logged out of their ship bed's properly they will be booted into deep space
    • Players will find themselves stuck in space when inevitably trying to log out via their ship bed
  • PU - Missions - Missions does not get accepted when viewed in the Accepted Tab within the contracts manager
    • EVO will have no access to any Missions on this RC Build
  • PU - Stanton - Mining / Network - Mineable rocks turn invisible on approach
    • EVO will be Blocked from Mining Asteroids on this RC build
  • PU - UI / Network - Party markers are not present for players
    • EVO will find it difficult to keep track of each other, especially without any active missions
  • (SERVER MESHING SPECIFIC) - PU - NETWORK - QT - After a server crash during a QT the quantum fuel isn't accounted for the distance travelled when the server comes back online
    • Exploit allowing players to unintentionally not spend any fuel during Quantum Travel
  • (SERVER MESHING SPECIFIC) - PU - Locations / Transit / Network - After server has recovered from a crash shuttles and elevators will desync the player from them
    • Blocks players from continuing without a reset

Testing Schedule

The playtest is scheduled to start at 10am CST | 16:00 UTC and run for 4 hours on the Tech Preview Channel

During this playtest, play as normal, keeping in mind the known issues above!

The Network Team will be in Spectrum and watching servers throughout this test so any questions here or in ETF-Testing-Chat might be addressed!

Thank you all so much for joining us in this first, initial test of the Replication Layer!


Player Experience

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